%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
%% Copyright © 2021-2022 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
%% @doc Khepri database advanced API.
%% This module exposes variants of the functions in {@link khepri} which
%% return more detailed return values for advanced use cases. Here are some
%% examples of what can be achieved with this module:
%% <ul>
%% <li>Distinguish a tree node with the `undefined' atom as its payload, from
%% a tree node with no payload, from a non-existing tree node.</li>
%% <li>Know the payload version after a call to the functions based on {@link
%% put/5} which can be useful to perform transactional operations without
%% using {@link khepri:transaction/4}.</li>
%% </ul>
%% Functions provided by {@link khepri} are implemented on top of this module
%% and simplify the return value for the more common use cases.
-export([get/1, get/2, get/3,
get_many/1, get_many/2, get_many/3,
put/2, put/3, put/4,
put_many/2, put_many/3, put_many/4,
create/2, create/3, create/4,
update/2, update/3, update/4,
compare_and_swap/3, compare_and_swap/4, compare_and_swap/5,
delete/1, delete/2, delete/3,
delete_many/1, delete_many/2, delete_many/3,
clear_payload/1, clear_payload/2, clear_payload/3,
clear_many_payloads/1, clear_many_payloads/2,
-type node_props_map() :: #{khepri_path:native_path() => khepri:node_props()}.
%% Structure used to return a map of nodes and their associated properties,
%% payload and child nodes.
-type single_result() :: khepri:ok(khepri:node_props() | #{}) |
%% Return value of a query or synchronous command targeting one specific tree
%% node.
-type many_results() :: khepri_machine:common_ret().
%% Return value of a query or synchronous command targeting many tree nodes.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% get().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec get(PathPattern) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:single_result().
%% @doc Returns the properties and payload of the tree node pointed to by the
%% given path pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `get(StoreId, PathPattern)'
%% with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see get/2.
%% @see get/3.
get(PathPattern) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
get(StoreId, PathPattern).
-spec get
(StoreId, PathPattern) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:single_result();
(PathPattern, Options) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:single_result().
%% @doc Returns the properties and payload of the tree node pointed to by the
%% given path pattern.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`get(StoreId, PathPattern)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `get(StoreId, PathPattern, #{})'.</li>
%% <li>`get(PathPattern, Options)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `get(StoreId, PathPattern, Options)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see get/3.
get(StoreId, PathPattern) when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) ->
get(StoreId, PathPattern, #{});
get(PathPattern, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
get(StoreId, PathPattern, Options).
-spec get(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:single_result().
%% @doc Returns the properties and payload of the tree node pointed to by the
%% given path pattern.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% The `PathPattern' must target a specific tree node. In other words,
%% updating many nodes with the same payload is denied. That fact is checked
%% before the tree node is looked up: so if a condition in the path could
%% potentially match several nodes, an exception is raised, even though only
%% one tree node would match at the time. If you want to get multiple nodes at
%% once, use {@link get_many/3}.
%% The returned `{ok, NodeProps}' tuple contains a map with the properties and
%% payload (if any) of the targeted tree node. If the tree node is not found,
%% `{error, ?khepri_error(node_not_found, Info)}' is returned.
%% Example: query a tree node which holds the atom `value'
%% ```
%% %% Query the tree node at `/:foo/:bar'.
%% {ok, #{data := value,
%% payload_version := 1}} = khepri_adv:get(StoreId, [foo, bar]).
%% '''
%% Example: query an existing tree node with no payload
%% ```
%% %% Query the tree node at `/:no_payload'.
%% {ok, #{payload_version := 1}} = khepri_adv:get(StoreId, [no_payload]).
%% '''
%% Example: query a non-existent tree node
%% ```
%% %% Query the tree node at `/:non_existent'.
%% {error, ?khepri_error(node_not_found, _)} = khepri_adv:get(
%% StoreId, [non_existent]).
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree node to get.
%% @param Options query options.
