%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
%% Copyright © 2021-2022 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
%% @doc Khepri database API.
%% This module exposes the database API to manipulate data.
%% The API is mainly made of the functions used to perform simple direct atomic
%% operations and queries on the database: {@link get/1}, {@link put/2}, {@link
%% delete/1} and so on. In addition to that, {@link transaction/1} is the
%% starting point to run transaction functions. However the API to use inside
%% transaction functions is provided by {@link khepri_tx}.
%% Functions in this module have simplified return values to cover most
%% frequent use cases. If you need more details about the queried or modified
%% tree nodes, like the ability to distinguish a non-existent tree node from a
%% tree node with no payload, you can use the {@link khepri_adv} module.
%% This module also provides functions to start and stop a simple unclustered
%% Khepri store. For more advanced setup and clustering, see {@link
%% khepri_cluster}.
%% == A Khepri store ==
%% A Khepri store is one instance of Khepri running inside a Ra cluster (which
%% could be made of a single Erlang node). It is possible to run multiple
%% Khepri stores in parallel by creating multiple Ra clusters.
%% A Khepri store is started and configured with {@link start/0}, {@link
%% start/1} or {@link start/3}. To setup a cluster, see {@link
%% khepri_cluster}.
%% When a store is started, a store ID {@link store_id()} is returned. This
%% store ID is then used by the rest of this module's API. The returned store
%% ID currently corresponds exactly to the Ra cluster name. It must be an atom
%% though; other types are unsupported.
%% == Interacting with the Khepri store ==
%% The API provides two ways to interact with a Khepri store:
%% <ul>
%% <li>Direct atomic function for simple operations</li>
%% <li>Transactions for more complex operations</li>
%% </ul>
%% Simple operations are calls like:
%% <ul>
%% <li>Queries: {@link get/1}, {@link exists/1}, {@link has_data/1}, etc.</li>
%% <li>Updates: {@link put/2}, {@link delete/1}, etc.</li>
%% </ul>
%% Transactions are like Mnesia ones. The caller passes an anonymous function
%% to {@link transaction/1}, etc.:
%% ```
%% khepri:transaction(
%% fun() ->
%% khepri_tx:put(Path, Value)
%% end).
%% '''
%% Simple operations are more efficient than transactions, but transactions are
%% more flexible.
%% Functions to start & stop a Khepri store; for more
%% advanced functions, including clustering, see `khepri_cluster'.
start/0, start/1, start/2, start/3,
reset/0, reset/1, reset/2,
stop/0, stop/1,
%% Simple direct atomic operations & queries.
get/1, get/2, get/3,
get_or/2, get_or/3, get_or/4,
get_many/1, get_many/2, get_many/3,
get_many_or/2, get_many_or/3, get_many_or/4,
exists/1, exists/2, exists/3,
has_data/1, has_data/2, has_data/3,
is_sproc/1, is_sproc/2, is_sproc/3,
count/1, count/2, count/3,
fold/3, fold/4, fold/5,
foreach/2, foreach/3, foreach/4,
map/2, map/3, map/4,
filter/2, filter/3, filter/4,
run_sproc/2, run_sproc/3, run_sproc/4,
put/2, put/3, put/4,
put_many/2, put_many/3, put_many/4,
create/2, create/3, create/4,
update/2, update/3, update/4,
compare_and_swap/3, compare_and_swap/4, compare_and_swap/5,
delete/1, delete/2, delete/3,
delete_many/1, delete_many/2, delete_many/3,
clear_payload/1, clear_payload/2, clear_payload/3,
clear_many_payloads/1, clear_many_payloads/2,
register_trigger/3, register_trigger/4, register_trigger/5,
register_projection/2, register_projection/3, register_projection/4,
%% Transactions; `khepri_tx' provides the API to use inside
%% transaction functions.
transaction/1, transaction/2, transaction/3, transaction/4,
wait_for_async_ret/1, wait_for_async_ret/2,
%% Bang functions: they return the value directly or throw an error.
'get!'/1, 'get!'/2, 'get!'/3,
'get_or!'/2, 'get_or!'/3, 'get_or!'/4,
'get_many!'/1, 'get_many!'/2, 'get_many!'/3,
'get_many_or!'/2, 'get_many_or!'/3, 'get_many_or!'/4,
'exists!'/1, 'exists!'/2, 'exists!'/3,
'has_data!'/1, 'has_data!'/2, 'has_data!'/3,
'is_sproc!'/1, 'is_sproc!'/2, 'is_sproc!'/3,
'count!'/1, 'count!'/2, 'count!'/3,
'put!'/2, 'put!'/3, 'put!'/4,
'put_many!'/2, 'put_many!'/3, 'put_many!'/4,
'create!'/2, 'create!'/3, 'create!'/4,
'update!'/2, 'update!'/3, 'update!'/4,
'compare_and_swap!'/3, 'compare_and_swap!'/4, 'compare_and_swap!'/5,
'delete!'/1, 'delete!'/2, 'delete!'/3,
'delete_many!'/1, 'delete_many!'/2, 'delete_many!'/3,
'clear_payload!'/1, 'clear_payload!'/2, 'clear_payload!'/3,
'clear_many_payloads!'/1, 'clear_many_payloads!'/2,
export/2, export/3, export/4,
import/2, import/3,
info/1, info/2]).
-compile({no_auto_import, [get/1, get/2, put/2, erase/1]}).
%% FIXME: Dialyzer complains about several functions with "optional" arguments
%% (but not all). I believe the specs are correct, but can't figure out how to
%% please Dialyzer. So for now, let's disable this specific check for the
%% problematic functions.
-dialyzer({no_underspecs, [start/1, start/2,
stop/0, stop/1,
put/2, put/3,
create/2, create/3,
update/2, update/3,
compare_and_swap/3, compare_and_swap/4,
transaction/2, transaction/3,
-type store_id() :: atom().
%% ID of a Khepri store.
%% This is the same as the Ra cluster name hosting the Khepri store.
-type data() :: any().
%% Data stored in a tree node's payload.
-type payload_version() :: pos_integer().
%% Number of changes made to the payload of a tree node.
%% The payload version starts at 1 when a tree node is created. It is increased
%% by 1 each time the payload is added, modified or removed.
-type child_list_version() :: pos_integer().
%% Number of changes made to the list of child nodes of a tree node (child
%% nodes added or removed).
%% The child list version starts at 1 when a tree node is created. It is
%% increased by 1 each time a child is added or removed. Changes made to
%% existing nodes are not reflected in this version.
-type child_list_length() :: non_neg_integer().
%% Number of direct child nodes under a tree node.
-type node_props() ::
#{data => khepri:data(),
has_data => boolean(),
sproc => khepri_fun:standalone_fun(),
is_sproc => boolean(),
payload_version => khepri:payload_version(),
child_list_version => khepri:child_list_version(),
child_list_length => khepri:child_list_length(),
child_names => [khepri_path:node_id()]}.
%% Structure used to return properties, payload and child nodes for a specific
%% tree node.
%% The payload in `data' or `sproc' is only returned if the tree node carries
%% something. If that key is missing from the returned properties map, it means
%% the tree node has no payload.
%% By default, the payload (if any) and its version are returned by functions
%% exposed by {@link khepri_adv}. The list of returned properties can be
%% configured using the `props_to_return' option (see {@link tree_options()}).
-type trigger_id() :: atom().
%% An ID to identify a registered trigger.
-type async_option() :: boolean() |
ra_server:command_correlation() |
ra_server:command_priority() |
%% Option to indicate if the command should be synchronous or asynchronous.
%% Values are:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`true' to perform an asynchronous low-priority command without a
%% correlation ID.</li>
%% <li>`false' to perform a synchronous command.</li>
%% <li>A correlation ID to perform an asynchronous low-priority command with
%% that correlation ID.</li>
%% <li>A priority to perform an asynchronous command with the specified
%% priority but without a correlation ID.</li>
%% <li>A combination of a correlation ID and a priority to perform an
%% asynchronous command with the specified parameters.</li>
%% </ul>
-type reply_from_option() :: leader | local | {member, ra:server_id()}.
%% Options to indicate which member of the cluster should reply to a command
%% request.
%% Note that commands are always handled by the leader. This option only
%% controls which member of the cluster carries out the reply.
%% <ul>
%% <li>`leader': the cluster leader will reply. This is the default value.</li>
%% <li>`{member, Member}': the given cluster member will reply.</li>
%% <li>`local': a member of the cluster on the same Erlang node as the caller
%% will perform the reply.</li>
%% </ul>
%% When `reply_from' is `{member, Member}' and the given member is not part of
%% the cluster or when `reply_from' is `local' and there is no member local to
%% the caller, the leader member will perform the reply. This mechanism uses
%% the cluster membership information to decide which member should reply: if
%% the given `Member' or local member is a member of the cluster but is offline
%% or unreachable, no reply may be sent even though the leader may have
%% successfully handled the command.
-type command_options() :: #{timeout => timeout(),
async => async_option(),
reply_from => reply_from_option()}.
%% Options used in commands.
%% Commands are {@link put/5}, {@link delete/3} and read-write {@link
%% transaction/4}.
%% <ul>
%% <li>`timeout' is passed to Ra command processing function.</li>
%% <li>`async' indicates the synchronous or asynchronous nature of the
%% command; see {@link async_option()}.</li>
%% <li>`reply_from' indicates which cluster member should reply to the
%% command request; see {@link reply_from_option()}.</li>
%% </ul>
-type favor_option() :: consistency | compromise | low_latency.
%% Option to indicate where to put the cursor between freshness of the
%% returned data and low latency of queries.
%% Values are:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`consistent' means that a "consistent query" will be used in Ra. It
%% will return the most up-to-date piece of data the cluster agreed on. Note
%% that it could block and eventually time out if there is no quorum in the Ra
%% cluster.</li>
%% <li>`compromise' performs "leader queries" most of the time to reduce
%% latency, but uses "consistent queries" every 10 seconds to verify that the
%% cluster is healthy on a regular basis. It should be faster but may block
%% and time out like `consistent' and still return slightly out-of-date
%% data.</li>
%% <li>`low_latency' means that "local queries" are used exclusively. They are
%% the fastest and have the lowest latency. However, the returned data is
%% whatever the local Ra server has. It could be out-of-date if it has
%% troubles keeping up with the Ra cluster. The chance of blocking and timing
%% out is very small.</li>
%% </ul>
-type query_options() :: #{timeout => timeout(),
favor => favor_option()}.
%% Options used in queries.
%% <ul>
%% <li>`timeout' is passed to Ra query processing function.</li>
%% <li>`favor' indicates where to put the cursor between freshness of the
%% returned data and low latency of queries; see {@link favor_option()}.</li>
%% </ul>
-type tree_options() :: #{expect_specific_node => boolean(),
props_to_return => [payload_version |
child_list_version |
child_list_length |
child_names |
payload |
has_payload |
include_root_props => boolean()}.
%% Options used during tree traversal.
%% <ul>
%% <li>`expect_specific_node' indicates if the path is expected to point to a
%% specific tree node or could match many nodes.</li>
%% <li>`props_to_return' indicates the list of properties to include in the
%% returned tree node properties map. The default is `[payload,
%% payload_version]'. Note that `payload' and `has_payload' are a bit special:
%% the actually returned properties will be `data'/`sproc' and
%% `has_data'/`is_sproc' respectively. `raw_payload' is for internal use
%% only.</li>
%% <li>`include_root_props' indicates if root properties and payload should be
%% returned as well.</li>
%% </ul>
-type put_options() :: #{keep_while => khepri_condition:keep_while()}.
