
{:keenex, "~> 0.3"}



looks for application variables in the `:keen` app named `:project_id`, `:write_key`, `:read_key`
or if any of those aren't available, it looks for environment variables named `KEEN_PROJECT_ID`, `KEEN_WRITE_KEY`, `KEEN_READ_KEY`

Add it to your applications:

  def application do
    [applications: [:keenex]]

Or call start_link directly either using `start_link\0` or `start_link\3` to pass in variables

{:ok, keen} = Keenex.start_link

# OR

{:ok, keen} = Keenex.start_link("keen_project_id", "keen_write_key", "keen_read_key")

then call functions

{status, response} = Keenex.add_event("dinner.tacos", %{test: "tacos"})

status is either `:ok` or `:error`

response is a Map converted from the json response from Keen.

For info about the content of the results, check out the [Keen API reference](