%% @returns an `{ok, NodeProps}' tuple or an `{error, Reason}' tuple.
%% @see get_many/3.
%% @see khepri:get/3.
get(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) ->
Options1 = Options#{expect_specific_node => true},
Ret = get_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Options1),
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% get_many().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec get_many(PathPattern) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:many_results().
%% @doc Returns properties and payloads of all the tree nodes matching the
%% given path pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `get_many(StoreId,
%% PathPattern)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see get_many/2.
%% @see get_many/3.
get_many(PathPattern) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
get_many(StoreId, PathPattern).
-spec get_many
(StoreId, PathPattern) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:many_results();
(PathPattern, Options) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:many_results().
%% @doc Returns properties and payloads of all the tree nodes matching the
%% given path pattern.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`get_many(StoreId, PathPattern)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `get_many(StoreId, PathPattern, #{})'.</li>
%% <li>`get_many(PathPattern, Options)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `get_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Options)' with the default store ID (see
%% {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see get_many/3.
get_many(StoreId, PathPattern) when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) ->
get_many(StoreId, PathPattern, #{});
get_many(PathPattern, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
get_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Options).
-spec get_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:query_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:many_results().
%% @doc Returns properties and payloads of all the tree nodes matching the
%% given path pattern.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% The returned `{ok, NodePropsMap}' tuple contains a map where keys correspond
%% to the path to a tree node matching the path pattern. Each key then points
%% to a map containing the properties and payload (if any) of that matching
%% tree node.
%% Example: query all nodes in the tree
%% ```
%% %% Get all nodes in the tree. The tree is:
%% %% <root>
%% %% `-- foo
%% %% `-- bar = value
%% {ok, #{[foo] :=
%% #{payload_version := 1},
%% [foo, bar] :=
%% #{data := value,
%% payload_version := 1}}} = khepri_adv:get_many(
%% StoreId,
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree nodes to get.
%% @param Options query options such as `favor'.
%% @returns an `{ok, NodePropsMap}' tuple or an `{error, Reason}' tuple.
%% @see get/3.
%% @see khepri:get_many/3.
get_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) ->
Fun = fun khepri_machine:collect_node_props_cb/3,
khepri_machine:fold(StoreId, PathPattern, Fun, #{}, Options).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% put().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec put(PathPattern, Data) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret() |
%% @doc Sets the payload of the tree node pointed to by the given path
%% pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `put(StoreId, PathPattern,
%% Data)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see put/3.
%% @see put/4.
put(PathPattern, Data) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
put(StoreId, PathPattern, Data).
-spec put(StoreId, PathPattern, Data) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret() |
%% @doc Sets the payload of the tree node pointed to by the given path
%% pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `put(StoreId, PathPattern,
%% Data, #{})'.
%% @see put/4.
put(StoreId, PathPattern, Data) ->
put(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, #{}).
-spec put(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() |
khepri:tree_options() |
Ret :: khepri:minimal_ret() |
khepri_adv:single_result() |
%% @doc Sets the payload of the tree node pointed to by the given path
%% pattern.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% The `PathPattern' must target a specific tree node. In other words,
%% updating many nodes with the same payload is denied. That fact is checked
%% before the tree node is looked up: so if a condition in the path could
%% potentially match several nodes, an exception is raised, even though only
%% one tree node would match at the time.
%% When using a simple path (i.e. without conditions), if the targeted tree
%% node does not exist, it is created using the given payload. If the
%% targeted tree node exists, it is updated with the given payload and its
%% payload version is increased by one. Missing parent nodes are created on
%% the way.
%% When using a path pattern, the behavior is the same. However if a condition
%% in the path pattern is not met, an error is returned and the tree structure
%% is not modified.
%% The returned `{ok, NodeProps}' tuple contains a map with the properties and
%% payload (if any) of the targeted tree node: the payload was the one before
%% the update, other properties like the payload version correspond to the
%% updated node. If the targeted tree node didn't exist, `NodeProps' will be
%% an empty map.