%% Options specific to updates.
%% <ul>
%% <li>`keep_while' allows to define keep-while conditions on the
%% created/updated tree node.</li>
%% </ul>
-type fold_fun() :: fun((khepri_path:native_path(),
khepri:fold_acc()) -> khepri:fold_acc()).
%% Function passed to {@link khepri:fold/5}.
-type fold_acc() :: any().
%% Term passed to and returned by a {@link fold_fun/0}.
-type foreach_fun() :: fun((khepri_path:native_path(),
khepri:node_props()) -> any()).
%% Function passed to {@link khepri:foreach/4}.
-type map_fun() :: fun((khepri_path:native_path(),
khepri:node_props()) -> khepri:map_fun_ret()).
%% Function passed to {@link khepri:map/4}.
-type map_fun_ret() :: any().
%% Value returned by {@link khepri:map_fun/0}.
-type filter_fun() :: fun((khepri_path:native_path(),
khepri:node_props()) -> boolean()).
%% Function passed to {@link khepri:filter/4}.
-type ok(Type) :: {ok, Type}.
%% The result of a function after a successful call, wrapped in an "ok" tuple.
-type error(Type) :: {error, Type}.
%% Return value of a failed command or query.
-type error() :: error(any()).
%% The error tuple returned by a function after a failure.
-type minimal_ret() :: ok | khepri:error().
%% The return value of update functions in the {@link khepri} module.
-type payload_ret(Default) :: khepri:ok(khepri:data() |
khepri_fun:standalone_fun() |
Default) |
%% The return value of query functions in the {@link khepri} module that work
%% on a single tree node.
%% `Default' is the value to return if a tree node has no payload attached to
%% it.
-type payload_ret() :: payload_ret(undefined).
%% The return value of query functions in the {@link khepri} module that work
%% on a single tree node.
%% `undefined' is returned if a tree node has no payload attached to it.
-type many_payloads_ret(Default) :: khepri:ok(#{khepri_path:path() =>
khepri:data() |
khepri_fun:standalone_fun() |
Default}) |
%% The return value of query functions in the {@link khepri} module that work
%% on many nodes.
%% `Default' is the value to return if a tree node has no payload attached to
%% it.
-type many_payloads_ret() :: many_payloads_ret(undefined).
%% The return value of query functions in the {@link khepri} module that work
%% on a many nodes.
%% `undefined' is returned if a tree node has no payload attached to it.
error/0, error/1,
payload_ret/0, payload_ret/1,
many_payloads_ret/0, many_payloads_ret/1,
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Service management.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec start() -> Ret when
Ret :: khepri:ok(StoreId) | khepri:error(),
StoreId :: khepri:store_id().
%% @doc Starts a store.
%% @see khepri_cluster:start/0.
start() ->
-spec start(RaSystem | DataDir) -> Ret when
RaSystem :: atom(),
DataDir :: file:filename_all(),
Ret :: khepri:ok(StoreId) | khepri:error(),
StoreId :: khepri:store_id().
%% @doc Starts a store.
%% @see khepri_cluster:start/1.
start(RaSystemOrDataDir) ->
-spec start(RaSystem | DataDir, StoreId | RaServerConfig) -> Ret when
RaSystem :: atom(),
DataDir :: file:filename_all(),
StoreId :: store_id(),
RaServerConfig :: khepri_cluster:incomplete_ra_server_config(),
Ret :: khepri:ok(StoreId) | khepri:error(),
StoreId :: khepri:store_id().
%% @doc Starts a store.
%% @see khepri_cluster:start/2.
start(RaSystemOrDataDir, StoreIdOrRaServerConfig) ->
khepri_cluster:start(RaSystemOrDataDir, StoreIdOrRaServerConfig).
-spec start(RaSystem | DataDir, StoreId | RaServerConfig, Timeout) ->
Ret when
RaSystem :: atom(),
DataDir :: file:filename_all(),
StoreId :: store_id(),
RaServerConfig :: khepri_cluster:incomplete_ra_server_config(),
Timeout :: timeout(),
Ret :: khepri:ok(StoreId) | khepri:error(),
StoreId :: khepri:store_id().
%% @doc Starts a store.
%% @see khepri_cluster:start/3.
start(RaSystemOrDataDir, StoreIdOrRaServerConfig, Timeout) ->
RaSystemOrDataDir, StoreIdOrRaServerConfig, Timeout).
-spec reset() -> Ret when
Ret :: ok | error().
%% @doc Resets the store on this Erlang node.
%% @see khepri_cluster:reset/0.
reset() ->
-spec reset(StoreId | Timeout) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
Timeout :: timeout(),
Ret :: ok | khepri:error().
%% @doc Resets the store on this Erlang node.
%% @see khepri_cluster:reset/1.
reset(StoreIdOrTimeout) ->
-spec reset(StoreId, Timeout) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
Timeout :: timeout(),
Ret :: ok | error().
%% @doc Resets the store on this Erlang node.
%% @see khepri_cluster:reset/2.
reset(StoreId, Timeout) ->
khepri_cluster:reset(StoreId, Timeout).
-spec stop() -> Ret when
Ret :: ok | khepri:error().
%% @doc Stops a store.
%% @see khepri_cluster:stop/0.
stop() ->
-spec stop(StoreId) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
Ret :: ok | khepri:error().
%% @doc Stops a store.
%% @see khepri_cluster:stop/1.
stop(StoreId) ->
-spec get_store_ids() -> [StoreId] when
StoreId :: store_id().
%% @doc Returns the list of running stores.
%% @see khepri_cluster:get_store_ids/0.
get_store_ids() ->
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% get().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec get(PathPattern) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri:payload_ret().
%% @doc Returns the payload of the tree node pointed to by the given path
%% pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `get(StoreId, PathPattern)'
%% with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see get/2.
%% @see get/3.
get(PathPattern) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
get(StoreId, PathPattern).
-spec get
(StoreId, PathPattern) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri:payload_ret();
(PathPattern, Options) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri:payload_ret().
%% @doc Returns the payload of the tree node pointed to by the given path
%% pattern.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`get(StoreId, PathPattern)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `get(StoreId, PathPattern, #{})'.</li>
%% <li>`get(PathPattern, Options)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `get(StoreId, PathPattern, Options)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see get/3.
get(StoreId, PathPattern) when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) ->
get(StoreId, PathPattern, #{});
get(PathPattern, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
get(StoreId, PathPattern, Options).
-spec get(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri:payload_ret().
%% @doc Returns the payload of the tree node pointed to by the given path
%% pattern.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% The `PathPattern' must target a specific tree node. In other words,
%% updating many nodes with the same payload is denied. That fact is checked
%% before the tree node is looked up: so if a condition in the path could
%% potentially match several nodes, an exception is raised, even though only
%% one tree node would match at the time.
%% The returned `{ok, Payload}' tuple contains the payload of the targeted
%% tree node, or `{ok, undefined}' if the tree node had no payload.
%% Example: query a tree node which holds the atom `value'
%% ```
%% %% Query the tree node at `/:foo/:bar'.
%% {ok, value} = khepri:get(StoreId, [foo, bar]).
%% '''
%% Example: query an existing tree node with no payload
%% ```
%% %% Query the tree node at `/:no_payload'.
%% {ok, undefined} = khepri:get(StoreId, [no_payload]).
%% '''
%% Example: query a non-existent tree node
%% ```
%% %% Query the tree node at `/:non_existent'.
%% {error, ?khepri_error(node_not_found, _)} = khepri:get(
%% StoreId, [non_existent]).
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree node to get.
%% @param Options query options.
%% @returns an `{ok, Payload | undefined}' tuple or an `{error, Reason}'
%% tuple.
%% @see get_or/3.
%% @see get_many/3.
%% @see khepri_adv:get/3.
get(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) ->
case khepri_adv:get(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) of
{ok, #{data := Data}} -> {ok, Data};
{ok, #{sproc := StandaloneFun}} -> {ok, StandaloneFun};
{ok, _} -> {ok, undefined};
Error -> Error
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% get_or().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec get_or(PathPattern, Default) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Default :: khepri:data(),
Ret :: khepri:payload_ret(Default).
%% @doc Returns the payload of the tree node pointed to by the given path
%% pattern, or a default value.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `get_or(StoreId, PathPattern,
%% Default)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see get_or/3.
%% @see get_or/4.
get_or(PathPattern, Default) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
get_or(StoreId, PathPattern, Default).
-spec get_or
(StoreId, PathPattern, Default) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Default :: khepri:data(),
Ret :: khepri:payload_ret(Default);
(PathPattern, Default, Options) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Default :: khepri:data(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri:payload_ret(Default).
%% @doc Returns the payload of the tree node pointed to by the given path
%% pattern, or a default value.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`get_or(StoreId, PathPattern, Default)'. Calling it is the same as
%% calling `get_or(StoreId, PathPattern, Default, #{})'.</li>
%% <li>`get_or(PathPattern, Default, Options)'. Calling it is the same as
%% calling `get_or(StoreId, PathPattern, Default, Options)' with the default
%% store ID (see {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see get_or/4.
get_or(StoreId, PathPattern, Default) when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) ->
get_or(StoreId, PathPattern, Default, #{});
get_or(PathPattern, Default, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
get_or(StoreId, PathPattern, Default, Options).
-spec get_or(StoreId, PathPattern, Default, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Default :: khepri:data(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri:payload_ret(Default).
%% @doc Returns the payload of the tree node pointed to by the given path
%% pattern, or a default value.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% The `PathPattern' must target a specific tree node. In other words,
%% updating many nodes with the same payload is denied. That fact is checked
%% before the tree node is looked up: so if a condition in the path could
%% potentially match several nodes, an exception is raised, even though only
%% one tree node would match at the time.
%% The returned `{ok, Payload}' tuple contains the payload of the targeted
%% tree node, or `{ok, Default}' if the tree node had no payload or was not
%% found.
%% Example: query a tree node which holds the atom `value'
%% ```
%% %% Query the tree node at `/:foo/:bar'.
%% {ok, value} = khepri:get_or(StoreId, [foo, bar], default).
%% '''
%% Example: query an existing tree node with no payload
%% ```
%% %% Query the tree node at `/:no_payload'.
%% {ok, default} = khepri:get_or(StoreId, [no_payload], default).
%% '''
%% Example: query a non-existent tree node
%% ```
%% %% Query the tree node at `/:non_existent'.
%% {ok, default} = khepri:get_or(StoreId, [non_existent], default).
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree node to get.
%% @param Default the default value to return in case the tree node has no
%% payload or does not exist.
%% @param Options query options.
%% @returns an `{ok, Payload | Default}' tuple or an `{error, Reason}' tuple.
%% @see get/3.
%% @see get_many_or/4.
%% @see khepri_adv:get/3.
get_or(StoreId, PathPattern, Default, Options) ->
case khepri_adv:get(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) of
{ok, #{data := Data}} -> {ok, Data};
{ok, #{sproc := StandaloneFun}} -> {ok, StandaloneFun};
{ok, _} -> {ok, Default};
{error, ?khepri_error(node_not_found, _)} -> {ok, Default};
Error -> Error
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% get_many().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec get_many(PathPattern) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri:many_payloads_ret().
%% @doc Returns payloads of all the tree nodes matching the given path
%% pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `get_many(StoreId,
%% PathPattern)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see get_many/2.
%% @see get_many/3.
get_many(PathPattern) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
get_many(StoreId, PathPattern).
-spec get_many
(StoreId, PathPattern) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri:many_payloads_ret();
(PathPattern, Options) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri:many_payloads_ret().
