# kevo_ex
An Elixir client library for Kevo's reverse engineered web API.

Kevo locks were launched by Kiwkset in 2016 and discontinued in 2022. While they're unlikely to receive support for [Seam](, the existing web API should (hopefully) remain (relatively) stable.

## Installation
Add `:kevo_ex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:kevo_ex, "~> 0.1.0"}
<!-- END: VERSION -->

Documentation is available on [HexDocs]( and may also be generated with [ExDoc](

## Usage
Add `Kevo` to your app's supervision tree:
kevo_opts = [
  name: Kevo,
  username: "username",
  password: "password",
  websocket_callback: YourHandlerModule # optional

children = [
  {Kevo, kevo_otps}

Or start the client dynamically:
Kevo.start_link([name: Kevo, username: "username", password: "password"])

#### Configuration
The following configuration options are available:

`:name` - The `name` (aka alias) of the top-level supervisor (required).

`:username` - Your Kevo account username (required).

`:password` - Your Kevo account password (required).

`:websocket_callback` - Websocket callback module (optional).

#### API calls
`Kevo.get_locks/0` - Retrieves all locks visible to the logged in user.

`Kevo.get_lock/1` - Retrieves the given lock's state.

`Kevo.lock/1` - Locks the given lock.

`Kevo.unlock/1` - Unlocks the given lock.

`Kevo.get_events/3` - Gets the provided lock's event history. Follows the frontend's paging behavior.

#### Websocket events
To receive websocket events, provide a `Kevo.Handler` compliant module using the `websocket_callback` option. When a message is recevied, `handle_event/1` will be invoked, passing a map of the received JSON. See the page on [example responses](./pages/

#### Usage notes
- API calls are made to be as concurrently as possible.
- Kevo's websocket accepts no messages and is receive only.
- The websocket will only be opened if `websocket_callback` is provided.
- This library is unopinionated about how you queue or broker events.

## Acknowledgments
Special thanks to the following:
- [dcmeglio](, author of [aiokevoplus]( (used as reference)
- [Bahnburner](, author of [pykevoplus3](
- [cseelye](, author of [pykevoplus](
- [davidlang42](
- [b3nji](