%% The payload must be one of the following form:
%% <ul>
%% <li>An explicit absence of payload ({@link khepri_payload:no_payload()}),
%% using the marker returned by {@link khepri_payload:none/0}, meaning there
%% will be no payload attached to the tree node and the existing payload will
%% be discarded if any</li>
%% <li>An anonymous function; it will be considered a stored procedure and
%% will be wrapped in a {@link khepri_payload:sproc()} record</li>
%% <li>Any other term; it will be wrapped in a {@link khepri_payload:data()}
%% record</li>
%% </ul>
%% It is possible to wrap the payload in its internal structure explicitly
%% using the {@link khepri_payload} module directly.
%% The `Options' map may specify command-level options; see {@link
%% khepri:command_options()}, {@link khepri:tree_options()} and {@link
%% khepri:put_options()}.
%% When doing an asynchronous update, the {@link wait_for_async_ret/1}
%% function can be used to receive the message from Ra.
%% The returned `{ok, NodeProps}' tuple contains a map with the properties and
%% payload (if any) of the targeted tree node as they were before the put.
%% Example:
%% ```
%% %% Insert a tree node at `/:foo/:bar', overwriting the previous value.
%% {ok, #{data := value,
%% payload_version := 1}} = khepri_adv:put(
%% StoreId, [foo, bar], new_value).
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree node to create or
%% modify.
%% @param Data the Erlang term or function to store, or a {@link
%% khepri_payload:payload()} structure.
%% @param Options command options.
%% @returns in the case of a synchronous call, an `{ok, NodeProps}' tuple or
%% an `{error, Reason}' tuple; in the case of an asynchronous call, always
%% `ok' (the actual return value may be sent by a message if a correlation ID
%% was specified).
%% @see create/4.
%% @see update/4.
%% @see compare_and_swap/5.
%% @see khepri:put/4.
put(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, Options) ->
Options1 = Options#{expect_specific_node => true},
Ret = put_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, Options1),
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% put_many().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec put_many(PathPattern, Data) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:many_results().
%% @doc Sets the payload of all the tree nodes matching the given path pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `put_many(StoreId, PathPattern,
%% Data)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see put_many/3.
%% @see put_many/4.
put_many(PathPattern, Data) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
put_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Data).
-spec put_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Data) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:many_results().
%% @doc Sets the payload of all the tree nodes matching the given path pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `put_many(StoreId, PathPattern,
%% Data, #{})'.
%% @see put_many/4.
put_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Data) ->
put_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, #{}).
-spec put_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() |
khepri:tree_options() |
Ret :: khepri_adv:many_results() | khepri_machine:async_ret().
%% @doc Sets the payload of all the tree nodes matching the given path pattern.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% When using a simple path (i.e. without conditions), if the targeted tree
%% node does not exist, it is created using the given payload. If the
%% targeted tree node exists, it is updated with the given payload and its
%% payload version is increased by one. Missing parent nodes are created on
%% the way.
%% When using a path pattern, the behavior is the same. However if a condition
%% in the path pattern is not met, an error is returned and the tree structure
%% is not modified.
%% The returned `{ok, NodePropsMap}' tuple contains a map where keys
%% correspond to the path to a tree node matching the path pattern. Each key
%% then points to a map containing the properties and payload (if any) of the
%% targeted tree node: the payload was the one before the update, other
%% properties like the payload version correspond to the updated node.
%% The payload must be one of the following form:
%% <ul>
%% <li>An explicit absence of payload ({@link khepri_payload:no_payload()}),
%% using the marker returned by {@link khepri_payload:none/0}, meaning there
%% will be no payload attached to the tree node and the existing payload will
%% be discarded if any</li>
%% <li>An anonymous function; it will be considered a stored procedure and
%% will be wrapped in a {@link khepri_payload:sproc()} record</li>
%% <li>Any other term; it will be wrapped in a {@link khepri_payload:data()}
%% record</li>
%% </ul>
%% It is possible to wrap the payload in its internal structure explicitly
%% using the {@link khepri_payload} module directly.