%% @doc Returns payloads of all the tree nodes matching the given path
%% pattern.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`get_many(StoreId, PathPattern)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `get_many(StoreId, PathPattern, #{})'.</li>
%% <li>`get_many(PathPattern, Options)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `get_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Options)' with the default store ID (see
%% {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see get_many/3.
get_many(StoreId, PathPattern) when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) ->
get_many(StoreId, PathPattern, #{});
get_many(PathPattern, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
get_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Options).
-spec get_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri:many_payloads_ret().
%% @doc Returns payloads of all the tree nodes matching the given path
%% pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `get_many_or(StoreId,
%% PathPattern, undefined, Options)'.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% The returned `{ok, PayloadsMap}' tuple contains a map where keys correspond
%% to the path to a tree node matching the path pattern. Each key then points
%% to the payload of that matching tree node, or `Default' if the tree node
%% had no payload.
%% Example: query all nodes in the tree
%% ```
%% %% Get all nodes in the tree. The tree is:
%% %% <root>
%% %% `-- foo
%% %% `-- bar = value
%% {ok, #{[foo] := undefined,
%% [foo, bar] := value}} = khepri:get_many(
%% StoreId,
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree nodes to get.
%% @param Options query options.
%% @returns an `{ok, PayloadsMap}' tuple or an `{error, Reason}' tuple.
%% @see get/3.
%% @see get_many_or/4.
%% @see khepri_adv:get_many/3.
get_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) ->
get_many_or(StoreId, PathPattern, undefined, Options).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% get_many_or().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec get_many_or(PathPattern, Default) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Default :: khepri:data(),
Ret :: khepri:many_payloads_ret(Default).
%% @doc Returns payloads of all the tree nodes matching the given path
%% pattern, or a default payload.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `get_many_or(StoreId,
%% PathPattern, Default)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see get_many_or/3.
%% @see get_many_or/4.
get_many_or(PathPattern, Default) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
get_many_or(StoreId, PathPattern, Default).
-spec get_many_or
(StoreId, PathPattern, Default) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Default :: khepri:data(),
Ret :: khepri:many_payloads_ret(Default);
(PathPattern, Default, Options) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Default :: khepri:data(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri:many_payloads_ret(Default).
%% @doc Returns payloads of all the tree nodes matching the given path
%% pattern, or a default payload.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`get_many_or(StoreId, PathPattern, Default)'. Calling it is the same as
%% calling `get_many_or(StoreId, PathPattern, Default, #{})'.</li>
%% <li>`get_many_or(PathPattern, Default, Options)'. Calling it is the same as
%% calling `get_many_or(StoreId, PathPattern, Default, Options)' with the
%% default store ID (see {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see get_many_or/4.
get_many_or(StoreId, PathPattern, Default) when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) ->
get_many_or(StoreId, PathPattern, Default, #{});
get_many_or(PathPattern, Default, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
get_many_or(StoreId, PathPattern, Default, Options).
-spec get_many_or(StoreId, PathPattern, Default, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Default :: khepri:data(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri:many_payloads_ret(Default).
%% @doc Returns payloads of all the tree nodes matching the given path
%% pattern, or a default payload.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% The returned `{ok, PayloadsMap}' tuple contains a map where keys correspond
%% to the path to a tree node matching the path pattern. Each key then points
%% to the payload of that matching tree node, or `Default' if the tree node
%% had no payload.
%% Example: query all nodes in the tree
%% ```
%% %% Get all nodes in the tree. The tree is:
%% %% <root>
%% %% `-- foo
%% %% `-- bar = value
%% {ok, #{[foo] := default,
%% [foo, bar] := value}} = khepri:get_many_or(
%% StoreId,
%% default).
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree nodes to get.
%% @param Default the default value to set in `PayloadsMap' for tree nodes
%% with no payload.
%% @param Options query options.
%% @returns an `{ok, PayloadsMap}' tuple or an `{error, Reason}' tuple.
%% @see get_or/4.
%% @see get_many/3.
%% @see khepri_adv:get_many/3.
get_many_or(StoreId, PathPattern, Default, Options) ->
Fun = fun(Path, NodeProps, Acc) ->
Payload = khepri_utils:node_props_to_payload(
NodeProps, Default),
Acc#{Path => Payload}
khepri_machine:fold(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, #{}, Options).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% exists().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec exists(PathPattern) -> Exists | Error when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Exists :: boolean(),
Error :: khepri:error().
%% @doc Indicates if the tree node pointed to by the given path exists or not.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `exists(StoreId, PathPattern)'
%% with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see exists/2.
%% @see exists/3.
exists(PathPattern) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
exists(StoreId, PathPattern).
-spec exists
(StoreId, PathPattern) -> Exists | Error when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Exists :: boolean(),
Error :: khepri:error();
(PathPattern, Options) -> Exists | Error when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Exists :: boolean(),
Error :: khepri:error().
%% @doc Indicates if the tree node pointed to by the given path exists or not.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`exists(StoreId, PathPattern)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `exists(StoreId, PathPattern, #{})'.</li>
%% <li>`exists(PathPattern, Options)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `exists(StoreId, PathPattern, Options)' with the default store ID (see
%% {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see exists/3.
exists(StoreId, PathPattern) when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) ->
exists(StoreId, PathPattern, #{});
exists(PathPattern, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
exists(StoreId, PathPattern, Options).
-spec exists(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) -> Exists | Error when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Exists :: boolean(),
Error :: khepri:error().
%% @doc Indicates if the tree node pointed to by the given path exists or not.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% The `PathPattern' must target a specific tree node. In other words,
%% updating many nodes with the same payload is denied. That fact is checked
%% before the tree node is looked up: so if a condition in the path could
%% potentially match several nodes, an exception is raised, even though only
%% one tree node would match at the time.
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the nodes to check.
%% @param Options query options such as `favor'.
%% @returns `true' if the tree node exists, `false' if it does not, or an
%% `{error, Reason}' tuple.
%% @see get/3.
exists(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) ->
%% TODO: Use path condition instead.
Options1 = Options#{expect_specific_node => true,
props_to_return => []},
case khepri_adv:get_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Options1) of
{ok, _} ->
{error, ?khepri_error(node_not_found, _)} ->
{error, _} = Error ->
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% has_data().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec has_data(PathPattern) -> HasData | Error when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
HasData :: boolean(),
Error :: khepri:error().
%% @doc Indicates if the tree node pointed to by the given path has data or
%% not.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `has_data(StoreId,
%% PathPattern)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see has_data/2.
%% @see has_data/3.
has_data(PathPattern) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
has_data(StoreId, PathPattern).
-spec has_data
(StoreId, PathPattern) -> HasData | Error when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
HasData :: boolean(),
Error :: khepri:error();
(PathPattern, Options) -> HasData | Error when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
HasData :: boolean(),
Error :: khepri:error().
%% @doc Indicates if the tree node pointed to by the given path has data or
%% not.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`has_data(StoreId, PathPattern)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `has_data(StoreId, PathPattern, #{})'.</li>
%% <li>`has_data(PathPattern, Options)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `has_data(StoreId, PathPattern, Options)' with the default store ID (see
%% {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see has_data/3.
has_data(StoreId, PathPattern) when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) ->
has_data(StoreId, PathPattern, #{});
has_data(PathPattern, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
has_data(StoreId, PathPattern, Options).
-spec has_data(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) -> HasData | Error when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
HasData :: boolean(),
Error :: khepri:error().
%% @doc Indicates if the tree node pointed to by the given path has data or
%% not.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% The `PathPattern' must target a specific tree node. In other words,
%% updating many nodes with the same payload is denied. That fact is checked
%% before the tree node is looked up: so if a condition in the path could
%% potentially match several nodes, an exception is raised, even though only
%% one tree node would match at the time.
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the nodes to check.
%% @param Options query options such as `favor'.
%% @returns `true' if tree the node holds data, `false' if it does not exist,
%% has no payload or holds a stored procedure, or an `{error, Reason}' tuple.
%% @see get/3.
has_data(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) ->
%% TODO: Use path condition instead.
Options1 = Options#{expect_specific_node => true,
props_to_return => [has_payload]},
case khepri_adv:get_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Options1) of
{ok, NodePropsMap} ->
[NodeProps] = maps:values(NodePropsMap),
maps:get(has_data, NodeProps, false);
{error, ?khepri_error(node_not_found, _)} ->
{error, _} = Error ->
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% is_sproc().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec is_sproc(PathPattern) -> IsSproc | Error when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
IsSproc :: boolean(),
Error :: khepri:error().
%% @doc Indicates if the tree node pointed to by the given path holds a stored
%% procedure or not.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `is_sproc(StoreId,
%% PathPattern)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see is_sproc/2.
%% @see is_sproc/3.
is_sproc(PathPattern) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
is_sproc(StoreId, PathPattern).
-spec is_sproc
(StoreId, PathPattern) -> IsSproc | Error when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
IsSproc :: boolean(),
Error :: khepri:error();
(PathPattern, Options) -> IsSproc | Error when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
IsSproc :: boolean(),
Error :: khepri:error().
%% @doc Indicates if the tree node pointed to by the given path holds a stored
%% procedure or not.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`is_sproc(StoreId, PathPattern)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `is_sproc(StoreId, PathPattern, #{})'.</li>
%% <li>`is_sproc(PathPattern, Options)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `is_sproc(StoreId, PathPattern, Options)' with the default store ID (see
%% {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see is_sproc/3.
is_sproc(StoreId, PathPattern) when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) ->
is_sproc(StoreId, PathPattern, #{});
is_sproc(PathPattern, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
is_sproc(StoreId, PathPattern, Options).
-spec is_sproc(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) -> IsSproc | Error when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
IsSproc :: boolean(),
Error :: khepri:error().
%% @doc Indicates if the tree node pointed to by the given path holds a stored
%% procedure or not.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% The `PathPattern' must target a specific tree node. In other words,
%% updating many nodes with the same payload is denied. That fact is checked
%% before the tree node is looked up: so if a condition in the path could
%% potentially match several nodes, an exception is raised, even though only
%% one tree node would match at the time.
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the nodes to check.
%% @param Options query options such as `favor'.
%% @returns `true' if the tree node holds a stored procedure, `false' if it
%% does not exist, has no payload or holds data, or an `{error, Reason}'
%% tuple.
%% @see get/3.
is_sproc(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) ->
%% TODO: Use path condition instead.
Options1 = Options#{expect_specific_node => true,
props_to_return => [has_payload]},
case khepri_adv:get_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Options1) of
{ok, NodePropsMap} ->
[NodeProps] = maps:values(NodePropsMap),
maps:get(is_sproc, NodeProps, false);
{error, ?khepri_error(node_not_found, _)} ->
{error, _} = Error ->
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% count().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec count(PathPattern) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: ok(Count) | error(),
Count :: non_neg_integer().
%% @doc Counts all tree nodes matching the given path pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `count(StoreId,
%% PathPattern)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see count/2.
%% @see count/3.
count(PathPattern) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
count(StoreId, PathPattern).
-spec count
(StoreId, PathPattern) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: ok(Count) | error(),
Count :: non_neg_integer();
(PathPattern, Options) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: ok(Count) | error(),
Count :: non_neg_integer().
%% @doc Counts all tree nodes matching the given path pattern.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`count(StoreId, PathPattern)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `count(StoreId, PathPattern, #{})'.</li>
%% <li>`count(PathPattern, Options)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `count(StoreId, PathPattern, Options)' with the default store ID (see
%% {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see count/3.
count(StoreId, PathPattern) when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) ->
count(StoreId, PathPattern, #{});
count(PathPattern, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
count(StoreId, PathPattern, Options).
