

-export([start_link/1, init/1, loop/1, skip/2, skip/3]).

-type state() :: #{buffer := string(), original := string()}.


-hank([{unnecessary_function_arguments, [{skip, 3}]}]).

%% API

-spec new(string() | binary()) -> pid().
new(Str) when is_binary(Str) ->
new(Str) ->

%% IO server
%% Implementation of a subset of the io protocol in order to only support
%% reading operations.

-spec start_link(string()) -> pid().
start_link(Str) ->
    spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [Str]).

-spec init(string()) -> ok.
init(Str) ->
    State = #{buffer => Str, original => Str},

-spec loop(state()) -> ok.
loop(#{buffer := Str} = State) ->
        {io_request, From, ReplyAs, Request} ->
            {Reply, NewStr} = request(Request, Str),
            _ = reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
            ?MODULE:loop(State#{buffer := NewStr});
        {file_request, From, Ref, close} ->
            file_reply(From, Ref, ok);
        {file_request, From, Ref, {position, Pos}} ->
            {Reply, NewState} = file_position(Pos, State),
            _ = file_reply(From, Ref, Reply),
        _Unknown ->

-spec reply(pid(), pid(), any()) -> any().
reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply) ->
    From ! {io_reply, ReplyAs, Reply}.

-spec file_reply(pid(), pid(), any()) -> any().
file_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply) ->
    From ! {file_reply, ReplyAs, Reply}.

-spec file_position(integer(), state()) -> {any(), state()}.
file_position(Pos, #{original := Original} = State) ->
    Buffer = lists:nthtail(Pos, Original),
    {{ok, Pos}, State#{buffer => Buffer}}.

-spec request(any(), string()) -> {string() | {error, request}, string()}.
request({get_chars, _Encoding, _Prompt, N}, Str) ->
    get_chars(N, Str);
request({get_line, _Encoding, _Prompt}, Str) ->
request({get_until, _Encoding, _Prompt, Module, Function, XArgs}, Str) ->
    get_until(Module, Function, XArgs, Str);
request(_Other, State) ->
    {{error, request}, State}.

-spec get_chars(integer(), string()) -> {string() | eof, string()}.
get_chars(_N, []) ->
    {eof, []};
get_chars(1, [Ch | Str]) ->
    {[Ch], Str};
get_chars(N, Str) ->
    do_get_chars(N, Str, []).

-spec do_get_chars(integer(), string(), string()) -> {string(), string()}.
do_get_chars(0, Str, Result) ->
    {lists:flatten(Result), Str};
do_get_chars(_N, [], Result) ->
    {Result, []};
do_get_chars(N, [Ch | NewStr], Result) ->
    do_get_chars(N - 1, NewStr, [Result, Ch]).

-spec get_line(string()) -> {string() | eof, string()}.
get_line([]) ->
    {eof, []};
get_line(Str) ->
    do_get_line(Str, []).

-spec do_get_line(string(), string()) -> {string() | eof, string()}.
do_get_line([], Result) ->
    {lists:flatten(Result), []};
do_get_line("\r\n" ++ RestStr, Result) ->
    {lists:flatten(Result), RestStr};
do_get_line("\n" ++ RestStr, Result) ->
    {lists:flatten(Result), RestStr};
do_get_line("\r" ++ RestStr, Result) ->
    {lists:flatten(Result), RestStr};
do_get_line([Ch | RestStr], Result) ->
    do_get_line(RestStr, [Result, Ch]).

-spec get_until(module(), atom(), list(), eof | string()) -> {term(), string()}.
get_until(Module, Function, XArgs, Str) ->
    apply_get_until(Module, Function, [], Str, XArgs).

-spec apply_get_until(module(), atom(), any(), string() | eof, list()) ->
                         {term(), string()}.
apply_get_until(Module, Function, State, String, XArgs) ->
    case apply(Module, Function, [State, String | XArgs]) of
        {done, Result, NewStr} ->
            {Result, NewStr};
        {more, NewState} ->
            apply_get_until(Module, Function, NewState, eof, XArgs)

-spec skip(string() | {cont, integer(), string()}, term(), integer()) ->
              {more, {cont, integer(), string()}} | {done, integer(), string()}.
skip(Str, _Data, Length) ->
    skip(Str, Length).

-spec skip(string() | {cont, integer(), string()}, integer()) ->
              {more, {cont, integer(), string()}} | {done, integer(), string()}.
skip(Str, Length) when is_list(Str) ->
    {more, {cont, Length, Str}};
skip({cont, 0, Str}, Length) ->
    {done, Length, Str};
skip({cont, Length, []}, Length) ->
    {done, eof, []};
skip({cont, Length, [_ | RestStr]}, _Length) ->
    {more, {cont, Length - 1, RestStr}}.