%% The `Options' map may specify command-level options; see {@link
%% khepri:command_options()}, {@link khepri:tree_options()} and {@link
%% khepri:put_options()}.
%% When doing an asynchronous update, the {@link wait_for_async_ret/1}
%% function can be used to receive the message from Ra.
%% Example:
%% ```
%% %% Set value of all tree nodes matching `/*/:bar', to `new_value'.
%% {ok, #{[foo, bar] :=
%% #{data := value,
%% payload_version := 1},
%% [baz, bar] :=
%% #{payload_version := 1}}} = khepri_adv:put_many(
%% StoreId,
%% new_value).
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree node to create or
%% modify.
%% @param Data the Erlang term or function to store, or a {@link
%% khepri_payload:payload()} structure.
%% @param Extra extra options such as `keep_while' conditions.
%% @param Options command options.
%% @returns in the case of a synchronous call, an `{ok, NodePropsMap}' tuple or
%% an `{error, Reason}' tuple; in the case of an asynchronous call, always `ok'
%% (the actual return value may be sent by a message if a correlation ID was
%% specified).
%% @see put/4.
%% @see khepri:put_many/4.
put_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, Options) ->
do_put(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, Options).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% create().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec create(PathPattern, Data) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:single_result().
%% @doc Creates a tree node with the given payload.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `create(StoreId, PathPattern,
%% Data)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see create/3.
%% @see create/4.
create(PathPattern, Data) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
create(StoreId, PathPattern, Data).
-spec create(StoreId, PathPattern, Data) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:single_result().
%% @doc Creates a tree node with the given payload.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `create(StoreId, PathPattern,
%% Data, #{})'.
%% @see create/4.
create(StoreId, PathPattern, Data) ->
create(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, #{}).
-spec create(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() |
khepri:tree_options() |
Ret :: khepri_adv:single_result() | khepri_machine:async_ret().
%% @doc Creates a tree node with the given payload.
%% The behavior is the same as {@link put/4} except that if the tree node
%% already exists, an `{error, ?khepri_error(mismatching_node, Info)}' tuple
%% is returned.
%% Internally, the `PathPattern' is modified to include an
%% `#if_node_exists{exists = false}' condition on its last component.
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree node to create.
%% @param Data the Erlang term or function to store, or a {@link
%% khepri_payload:payload()} structure.
%% @param Options command options.
%% @returns in the case of a synchronous call, an `{ok, NodeProps}' tuple or
%% an `{error, Reason}' tuple; in the case of an asynchronous call, always
%% `ok' (the actual return value may be sent by a message if a correlation ID
%% was specified).
%% @see put/4.
%% @see update/4.
%% @see khepri:create/4.
create(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, Options) ->
PathPattern1 = khepri_path:from_string(PathPattern),
PathPattern2 = khepri_path:combine_with_conditions(
PathPattern1, [#if_node_exists{exists = false}]),
Options1 = Options#{expect_specific_node => true},
case do_put(StoreId, PathPattern2, Data, Options1) of
{ok, NodePropsMaps} ->
[NodeProps] = maps:values(NodePropsMaps),
{ok, NodeProps};
Error ->
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% update().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec update(PathPattern, Data) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:single_result().
%% @doc Updates an existing tree node with the given payload.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `update(StoreId, PathPattern,
%% Data)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see update/3.
%% @see update/4.
update(PathPattern, Data) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
update(StoreId, PathPattern, Data).
-spec update(StoreId, PathPattern, Data) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:single_result().
%% @doc Updates an existing tree node with the given payload.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `update(StoreId, PathPattern,
%% Data, #{})'.
%% @see update/4.
update(StoreId, PathPattern, Data) ->
update(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, #{}).