-spec count(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: ok(Count) | error(),
Count :: non_neg_integer().
%% @doc Counts all tree nodes matching the given path pattern.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% The root node is not included in the count.
%% Example:
%% ```
%% %% Query the tree node at `/:foo/:bar'.
%% {ok, 3} = khepri:count(StoreId, [foo, ?KHEPRI_WILDCARD_STAR]).
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the nodes to count.
%% @param Options query options such as `favor'.
%% @returns an `{ok, Count}' tuple with the number of matching tree nodes, or
%% an `{error, Reason}' tuple.
count(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) ->
Fun = fun khepri_machine:count_node_cb/3,
Options1 = Options#{expect_specific_node => false},
khepri_machine:fold(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, 0, Options1).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% fold().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec fold(PathPattern, Fun, Acc) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Fun :: khepri:fold_fun(),
Acc :: khepri:fold_acc(),
Ret :: khepri:ok(NewAcc) | khepri:error(),
NewAcc :: Acc.
%% @doc Calls `Fun' on successive tree nodes matching the given path pattern,
%% starting with `Acc'.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `fold(StoreId, PathPattern,
%% Fun, Acc)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see fold/4.
%% @see fold/5.
fold(PathPattern, Fun, Acc) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
fold(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, Acc).
-spec fold
(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, Acc) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Fun :: khepri:fold_fun(),
Acc :: khepri:fold_acc(),
Ret :: khepri:ok(NewAcc) | khepri:error(),
NewAcc :: Acc;
(PathPattern, Fun, Acc, Options) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Fun :: khepri:fold_fun(),
Acc :: khepri:fold_acc(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri:ok(NewAcc) | khepri:error(),
NewAcc :: Acc.
%% @doc Calls `Fun' on successive tree nodes matching the given path pattern,
%% starting with `Acc'.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`fold(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, Acc)'. Calling it is the same as
%% calling `fold(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, Acc, #{})'.</li>
%% <li>`fold(PathPattern, Fun, Acc, Options)'. Calling it is the same as
%% calling `fold(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, Acc, Options)' with the default
%% store ID (see {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see fold/5.
fold(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, Acc) when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) ->
fold(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, Acc, #{});
fold(PathPattern, Fun, Acc, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
fold(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, Acc, Options).
-spec fold(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, Acc, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Fun :: khepri:fold_fun(),
Acc :: khepri:fold_acc(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri:ok(NewAcc) | khepri:error(),
NewAcc :: Acc.
%% @doc Calls `Fun' on successive tree nodes matching the given path pattern,
%% starting with `Acc'.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% Like the function passed to {@link maps:fold/3}, `Fun' must accept the
%% following arguments:
%% <ol>
%% <li>the native path of the tree node being handled</li>
%% <li>the tree node properties map</li>
%% <li>an Erlang term which is either `Acc' for the first matched tree node, or
%% the return value of the previous call to `Fun'</li>
%% </ol>
%% The returned `{ok, NewAcc}' tuple contains the return value of the last call
%% to `Fun', or `Acc' if no tree nodes matched the given path pattern.
%% Example: list all nodes in the tree
%% ```
%% %% List all tree node paths in the tree. The tree is:
%% %% <root>
%% %% `-- foo
%% %% `-- bar = value
%% {ok, [[foo], [foo, bar]]} = khepri:fold(
%% StoreId,
%% fun(Path, _NodeProps, Acc) ->
%% [Path | Acc]
%% end, []).
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree nodes to get.
%% @param Fun the function to call for each matching tree node.
%% @param Acc the Erlang term to pass to the first call to `Fun'.
%% @param Options query options.
%% @returns an `{ok, NewAcc}' tuple or an `{error, Reason}' tuple.
fold(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, Acc, Options) ->
Options1 = Options#{expect_specific_node => false},
khepri_machine:fold(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, Acc, Options1).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% foreach().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec foreach(PathPattern, Fun) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Fun :: khepri:foreach_fun(),
Ret :: ok | khepri:error().
%% @doc Calls `Fun' for each tree node matching the given path pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `foreach(StoreId, PathPattern,
%% Fun)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see foreach/3.
%% @see foreach/4.
foreach(PathPattern, Fun) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
foreach(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun).
-spec foreach
(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Fun :: khepri:foreach_fun(),
Ret :: ok | khepri:error();
(PathPattern, Fun, Options) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Fun :: khepri:foreach_fun(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: ok | khepri:error().
%% @doc Calls `Fun' for each tree node matching the given path pattern.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`foreach(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun)'. Calling it is the same as
%% calling `foreach(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, #{})'.</li>
%% <li>`foreach(PathPattern, Fun, Options)'. Calling it is the same as
%% calling `foreach(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, Options)' with the default
%% store ID (see {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see foreach/4.
foreach(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun) when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) ->
foreach(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, #{});
foreach(PathPattern, Fun, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
foreach(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, Options).
-spec foreach(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Fun :: khepri:foreach_fun(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: ok | khepri:error().
%% @doc Calls `Fun' for each tree node matching the given path pattern.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% Like the function passed to {@link maps:foreach/2}, `Fun' must accept the
%% following arguments:
%% <ol>
%% <li>the native path of the tree node being handled</li>
%% <li>the tree node properties map</li>
%% </ol>
%% Example: print all nodes in the tree
%% ```
%% %% Print all tree node paths in the tree. The tree is:
%% %% <root>
%% %% `-- foo
%% %% `-- bar = value
%% ok = khepri:foreach(
%% StoreId,
%% fun(Path, _NodeProps) ->
%% io:format("Path ~0p~n", [Path])
%% end).
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree nodes to get.
%% @param Fun the function to call for each matching tree node.
%% @param Options query options.
%% @returns `ok' or an `{error, Reason}' tuple.
foreach(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, Options) when is_function(Fun, 2) ->
FoldFun = fun(Path, NodeProps, Acc) ->
_ = Fun(Path, NodeProps),
case fold(StoreId, PathPattern, FoldFun, ok, Options) of
{ok, ok} -> ok;
{error, _Reason} = Error -> Error
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% map().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec map(PathPattern, Fun) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Fun :: khepri:map_fun(),
Ret :: khepri:ok(Map) | khepri:error(),
Map :: #{khepri_path:native_path() => khepri:map_fun_ret()}.
%% @doc Produces a new map by calling `Fun' for each tree node matching the
%% given path pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `map(StoreId, PathPattern,
%% Fun)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see map/3.
%% @see map/4.
map(PathPattern, Fun) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
map(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun).
-spec map
(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Fun :: khepri:map_fun(),
Ret :: khepri:ok(Map) | khepri:error(),
Map :: #{khepri_path:native_path() => khepri:map_fun_ret()};
(PathPattern, Fun, Options) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Fun :: khepri:map_fun(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri:ok(Map) | khepri:error(),
Map :: #{khepri_path:native_path() => khepri:map_fun_ret()}.
%% @doc Produces a new map by calling `Fun' for each tree node matching the
%% given path pattern.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`map(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun)'. Calling it is the same as
%% calling `map(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, #{})'.</li>
%% <li>`map(PathPattern, Fun, Options)'. Calling it is the same as
%% calling `map(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, Options)' with the default
%% store ID (see {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see map/4.
map(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun) when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) ->
map(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, #{});
map(PathPattern, Fun, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
map(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, Options).
-spec map(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Fun :: khepri:map_fun(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri:ok(Map) | khepri:error(),
Map :: #{khepri_path:native_path() => khepri:map_fun_ret()}.
%% @doc Produces a new map by calling `Fun' for each tree node matching the
%% given path pattern.
%% The produced map uses the tree node path as the key, like {@link get_many/3}
%% and the return value of `Fun' as the value.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% Like the function passed to {@link maps:map/2}, `Fun' must accept the
%% following arguments:
%% <ol>
%% <li>the native path of the tree node being handled</li>
%% <li>the tree node properties map</li>
%% </ol>
%% Example: create a map of the form "native path => string path"
%% ```
%% %% The tree is:
%% %% <root>
%% %% `-- foo
%% %% `-- bar = value
%% {ok, #{[foo] => "/:foo",
%% [foo, bar] => "/:foo/:bar"}} = khepri:map(
%% StoreId,
%% fun(Path, _NodeProps) ->
%% khepri_path:to_string(Path)
%% end).
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree nodes to get.
%% @param Fun the function to call for each matching tree node.
%% @param Options query options.
%% @returns `{ok, Map}' or an `{error, Reason}' tuple.
map(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, Options) when is_function(Fun, 2) ->
FoldFun = fun(Path, NodeProps, Acc) ->
Ret = Fun(Path, NodeProps),
Acc#{Path => Ret}
fold(StoreId, PathPattern, FoldFun, #{}, Options).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% filter().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec filter(PathPattern, Pred) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Pred :: khepri:filter_fun(),
Ret :: khepri:many_payloads_ret().
%% @doc Returns a map for which predicate `Pred' holds true in tree nodes
%% matching the given path pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `filter(StoreId, PathPattern,
%% Pred)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see filter/3.
%% @see filter/4.
filter(PathPattern, Pred) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
filter(StoreId, PathPattern, Pred).
-spec filter
(StoreId, PathPattern, Pred) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Pred :: khepri:filter_fun(),
Ret :: khepri:many_payloads_ret();
(PathPattern, Pred, Options) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Pred :: khepri:filter_fun(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri:many_payloads_ret().
%% @doc Returns a map for which predicate `Pred' holds true in tree nodes
%% matching the given path pattern.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`filter(StoreId, PathPattern, Pred)'. Calling it is the same as
%% calling `filter(StoreId, PathPattern, Pred, #{})'.</li>
%% <li>`filter(PathPattern, Pred, Options)'. Calling it is the same as
%% calling `filter(StoreId, PathPattern, Pred, Options)' with the default
%% store ID (see {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see filter/4.
filter(StoreId, PathPattern, Pred) when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) ->
filter(StoreId, PathPattern, Pred, #{});
filter(PathPattern, Pred, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
filter(StoreId, PathPattern, Pred, Options).
-spec filter(StoreId, PathPattern, Pred, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Pred :: khepri:filter_fun(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri:many_payloads_ret().
%% @doc Returns a map for which predicate `Pred' holds true in tree nodes
%% matching the given path pattern.
%% The produced map only contains tree nodes for which `Pred' returned true.
%% The map has the same form as the one returned by {@link get_many/3}
%% otherwise.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% Like the function passed to {@link maps:filter/2}, `Pred' must accept the
%% following arguments:
%% <ol>
%% <li>the native path of the tree node being handled</li>
%% <li>the tree node properties filter</li>
%% </ol>
%% Example: only keep tree nodes under `/:foo'
%% ```
%% %% The tree is:
%% %% <root>
%% %% `-- foo
%% %% `-- bar = value
%% {ok, #{[foo] => undefined,
%% [foo, bar] => value}} = khepri:filter(
%% StoreId,
%% fun
%% ([foo | _], _NodeProps) -> true;
%% (_Path, _NodeProps) -> false
%% end).
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree nodes to get.
%% @param Pred the function to call for each matching tree node.
%% @param Options query options.
%% @returns `{ok, Map}' or an `{error, Reason}' tuple.
filter(StoreId, PathPattern, Pred, Options) when is_function(Pred, 2) ->
FoldFun = fun(Path, NodeProps, Acc) ->
case Pred(Path, NodeProps) of
true ->
Payload = node_props_to_payload(
NodeProps, undefined),
Acc#{Path => Payload};
false ->
fold(StoreId, PathPattern, FoldFun, #{}, Options).
node_props_to_payload(#{data := Data}, _Default) -> Data;
node_props_to_payload(#{sproc := StandaloneFun}, _Default) -> StandaloneFun;
node_props_to_payload(_NodeProps, Default) -> Default.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% run_sproc().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec run_sproc(PathPattern, Args) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Args :: list(),
Ret :: any().
%% @doc Runs the stored procedure pointed to by the given path and returns the
%% result.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `run_sproc(StoreId,
%% PathPattern, Args)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see run_sproc/3.
%% @see run_sproc/4.
run_sproc(PathPattern, Args) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
run_sproc(StoreId, PathPattern, Args).
-spec run_sproc
(StoreId, PathPattern, Args) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Args :: list(),
Ret :: any();
(PathPattern, Args, Options) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Args :: list(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: any().
%% @doc Runs the stored procedure pointed to by the given path and returns the
%% result.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`run_sproc(StoreId, PathPattern, Args)'. Calling it is the same as
%% calling `run_sproc(StoreId, PathPattern, Args, #{})'.</li>
%% <li>`run_sproc(PathPattern, Args, Options)'. Calling it is the same as
%% calling `run_sproc(StoreId, PathPattern, Args, Options)' with the default
%% store ID (see {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see run_sproc/4.
run_sproc(StoreId, PathPattern, Args) when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) ->
run_sproc(StoreId, PathPattern, Args, #{});
run_sproc(PathPattern, Args, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
run_sproc(StoreId, PathPattern, Args, Options).
-spec run_sproc(StoreId, PathPattern, Args, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Args :: list(),
Options :: khepri:query_options(),
Ret :: any().
%% @doc Runs the stored procedure pointed to by the given path and returns the
%% result.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% The `PathPattern' must target a specific tree node. In other words,
%% updating many nodes with the same payload is denied. That fact is checked
%% before the tree node is looked up: so if a condition in the path could
%% potentially match several nodes, an exception is raised, even though only
%% one tree node would match at the time.
%% The length of the `Args' list must match the number of arguments expected by
%% the stored procedure.
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree node holding the
%% stored procedure.
%% @param Args the list of args to pass to the stored procedure; its length
%% must be equal to the stored procedure arity.
%% @param Options query options.
%% @returns the result of the stored procedure execution, or throws an
%% exception if the tree node does not exist, does not hold a stored procedure
%% or if there was an error.
%% @see is_sproc/3.
run_sproc(StoreId, PathPattern, Args, Options) ->
case khepri_adv:get(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) of
{ok, #{sproc := StandaloneFun}} ->
khepri_sproc:run(StandaloneFun, Args);
{ok, NodeProps} ->
#{path => PathPattern,
args => Args,
node_props => NodeProps}));
{error, Reason} ->
#{path => PathPattern,
args => Args,
error => Reason}))
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% put().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec put(PathPattern, Data) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret().
%% @doc Sets the payload of the tree node pointed to by the given path
%% pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `put(StoreId, PathPattern,
%% Data)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see put/3.
%% @see put/4.
put(PathPattern, Data) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
put(StoreId, PathPattern, Data).
-spec put(StoreId, PathPattern, Data) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret().
%% @doc Sets the payload of the tree node pointed to by the given path
%% pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `put(StoreId, PathPattern,
%% Data, #{})'.
%% @see put/4.
put(StoreId, PathPattern, Data) ->
put(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, #{}).
-spec put(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() |
khepri:tree_options() |
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret() | khepri_machine:async_ret().
%% @doc Sets the payload of the tree node pointed to by the given path
%% pattern.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% The `PathPattern' must target a specific tree node. In other words,
%% updating many nodes with the same payload is denied. That fact is checked
%% before the tree node is looked up: so if a condition in the path could
%% potentially match several nodes, an exception is raised, even though only
%% one tree node would match at the time.
%% When using a simple path (i.e. without conditions), if the targeted tree
%% node does not exist, it is created using the given payload. If the
%% targeted tree node exists, it is updated with the given payload and its
%% payload version is increased by one. Missing parent nodes are created on
%% the way.
%% When using a path pattern, the behavior is the same. However if a condition
%% in the path pattern is not met, an error is returned and the tree structure
%% is not modified.
%% The payload must be one of the following form:
%% <ul>
%% <li>An explicit absence of payload ({@link khepri_payload:no_payload()}),
%% using the marker returned by {@link khepri_payload:none/0}, meaning there
%% will be no payload attached to the tree node and the existing payload will
%% be discarded if any</li>
%% <li>An anonymous function; it will be considered a stored procedure and
%% will be wrapped in a {@link khepri_payload:sproc()} record</li>
%% <li>Any other term; it will be wrapped in a {@link khepri_payload:data()}
%% record</li>
%% </ul>
%% It is possible to wrap the payload in its internal structure explicitly
%% using the {@link khepri_payload} module directly.
%% The `Options' map may specify command-level options; see {@link
%% khepri:command_options()}, {@link khepri:tree_options()} and {@link
%% khepri:put_options()}.
%% When doing an asynchronous update, the {@link wait_for_async_ret/1}
%% function can be used to receive the message from Ra.
%% Example:
%% ```
%% %% Insert a tree node at `/:foo/:bar', overwriting the previous value.
%% ok = khepri_adv:put(StoreId, [foo, bar], new_value).
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree node to create or
%% modify.
%% @param Data the Erlang term or function to store, or a {@link
%% khepri_payload:payload()} structure.
%% @param Options command options.
%% @returns in the case of a synchronous call, `ok' or an `{error, Reason}'
%% tuple; in the case of an asynchronous call, always `ok' (the actual return
%% value may be sent by a message if a correlation ID was specified).
%% @see create/4.
%% @see update/4.
%% @see compare_and_swap/5.
%% @see put_many/4.
%% @see khepri_adv:put/4.
put(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, Options) ->
Options1 = Options#{props_to_return => []},
Ret = khepri_adv:put(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, Options1),
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% put_many().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec put_many(PathPattern, Data) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret().
%% @doc Sets the payload of all the tree nodes matching the given path pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `put_many(StoreId, PathPattern,
%% Data)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see put_many/3.
%% @see put_many/4.
put_many(PathPattern, Data) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
put_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Data).
-spec put_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Data) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret().
%% @doc Sets the payload of all the tree nodes matching the given path pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `put_many(StoreId, PathPattern,
%% Data, #{})'.
%% @see put_many/4.
put_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Data) ->
put_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, #{}).
-spec put_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() |
khepri:tree_options() |
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret() | khepri_machine:async_ret().
%% @doc Sets the payload of all the tree nodes matching the given path pattern.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% When using a simple path (i.e. without conditions), if the targeted tree
%% node does not exist, it is created using the given payload. If the
%% targeted tree node exists, it is updated with the given payload and its
%% payload version is increased by one. Missing parent nodes are created on
%% the way.
%% When using a path pattern, the behavior is the same. However if a condition
%% in the path pattern is not met, an error is returned and the tree structure
%% is not modified.
%% The payload must be one of the following form:
%% <ul>
%% <li>An explicit absence of payload ({@link khepri_payload:no_payload()}),
%% using the marker returned by {@link khepri_payload:none/0}, meaning there
%% will be no payload attached to the tree node and the existing payload will
%% be discarded if any</li>
%% <li>An anonymous function; it will be considered a stored procedure and
%% will be wrapped in a {@link khepri_payload:sproc()} record</li>
%% <li>Any other term; it will be wrapped in a {@link khepri_payload:data()}
%% record</li>
%% </ul>
%% It is possible to wrap the payload in its internal structure explicitly
%% using the {@link khepri_payload} module directly.
%% The `Options' map may specify command-level options; see {@link
%% khepri:command_options()}, {@link khepri:tree_options()} and {@link
%% khepri:put_options()}.
%% When doing an asynchronous update, the {@link wait_for_async_ret/1}
%% function can be used to receive the message from Ra.
%% Example:
%% ```
%% %% Insert a tree node at `/:foo/:bar', overwriting the previous value.
%% ok = khepri_adv:put(StoreId, [foo, bar], new_value).
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree node to create or
%% modify.
%% @param Data the Erlang term or function to store, or a {@link
%% khepri_payload:payload()} structure.
%% @param Options command options.
%% @returns in the case of a synchronous call, `ok' or an `{error, Reason}'
%% tuple; in the case of an asynchronous call, always `ok' (the actual return
%% value may be sent by a message if a correlation ID was specified).
%% @see put/4.
%% @see khepri_adv:put_many/4.
put_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, Options) ->
Options1 = Options#{props_to_return => []},
Ret = khepri_adv:put_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, Options1),
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% create().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec create(PathPattern, Data) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret().
%% @doc Creates a tree node with the given payload.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `create(StoreId, PathPattern,
%% Data)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see create/3.
%% @see create/4.
create(PathPattern, Data) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
create(StoreId, PathPattern, Data).
-spec create(StoreId, PathPattern, Data) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret().
%% @doc Creates a tree node with the given payload.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `create(StoreId, PathPattern,
%% Data, #{})'.
%% @see create/4.
create(StoreId, PathPattern, Data) ->
create(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, #{}).
-spec create(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() |
khepri:tree_options() |
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret() | khepri_machine:async_ret().
%% @doc Creates a tree node with the given payload.
%% The behavior is the same as {@link put/4} except that if the tree node
%% already exists, an `{error, ?khepri_error(mismatching_node, Info)}' tuple is
%% returned.
%% Internally, the `PathPattern' is modified to include an
%% `#if_node_exists{exists = false}' condition on its last component.
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree node to create.
%% @param Data the Erlang term or function to store, or a {@link
%% khepri_payload:payload()} structure.
%% @param Options command options.
%% @returns in the case of a synchronous call, `ok' or an `{error, Reason}'
%% tuple; in the case of an asynchronous call, always `ok' (the actual return
%% value may be sent by a message if a correlation ID was specified).
%% @see put/4.
%% @see update/4.
%% @see compare_and_swap/5.
%% @see khepri_adv:create/4.
create(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, Options) ->
Options1 = Options#{props_to_return => []},
Ret = khepri_adv:create(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, Options1),
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% update().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec update(PathPattern, Data) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret().
%% @doc Updates an existing tree node with the given payload.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `update(StoreId, PathPattern,
%% Data)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see update/3.
%% @see update/4.
update(PathPattern, Data) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
update(StoreId, PathPattern, Data).
-spec update(StoreId, PathPattern, Data) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret().
%% @doc Updates an existing tree node with the given payload.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `update(StoreId, PathPattern,
%% Data, #{})'.
%% @see update/4.
update(StoreId, PathPattern, Data) ->
update(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, #{}).
-spec update(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() |
khepri:tree_options() |
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret() | khepri_machine:async_ret().
%% @doc Updates an existing tree node with the given payload.
%% The behavior is the same as {@link put/4} except that if the tree node
%% already exists, an `{error, ?khepri_error(mismatching_node, Info)}' tuple is
%% returned.
%% Internally, the `PathPattern' is modified to include an
%% `#if_node_exists{exists = true}' condition on its last component.
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree node to modify.
%% @param Data the Erlang term or function to store, or a {@link
%% khepri_payload:payload()} structure.
%% @param Options command options.
%% @returns in the case of a synchronous call, `ok' or an `{error, Reason}'
%% tuple; in the case of an asynchronous call, always `ok' (the actual return
%% value may be sent by a message if a correlation ID was specified).