-spec update(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() |
khepri:tree_options() |
Ret :: khepri_adv:single_result() | khepri_machine:async_ret().
%% @doc Updates an existing tree node with the given payload.
%% The behavior is the same as {@link put/4} except that if the tree node
%% already exists, an `{error, ?khepri_error(mismatching_node, Info)}' tuple
%% is returned.
%% Internally, the `PathPattern' is modified to include an
%% `#if_node_exists{exists = true}' condition on its last component.
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree node to modify.
%% @param Data the Erlang term or function to store, or a {@link
%% khepri_payload:payload()} structure.
%% @param Extra extra options such as `keep_while' conditions.
%% @param Options command options.
%% @returns in the case of a synchronous call, an `{ok, NodeProps}' tuple or
%% an `{error, Reason}' tuple; in the case of an asynchronous call, always
%% `ok' (the actual return value may be sent by a message if a correlation ID
%% was specified).
%% @see put/4.
%% @see create/4.
%% @see khepri:update/4.
update(StoreId, PathPattern, Data, Options) ->
PathPattern1 = khepri_path:from_string(PathPattern),
PathPattern2 = khepri_path:combine_with_conditions(
PathPattern1, [#if_node_exists{exists = true}]),
Options1 = Options#{expect_specific_node => true},
Ret = do_put(StoreId, PathPattern2, Data, Options1),
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% compare_and_swap().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec compare_and_swap(PathPattern, DataPattern, Data) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
DataPattern :: ets:match_pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:single_result().
%% @doc Updates an existing tree node with the given payload only if its data
%% matches the given pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `compare_and_swap(StoreId,
%% PathPattern, DataPattern, Data)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see compare_and_swap/4.
%% @see compare_and_swap/5.
compare_and_swap(PathPattern, DataPattern, Data) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
compare_and_swap(StoreId, PathPattern, DataPattern, Data).
-spec compare_and_swap(StoreId, PathPattern, DataPattern, Data) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
DataPattern :: ets:match_pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:single_result().
%% @doc Updates an existing tree node with the given payload only if its data
%% matches the given pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `compare_and_swap(StoreId,
%% PathPattern, DataPattern, Data, #{})'.
%% @see compare_and_swap/5.
compare_and_swap(StoreId, PathPattern, DataPattern, Data) ->
compare_and_swap(StoreId, PathPattern, DataPattern, Data, #{}).
-spec compare_and_swap(StoreId, PathPattern, DataPattern, Data, Options) ->
Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
DataPattern :: ets:match_pattern(),
Data :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() |
khepri:tree_options() |
Ret :: khepri_adv:single_result() | khepri_machine:async_ret().
%% @doc Updates an existing tree node with the given payload only if its data
%% matches the given pattern.
%% The behavior is the same as {@link put/4} except that if the tree node
%% already exists, an `{error, ?khepri_error(mismatching_node, Info)}' tuple
%% is returned.
%% Internally, the `PathPattern' is modified to include an
%% `#if_data_matches{pattern = DataPattern}' condition on its last component.
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree node to modify.
%% @param Data the Erlang term or function to store, or a {@link
%% khepri_payload:payload()} structure.
%% @param Extra extra options such as `keep_while' conditions.
%% @param Options command options.
%% @returns in the case of a synchronous call, an `{ok, NodeProps}' tuple or
%% an `{error, Reason}' tuple; in the case of an asynchronous call, always
%% `ok' (the actual return value may be sent by a message if a correlation ID
%% was specified).
%% @see put/4.
%% @see khepri:compare_and_swap/5.
compare_and_swap(StoreId, PathPattern, DataPattern, Data, Options) ->
PathPattern1 = khepri_path:from_string(PathPattern),
PathPattern2 = khepri_path:combine_with_conditions(
PathPattern1, [#if_data_matches{pattern = DataPattern}]),
Options1 = Options#{expect_specific_node => true},
Ret = do_put(StoreId, PathPattern2, Data, Options1),
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% do_put().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec do_put(StoreId, PathPattern, Payload, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Payload :: khepri_payload:payload() | khepri:data() | fun(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() |
khepri:tree_options() |
Ret :: khepri_adv:many_results() | khepri_machine:async_ret().