%% @see put/4.
%% @see create/4.
%% @see compare_and_swap/5.
%% @see khepri_adv:update/4.
update(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, Options) ->
Options1 = Options#{props_to_return => []},
Ret = khepri_adv:update(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, Options1),
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% compare_and_swap().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec compare_and_swap(PathPattern, DataPattern, Data) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
DataPattern :: ets:match_pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret().
%% @doc Updates an existing tree node with the given payload only if its data
%% matches the given pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `compare_and_swap(StoreId,
%% PathPattern, DataPattern, Data)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see compare_and_swap/4.
%% @see compare_and_swap/5.
compare_and_swap(PathPattern, DataPattern, Data) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
compare_and_swap(StoreId, PathPattern, DataPattern, Data).
-spec compare_and_swap(StoreId, PathPattern, DataPattern, Data) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
DataPattern :: ets:match_pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret().
%% @doc Updates an existing tree node with the given payload only if its data
%% matches the given pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `compare_and_swap(StoreId,
%% PathPattern, DataPattern, Data, #{})'.
%% @see compare_and_swap/5.
compare_and_swap(StoreId, PathPattern, DataPattern, Data) ->
compare_and_swap(StoreId, PathPattern, DataPattern, Data, #{}).
-spec compare_and_swap(StoreId, PathPattern, DataPattern, Data, Options) ->
Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
DataPattern :: ets:match_pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() |
khepri:tree_options() |
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret() | khepri_machine:async_ret().
%% @doc Updates an existing tree node with the given payload only if its data
%% matches the given pattern.
%% The behavior is the same as {@link put/4} except that if the tree node
%% already exists, an `{error, ?khepri_error(mismatching_node, Info)}' tuple is
%% returned.
%% Internally, the `PathPattern' is modified to include an
%% `#if_data_matches{pattern = DataPattern}' condition on its last component.
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree node to modify.
%% @param Data the Erlang term or function to store, or a {@link
%% khepri_payload:payload()} structure.
%% @param Options command options.
%% @returns in the case of a synchronous call, `ok' or an `{error, Reason}'
%% tuple; in the case of an asynchronous call, always `ok' (the actual return
%% value may be sent by a message if a correlation ID was specified).
%% @see put/4.
%% @see create/4.
%% @see update/4.
%% @see khepri_adv:compare_and_swap/5.
compare_and_swap(StoreId, PathPattern, DataPattern, Data, Options) ->
Options1 = Options#{props_to_return => []},
Ret = khepri_adv:compare_and_swap(
StoreId, PathPattern, DataPattern, Data, Options1),
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% delete().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec delete(PathPattern) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret().
%% @doc Deletes the tree node pointed to by the given path pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `delete(StoreId, PathPattern)'
%% with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see delete/2.
%% @see delete/3.
delete(PathPattern) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
delete(StoreId, PathPattern).
-spec delete
(StoreId, PathPattern) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret();
(PathPattern, Options) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret().
%% @doc Deletes the tree node pointed to by the given path pattern.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`delete(StoreId, PathPattern)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `delete(StoreId, PathPattern, #{})'.</li>
%% <li>`delete(PathPattern, Options)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `delete(StoreId, PathPattern, Options)' with the default store ID (see
%% {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see delete/3.
delete(StoreId, PathPattern) when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) ->
delete(StoreId, PathPattern, #{});
delete(PathPattern, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
delete(StoreId, PathPattern, Options).
-spec delete(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret() | khepri_machine:async_ret().
%% @doc Deletes the tree node pointed to by the given path pattern.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% The `PathPattern' must target a specific tree node. In other words,
%% updating many nodes with the same payload is denied. That fact is checked
%% before the tree node is looked up: so if a condition in the path could
%% potentially match several nodes, an exception is raised, even though only
%% one tree node would match at the time. If you want to delete multiple nodes
%% at once, use {@link delete_many/3}.
%% Example:
%% ```
%% %% Delete the tree node at `/:foo/:bar'.
%% ok = khepri_adv:delete(StoreId, [foo, bar]).
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the node to delete.
%% @param Options command options.
%% @returns in the case of a synchronous call, `ok' or an `{error, Reason}'
%% tuple; in the case of an asynchronous call, always `ok' (the actual return
%% value may be sent by a message if a correlation ID was specified).
%% @see delete_many/3.
%% @see khepri_adv:delete/3.
delete(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) ->
Options1 = Options#{props_to_return => []},
Ret = khepri_adv:delete(StoreId, PathPattern, Options1),
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% delete_many().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec delete_many(PathPattern) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret().
%% @doc Deletes all tree nodes matching the given path pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `delete_many(StoreId,
%% PathPattern)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see delete_many/2.
%% @see delete_many/3.
delete_many(PathPattern) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
delete_many(StoreId, PathPattern).
-spec delete_many
(StoreId, PathPattern) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret();
(PathPattern, Options) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret().
%% @doc Deletes all tree nodes matching the given path pattern.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`delete_many(StoreId, PathPattern)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `delete(StoreId, PathPattern, #{})'.</li>
%% <li>`delete_many(PathPattern, Options)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `delete(StoreId, PathPattern, Options)' with the default store ID (see
%% {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see delete_many/3.
delete_many(StoreId, PathPattern) when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) ->
delete_many(StoreId, PathPattern, #{});
delete_many(PathPattern, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
delete_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Options).
-spec delete_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret() | khepri_machine:async_ret().
%% @doc Deletes all tree nodes matching the given path pattern.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% Example:
%% ```
%% %% Delete all nodes in the tree.
%% ok = khepri_adv:delete_many(StoreId, [?KHEPRI_WILDCARD_STAR]).
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the nodes to delete.
%% @param Options command options.
%% @returns in the case of a synchronous call, `ok' or an `{error, Reason}'
%% tuple; in the case of an asynchronous call, always `ok' (the actual return
%% value may be sent by a message if a correlation ID was specified).
%% @see delete/3.
delete_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) ->
Options1 = Options#{props_to_return => []},
Ret = khepri_adv:delete_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Options1),
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% clear_payload().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec clear_payload(PathPattern) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret().
%% @doc Deletes the payload of the tree node pointed to by the given path
%% pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `clear_payload(StoreId,
%% PathPattern)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see clear_payload/2.
%% @see clear_payload/3.
clear_payload(PathPattern) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
clear_payload(StoreId, PathPattern).
-spec clear_payload(StoreId, PathPattern) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret().
%% @doc Deletes the payload of the tree node pointed to by the given path
%% pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `clear_payload(StoreId,
%% PathPattern, #{})'.
%% @see clear_payload/3.
clear_payload(StoreId, PathPattern) ->
clear_payload(StoreId, PathPattern, #{}).
-spec clear_payload(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() |
khepri:tree_options() |
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret() | khepri_machine:async_ret().
%% @doc Deletes the payload of the tree node pointed to by the given path
%% pattern.
%% In other words, the payload is set to {@link khepri_payload:no_payload()}.
%% Otherwise, the behavior is that of {@link put/4}.
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree node to modify.
%% @param Options command options.
%% @returns in the case of a synchronous call, `ok' or an `{error, Reason}'
%% tuple; in the case of an asynchronous call, always `ok' (the actual return
%% value may be sent by a message if a correlation ID was specified).
%% @see put/4.
%% @see khepri_adv:clear_payload/3.
clear_payload(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) ->
Options1 = Options#{props_to_return => []},
Ret = khepri_adv:clear_payload(StoreId, PathPattern, Options1),
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% clear_many_payloads().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec clear_many_payloads(PathPattern) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret().
%% @doc Deletes the payload of all tree nodes matching the given path pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `clear_many_payloads(StoreId,
%% PathPattern)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see clear_many_payloads/2.
%% @see clear_many_payloads/3.
clear_many_payloads(PathPattern) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
clear_many_payloads(StoreId, PathPattern).
-spec clear_many_payloads(StoreId, PathPattern) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret().
%% @doc Deletes the payload of all tree nodes matching the given path pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `clear_many_payloads(StoreId,
%% PathPattern, #{})'.
%% @see clear_many_payloads/3.
clear_many_payloads(StoreId, PathPattern) ->
clear_many_payloads(StoreId, PathPattern, #{}).
-spec clear_many_payloads(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) ->
Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() |
khepri:tree_options() |
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret() | khepri_machine:async_ret().
%% @doc Deletes the payload of all tree nodes matching the given path pattern.
%% In other words, the payload is set to {@link khepri_payload:no_payload()}.
%% Otherwise, the behavior is that of {@link put/4}.
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree nodes to modify.
%% @param Options command options.
%% @returns in the case of a synchronous call, `ok' or an `{error, Reason}'
%% tuple; in the case of an asynchronous call, always `ok' (the actual return
%% value may be sent by a message if a correlation ID was specified).
%% @see delete_many/3.
%% @see put/4.
%% @see khepri_adv:clear_many_payloads/3.
clear_many_payloads(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) ->
Options1 = Options#{props_to_return => []},
Ret = khepri_adv:clear_many_payloads(
StoreId, PathPattern, Options1),
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% register_trigger().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec register_trigger(TriggerId, EventFilter, StoredProcPath) -> Ret when
TriggerId :: trigger_id(),
EventFilter :: khepri_evf:event_filter() |
StoredProcPath :: khepri_path:path(),
Ret :: ok | error().
%% @doc Registers a trigger.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `register_trigger(StoreId,
%% TriggerId, EventFilter, StoredProcPath)' with the default store ID (see
%% {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see register_trigger/4.
register_trigger(TriggerId, EventFilter, StoredProcPath) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
register_trigger(StoreId, TriggerId, EventFilter, StoredProcPath).
-spec register_trigger
(StoreId, TriggerId, EventFilter, StoredProcPath) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
TriggerId :: trigger_id(),
EventFilter :: khepri_evf:event_filter() |
StoredProcPath :: khepri_path:path(),
Ret :: ok | error();
(TriggerId, EventFilter, StoredProcPath, Options) -> Ret when
TriggerId :: trigger_id(),
EventFilter :: khepri_evf:event_filter() |
StoredProcPath :: khepri_path:path(),
Options :: command_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: ok | error().
%% @doc Registers a trigger.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`register_trigger(StoreId, TriggerId, EventFilter, StoredProcPath)'.
%% Calling it is the same as calling `register_trigger(StoreId, TriggerId,
%% EventFilter, StoredProcPath, #{})'.</li>
%% <li>`register_trigger(TriggerId, EventFilter, StoredProcPath, Options)'.
%% Calling it is the same as calling `register_trigger(StoreId, TriggerId,
%% EventFilter, StoredProcPath, Options)' with the default store ID (see
%% {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see register_trigger/5.
register_trigger(StoreId, TriggerId, EventFilter, StoredProcPath)
when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) andalso is_atom(TriggerId) ->
register_trigger(StoreId, TriggerId, EventFilter, StoredProcPath, #{});
register_trigger(TriggerId, EventFilter, StoredProcPath, Options)
when is_atom(TriggerId) andalso is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
StoreId, TriggerId, EventFilter, StoredProcPath, Options).
-spec register_trigger(
StoreId, TriggerId, EventFilter, StoredProcPath, Options) ->
Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
TriggerId :: trigger_id(),
EventFilter :: khepri_evf:event_filter() |
StoredProcPath :: khepri_path:path(),
Options :: command_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: ok | error().
%% @doc Registers a trigger.
%% A trigger is based on an event filter. It associates an event with a stored
%% procedure. When an event matching the event filter is emitted, the stored
%% procedure is executed.
%% The following event filters are documented by {@link
%% khepri_evf:event_filter()}.
%% Here are examples of event filters:
%% ```
%% %% An event filter can be explicitly created using the `khepri_evf'
%% %% module. This is possible to specify properties at the same time.
%% EventFilter = khepri_evf:tree([stock, wood, <<"oak">>], %% Required
%% #{on_actions => [delete], %% Optional
%% priority => 10}). %% Optional
%% '''
%% ```
%% %% For ease of use, some terms can be automatically converted to an event
%% %% filter. In this example, a Unix-like path can be used as a tree event
%% %% filter.
%% EventFilter = "/:stock/:wood/oak".
%% '''
%% The stored procedure is expected to accept a single argument. This argument
%% is a map containing the event properties. Here is an example:
%% ```
%% my_stored_procedure(Props) ->
%% #{path := Path},
%% on_action => Action} = Props.
%% '''
%% The stored procedure is executed on the leader's Erlang node.
%% It is guaranteed to run at least once. It could be executed multiple times
%% if the Ra leader changes, therefore the stored procedure must be
%% idempotent.
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param TriggerId the name of the trigger.
%% @param EventFilter the event filter used to associate an event with a
%% stored procedure.
%% @param StoredProcPath the path to the stored procedure to execute when the
%% corresponding event occurs.
%% @returns `ok' if the trigger was registered, an `{error, Reason}' tuple
%% otherwise.
register_trigger(StoreId, TriggerId, EventFilter, StoredProcPath, Options) ->
StoreId, TriggerId, EventFilter, StoredProcPath, Options).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% register_projection().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec register_projection(PathPattern, Projection) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Projection :: khepri_projection:projection(),
Ret :: ok | khepri:error().
%% @doc Registers a projection.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling
%% `register_projection(StoreId, PathPattern, Projection)' with the default
%% store ID (see {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see register_projection/3.
register_projection(PathPattern, Projection) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
register_projection(StoreId, PathPattern, Projection).
-spec register_projection
(StoreId, PathPattern, Projection) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Projection :: khepri_projection:projection(),
Ret :: ok | khepri:error();
(PathPattern, Projection, Options) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Projection :: khepri_projection:projection(),
Options :: khepri:command_options(),
Ret :: ok | khepri:error().
%% @doc Registers a projection.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`register_projection(StoreId, PathPattern, Projection)'. Calling it is
%% the same as calling `register_projection(StoreId, PathPattern, Projection,
%% #{})'.</li>
%% <li>`register_projection(PathPattern, Projection, Options)'. Calling it is
%% the same as calling `register_projection(StoreId, PathPattern, Projection,
%% Options)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see register_projection/4.
register_projection(StoreId, PathPattern, Projection)
when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) ->
register_projection(StoreId, PathPattern, Projection, #{});
register_projection(PathPattern, Projection, Options)
when is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
register_projection(StoreId, PathPattern, Projection, Options).
-spec register_projection(StoreId, PathPattern, Projection, Options) ->
Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Projection :: khepri_projection:projection(),
Options :: khepri:command_options(),
Ret :: ok | khepri:error().
%% @doc Registers a projection.
%% A projection is a replicated ETS cache which is kept up to date by
%% Khepri. See the {@link khepri_projection} module-docs for more information
%% about projections.
%% This function associates a projection created with {@link
%% khepri_projection:new/3} with a pattern. Any changes to tree nodes matching
%% the provided pattern will be turned into records using the projection's
%% {@link khepri_projection:projection_fun()} and then applied to the
%% projection's ETS table.
%% Registering a projection fills the projection's ETS table with records from
%% any tree nodes which match the `PathPattern' and are already in the store.
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the pattern of tree nodes which the projection should
%% watch.
%% @param Projection the projection resource, created with
%% `khepri_projection:new/3'.
%% @param Options command options for registering the projection.
%% @returns `ok' if the projection was registered, an `{error, Reason}' tuple
%% otherwise.
register_projection(StoreId, PathPattern, Projection, Options) ->
StoreId, PathPattern, Projection, Options).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% transaction().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec transaction(FunOrPath) -> Ret when
FunOrPath :: Fun | PathPattern,
Fun :: khepri_tx:tx_fun(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri_machine:tx_ret().
%% @doc Runs a transaction and returns its result.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `transaction(FunOrPath, [])'
%% with the default store ID.
%% @see transaction/2.
transaction(FunOrPath) ->
transaction(FunOrPath, []).
-spec transaction
(StoreId, FunOrPath) -> Ret when
StoreId :: store_id(),
FunOrPath :: Fun | PathPattern,
Fun :: khepri_tx:tx_fun(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri_machine:tx_ret();
(FunOrPath, Args) -> Ret when
FunOrPath :: Fun | PathPattern,
Fun :: khepri_tx:tx_fun(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Args :: list(),
Ret :: khepri_machine:tx_ret();
(FunOrPath, ReadWriteOrOptions) -> Ret when
FunOrPath :: Fun | PathPattern,
Fun :: khepri_tx:tx_fun(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
ReadWriteOrOptions :: ReadWrite | Options,
ReadWrite :: ro | rw | auto,
Options :: command_options() | query_options(),
Ret :: khepri_machine:tx_ret() | khepri_machine:async_ret().
%% @doc Runs a transaction and returns its result.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, [])'.</li>
%% <li>`transaction(FunOrPath, Args)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args)' with the default store ID.</li>
%% <li>`transaction(FunOrPath, ReadWriteOrOptions)'. Calling it is the same as
%% calling `transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, [], ReadWriteOrOptions)' with the
%% default store ID.</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see transaction/3.
transaction(FunOrPath, Args)
when (is_function(FunOrPath) orelse
is_list(Args) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args);
transaction(FunOrPath, ReadWriteOrOptions)
when (is_function(FunOrPath) orelse
(is_atom(ReadWriteOrOptions) orelse is_map(ReadWriteOrOptions)) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, ReadWriteOrOptions);
transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath)
when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) andalso
(is_function(FunOrPath) orelse
transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, []).
-spec transaction
(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args) -> Ret when
StoreId :: store_id(),
FunOrPath :: Fun | PathPattern,
Fun :: khepri_tx:tx_fun(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Args :: list(),
Ret :: khepri_machine:tx_ret();
(StoreId, FunOrPath, ReadWriteOrOptions) -> Ret when
StoreId :: store_id(),
FunOrPath :: Fun | PathPattern,
Fun :: khepri_tx:tx_fun(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
ReadWriteOrOptions :: ReadWrite | Options,
ReadWrite :: ro | rw | auto,
Options :: command_options() | query_options(),
Ret :: khepri_machine:tx_ret() | khepri_machine:async_ret();
(FunOrPath, Args, ReadWriteOrOptions) -> Ret when
FunOrPath :: Fun | PathPattern,
Fun :: khepri_tx:tx_fun(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Args :: list(),
ReadWriteOrOptions :: ReadWrite | Options,
ReadWrite :: ro | rw | auto,
Options :: command_options() | query_options(),
Ret :: khepri_machine:tx_ret() | khepri_machine:async_ret();
(FunOrPath, ReadWrite, Options) -> Ret when
FunOrPath :: Fun | PathPattern,
Fun :: khepri_tx:tx_fun(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
ReadWrite :: ro | rw | auto,
Options :: command_options() | query_options(),
Ret :: khepri_machine:tx_ret() | khepri_machine:async_ret().
%% @doc Runs a transaction and returns its result.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args)'. Calling it is the same as
%% calling `transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args, auto)'.</li>
%% <li>`transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, ReadWriteOrOptions)'. Calling it is
%% the same as calling `transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, [],
%% ReadWriteOrOptions)'.</li>
%% <li>`transaction(FunOrPath, Args, ReadWriteOrOptions)'. Calling it is the
%% same as calling `transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args, ReadWriteOrOptions)'
%% with the default store ID.</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see transaction/4.
transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args)
when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) andalso
(is_function(FunOrPath) orelse
andalso is_list(Args) ->
transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args, auto);
transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, ReadWriteOrOptions)
when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) andalso
(is_function(FunOrPath) orelse
(is_atom(ReadWriteOrOptions) orelse is_map(ReadWriteOrOptions)) ->
transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, [], ReadWriteOrOptions);
transaction(FunOrPath, Args, ReadWriteOrOptions)
when (is_function(FunOrPath) orelse
andalso is_list(Args) andalso
(is_atom(ReadWriteOrOptions) orelse is_map(ReadWriteOrOptions)) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args, ReadWriteOrOptions);
transaction(FunOrPath, ReadWrite, Options)
when (is_function(FunOrPath) orelse
andalso is_atom(ReadWrite) andalso is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, ReadWrite, Options).
-spec transaction
(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args, ReadWrite) -> Ret when
StoreId :: store_id(),
FunOrPath :: Fun | PathPattern,
Fun :: khepri_tx:tx_fun(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Args :: list(),
ReadWrite :: ro | rw | auto,
Ret :: khepri_machine:tx_ret();
(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: store_id(),
FunOrPath :: Fun | PathPattern,
Fun :: khepri_tx:tx_fun(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Args :: list(),
Options :: command_options() | query_options(),
Ret :: khepri_machine:tx_ret() | khepri_machine:async_ret();
(StoreId, FunOrPath, ReadWrite, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: store_id(),
FunOrPath :: Fun | PathPattern,
Fun :: khepri_tx:tx_fun(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
ReadWrite :: ro | rw | auto,
Options :: command_options() | query_options(),
Ret :: khepri_machine:tx_ret() | khepri_machine:async_ret();
(FunOrPath, Args, ReadWrite, Options) -> Ret when
FunOrPath :: Fun | PathPattern,
Fun :: khepri_tx:tx_fun(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Args :: list(),
ReadWrite :: ro | rw | auto,
Options :: command_options() | query_options(),
Ret :: khepri_machine:tx_ret() | khepri_machine:async_ret().
%% @doc Runs a transaction and returns its result.
%% This function accepts the following three forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args, ReadWrite)'. Calling it is the
%% same as calling `transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args, ReadWrite,
%% #{})'.</li>
%% <li>`transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args, Options)'. Calling it is the
%% same as calling `transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args, auto,
%% Options)'.</li>
%% <li>`transaction(FunOrPath, Args, ReadWrite, Options)'. Calling it is the
%% same as calling `transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args, ReadWrite, Options)'
%% with the default store ID.</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see transaction/5.
transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args, ReadWrite)
when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) andalso
(is_function(FunOrPath) orelse
is_list(Args) andalso is_atom(ReadWrite) ->
transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args, ReadWrite, #{});
transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args, Options)
when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) andalso
(is_function(FunOrPath) orelse
is_list(Args) andalso is_map(Options) ->
transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args, auto, Options);
transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, ReadWrite, Options)
when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) andalso
(is_function(FunOrPath) orelse
is_atom(ReadWrite) andalso is_map(Options) ->
transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, [], ReadWrite, Options);
transaction(FunOrPath, Args, ReadWrite, Options)
when (is_function(FunOrPath) orelse
is_list(Args) andalso
is_atom(ReadWrite) andalso is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args, ReadWrite, Options).
-spec transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args, ReadWrite, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: store_id(),
FunOrPath :: Fun | PathPattern,
Fun :: khepri_tx:tx_fun(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Args :: list(),
ReadWrite :: ro | rw | auto,
Options :: khepri:command_options() | khepri:query_options(),
Ret :: khepri_machine:tx_ret() | khepri_machine:async_ret().
%% @doc Runs a transaction and returns its result.
%% `Fun' is an arbitrary anonymous function which takes the content of `Args'
%% as its arguments. In other words, the length of `Args' must correspond to
%% the arity of `Fun'.
%% Instead of `Fun', `PathPattern` can be passed. It must point to an existing
%% stored procedure. The length to `Args' must correspond to the arity of that
%% stored procedure.
%% The `ReadWrite' flag determines what the `Fun' anonymous function is
%% allowed to do and in which context it runs:
%% <ul>
%% <li>If `ReadWrite' is `ro', `Fun' can do whatever it wants, except modify
%% the content of the store. In other words, uses of {@link khepri_tx:put/2}
%% or {@link khepri_tx:delete/1} are forbidden and will abort the function.
%% `Fun' is executed from a process on the leader Ra member.</li>
%% <li>If `ReadWrite' is `rw', `Fun' can use the {@link khepri_tx} transaction
%% API as well as any calls to other modules as long as those functions or what
%% they do is permitted. See {@link khepri_tx} for more details. If `Fun' does
%% or calls something forbidden, the transaction will be aborted. `Fun' is
%% executed in the context of the state machine process on each Ra
%% members.</li>
%% <li>If `ReadWrite' is `auto', `Fun' is analyzed to determine if it calls
%% {@link khepri_tx:put/2} or {@link khepri_tx:delete/1}, or uses any denied
%% operations for a read/write transaction. If it does, this is the same as
%% setting `ReadWrite' to true. Otherwise, this is the equivalent of setting
%% `ReadWrite' to false.</li>
%% </ul>
%% When using `PathPattern', a `ReadWrite' of `auto' is synonymous of `rw'.
%% `Options' is relevant for both read-only and read-write transactions
%% (including audetected ones). However note that both types expect different
%% options.
%% The result of `FunOrPath' can be any term. That result is returned in an
%% `{ok, Result}' tuple if the transaction is synchronous. The result is sent
%% by message if the transaction is asynchronous and a correlation ID was
%% specified.
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param FunOrPath an arbitrary anonymous function or a path pattern pointing
%% to a stored procedure.
%% @param Args a list of arguments to pass to `FunOrPath'.
%% @param ReadWrite the read/write or read-only nature of the transaction.
%% @param Options command options such as the command type.
%% @returns in the case of a synchronous transaction, `{ok, Result}' where
%% `Result' is the return value of `FunOrPath', or `{error, Reason}' if the
%% anonymous function was aborted; in the case of an asynchronous transaction,
%% always `ok' (the actual return value may be sent by a message if a
%% correlation ID was specified).
transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args, ReadWrite, Options) ->
khepri_machine:transaction(StoreId, FunOrPath, Args, ReadWrite, Options).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% wait_for_async_ret().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec wait_for_async_ret(Correlation) -> Ret when
Correlation :: ra_server:command_correlation(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret() |
khepri:payload_ret() |
khepri:many_payloads_ret() |
khepri_adv:single_result() |
khepri_adv:many_results() |
%% @doc Waits for an asynchronous call.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling
%% `wait_for_async_ret(Correlation)' with the default timeout (see {@link
%% khepri_app:get_default_timeout/0}).
%% @see wait_for_async_ret/2.
wait_for_async_ret(Correlation) ->
Timeout = khepri_app:get_default_timeout(),
wait_for_async_ret(Correlation, Timeout).
-spec wait_for_async_ret(Correlation, Timeout) -> Ret when
Correlation :: ra_server:command_correlation(),
Timeout :: timeout(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret() |
khepri:payload_ret() |
khepri:many_payloads_ret() |
khepri_adv:single_result() |
khepri_adv:many_results() |
%% @doc Waits for an asynchronous call.
%% This function waits maximum `Timeout' milliseconds (or `infinity') for the
%% result of a previous call where the `async' option was set with a
%% correlation ID. That correlation ID must be passed to this function.
%% @see wait_for_async_ret/2.
wait_for_async_ret(Correlation, Timeout) ->
{ra_event, _, {applied, [{Correlation, Reply}]}} ->
case Reply of
{exception, _, _, _} = Exception ->
ok ->
{ok, _} ->
{error, _} ->
after Timeout ->
{error, timeout}
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Bang functions.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Import/export (backup & restore in Mnesia terms).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec export(Module, ModulePriv) -> Ret when
Module :: module(),
ModulePriv :: khepri_import_export:module_priv(),
Ret :: ok | {ok, ModulePriv} | {error, any()}.
%% @doc Exports a Khepri store using the `Module' callback module.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `export(StoreId, Module,
%% ModulePriv)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see export/3.
%% @see export/4.
export(Module, ModulePriv) when is_atom(Module) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
export(StoreId, Module, ModulePriv).
-spec export(StoreId | PathPattern, Module, ModulePriv) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Module :: module(),
ModulePriv :: khepri_import_export:module_priv(),
Ret :: ok | {ok, ModulePriv} | {error, any()}.
%% @doc Exports a Khepri store using the `Module' callback module.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`export(StoreId, Module, ModulePriv)'. Calling it is the same as
%% calling `export(StoreId, "**", Module, ModulePriv)'.</li>
%% <li>`export(PathPattern, Module, ModulePriv)'. Calling it is the same as
%% calling `export(StoreId, PathPattern, Module, ModulePriv)' with the default
%% store ID (see {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see export/4.
export(StoreId, Module, ModulePriv)
when?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) andalso is_atom(Module) ->
export(StoreId, [?KHEPRI_WILDCARD_STAR_STAR], Module, ModulePriv);
export(PathPattern, Module, ModulePriv)
when is_atom(Module) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
export(StoreId, PathPattern, Module, ModulePriv).
-spec export(StoreId, PathPattern, Module, ModulePriv) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Module :: module(),
ModulePriv :: khepri_import_export:module_priv(),
Ret :: ok | {ok, ModulePriv} | {error, any()}.
%% @doc Exports a Khepri store using the `Module' callback module.
%% The `PathPattern' allows to filter which tree nodes are exported. The path
%% pattern can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree node names
%% and conditions) or as a string. See {@link khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% `Module' is the callback module called to perform the actual export. It
%% must conform to the Mnesia Backup & Restore API. See {@link
%% khepri_import_export} for more details.
%% `ModulePriv' is the term passed to `Module:open_write/1'.
%% Example: export the full Khepri store using {@link khepri_export_erlang} as
%% the callback module
%% ```
%% ok = khepri:export(StoreId, khepri_export_erlang, "export-1.erl").
%% '''
%% Example: export a subset of the Khepri store
%% ```
%% ok = khepri:export(
%% StoreId,
%% "/:stock/:wood/**",
%% khepri_export_erlang,
%% "export-wood-stock-1.erl").
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path pattern matching the tree nodes to export.
%% @param Module the callback module to use to export.
%% @param ModulePriv arguments passed to `Module:open_write/1'.
%% @returns `ok' or an `{ok, Term}' tuple if the export succeeded (the actual
%% return value depends on whether the callback module wants to return anything
%% to the caller), or an `{error, Reason}' tuple if it failed.
%% @see import/3.
export(StoreId, PathPattern, Module, ModulePriv)
when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) andalso is_atom(Module) ->
khepri_import_export:export(StoreId, PathPattern, Module, ModulePriv).
-spec import(Module, ModulePriv) -> Ret when
Module :: module(),
ModulePriv :: khepri_import_export:module_priv(),
Ret :: ok | {ok, ModulePriv} | {error, any()}.
%% @doc Imports a previously exported set of tree nodes using the `Module'
%% callback module.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `import(StoreId, Module,
%% ModulePriv)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see import/3.
import(Module, ModulePriv) when is_atom(Module) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
import(StoreId, Module, ModulePriv).
-spec import(StoreId, Module, ModulePriv) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
Module :: module(),
ModulePriv :: khepri_import_export:module_priv(),
Ret :: ok | {ok, ModulePriv} | {error, any()}.
%% @doc Imports a previously exported set of tree nodes using the `Module'
%% callback module.
%% `Module' is the callback module called to perform the actual import. It
%% must conform to the Mnesia Backup & Restore API. See {@link
%% khepri_import_export} for more details.
%% `ModulePriv' is the term passed to `Module:open_read/1'.
%% Importing something doesn't delete existing tree nodes. The caller is
%% responsible for deleting the existing content of a store if he needs to.
%% Example: import a set of tree nodes using {@link khepri_export_erlang} as
%% the callback module
%% ```
%% ok = khepri:import(StoreId, khepri_export_erlang, "export-1.erl").
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param Module the callback module to use to import.
%% @param ModulePriv arguments passed to `Module:open_read/1'.
%% @returns `ok' or an `{ok, Term}' tuple if the import succeeded (the actual
%% return value depends on whether the callback module wants to return anything
%% to the caller), or an `{error, Reason}' tuple if it failed.
%% @see export/3.
import(StoreId, Module, ModulePriv)
when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) andalso is_atom(Module) ->
khepri_import_export:import(StoreId, Module, ModulePriv).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Public helpers.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec info() -> ok.
%% @doc Lists the running stores on <em>stdout</em>.
info() ->
StoreIds = get_store_ids(),
case StoreIds of
[] ->
io:format("No stores running~n");
_ ->
io:format("Running stores:~n"),
fun(StoreId) ->
io:format(" ~ts~n", [StoreId])
end, StoreIds)
-spec info(StoreId) -> ok when
StoreId :: store_id().
%% @doc Lists the content of specified store on <em>stdout</em>.
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
info(StoreId) ->
info(StoreId, #{}).
-spec info(StoreId, Options) -> ok when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
Options :: khepri:query_options().
%% @doc Lists the content of specified store on <em>stdout</em>.
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param Options query options.
info(StoreId, Options) ->
io:format("~n\033[1;32m== CLUSTER MEMBERS ==\033[0m~n~n", []),
Nodes = lists:sort(
[Node || {_, Node} <- khepri_cluster:members(StoreId)]),
lists:foreach(fun(Node) -> io:format("~ts~n", [Node]) end, Nodes),
case khepri_machine:get_keep_while_conds_state(StoreId, Options) of
{ok, KeepWhileConds} when KeepWhileConds =/= #{} ->
io:format("~n\033[1;32m== LIFETIME DEPS ==\033[0m~n", []),
WatcherList = lists:sort(maps:keys(KeepWhileConds)),
fun(Watcher) ->
io:format("~n\033[1m~p depends on:\033[0m~n", [Watcher]),
WatchedsMap = maps:get(Watcher, KeepWhileConds),
Watcheds = lists:sort(maps:keys(WatchedsMap)),
fun(Watched) ->
Condition = maps:get(Watched, WatchedsMap),
" ~p:~n"
" ~p~n",
[Watched, Condition])
end, Watcheds)
end, WatcherList);
_ ->
case khepri_machine:get_projections_state(StoreId, Options) of
{ok, ProjectionMapping} when ProjectionMapping =/= #{} ->
io:format("~n\033[1;32m== PROJECTIONS ==\033[0m~n", []),
fun(Projection, PathPattern) ->
Name = khepri_projection:name(Projection),
" ~p~n", [Name, PathPattern])
end, ProjectionMapping);
_ ->
case khepri_adv:get_many(StoreId, [?KHEPRI_WILDCARD_STAR_STAR], Options) of
{ok, Result} ->
io:format("~n\033[1;32m== TREE ==\033[0m~n~n●~n", []),
Tree = khepri_utils:flat_struct_to_tree(Result),
_ ->