%% @doc Prepares the payload and calls {@link khepri_machine:put/5}.
%% @private
do_put(StoreId, PathPattern, Payload, Options) ->
Payload1 = khepri_payload:wrap(Payload),
khepri_machine:put(StoreId, PathPattern, Payload1, Options).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% delete().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec delete(PathPattern) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:single_result().
%% @doc Deletes the tree node pointed to by the given path pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `delete(StoreId, PathPattern)'
%% with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see delete/2.
%% @see delete/3.
delete(PathPattern) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
delete(StoreId, PathPattern).
-spec delete
(StoreId, PathPattern) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:single_result();
(PathPattern, Options) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:single_result().
%% @doc Deletes the tree node pointed to by the given path pattern.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`delete(StoreId, PathPattern)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `delete(StoreId, PathPattern, #{})'.</li>
%% <li>`delete(PathPattern, Options)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `delete(StoreId, PathPattern, Options)' with the default store ID (see
%% {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see delete/3.
delete(StoreId, PathPattern) when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) ->
delete(StoreId, PathPattern, #{});
delete(PathPattern, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
delete(StoreId, PathPattern, Options).
-spec delete(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:single_result() | khepri_machine:async_ret().
%% @doc Deletes the tree node pointed to by the given path pattern.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% The `PathPattern' must target a specific tree node. In other words,
%% updating many nodes with the same payload is denied. That fact is checked
%% before the tree node is looked up: so if a condition in the path could
%% potentially match several nodes, an exception is raised, even though only
%% one tree node would match at the time. If you want to delete multiple nodes
%% at once, use {@link delete_many/3}.
%% The returned `{ok, NodeProps}' tuple contains a map with the properties and
%% payload (if any) of the targeted tree node as they were before the delete.
%% If the targeted tree node didn't exist, `NodeProps' will be an empty map.
%% When doing an asynchronous update, the {@link wait_for_async_ret/1}
%% function can be used to receive the message from Ra.
%% Example:
%% ```
%% %% Delete the tree node at `/:foo/:bar'.
%% {ok, #{data := value,
%% payload_version := 1}} = khepri_adv:delete(StoreId, [foo, bar]).
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the nodes to delete.
%% @param Options command options such as the command type.
%% @returns in the case of a synchronous call, an `{ok, NodeProps}' tuple or
%% an `{error, Reason}' tuple; in the case of an asynchronous call, always
%% `ok' (the actual return value may be sent by a message if a correlation ID
%% was specified).
%% @see delete_many/3.
%% @see khepri:delete/3.
delete(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) ->
%% TODO: Not handled by khepri_machine:delete/3...
Options1 = Options#{expect_specific_node => true},
case khepri_machine:delete(StoreId, PathPattern, Options1) of
{ok, NodePropsMap} ->
%% It's ok to delete a non-existing tree node. The returned result
%% will be an empty map, in which case we return `#{}' as the
%% "node properties".
NodeProps = case maps:values(NodePropsMap) of
[NP] -> NP;
[] -> #{}
{ok, NodeProps};
Error ->
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% delete_many().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec delete_many(PathPattern) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:many_results().
%% @doc Deletes all tree nodes matching the given path pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `delete_many(StoreId,
%% PathPattern)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see delete_many/2.
%% @see delete_many/3.
delete_many(PathPattern) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
delete_many(StoreId, PathPattern).
-spec delete_many
(StoreId, PathPattern) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:many_results();
(PathPattern, Options) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:many_results().
%% @doc Deletes all tree nodes matching the given path pattern.
%% This function accepts the following two forms:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`delete_many(StoreId, PathPattern)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `delete(StoreId, PathPattern, #{})'.</li>
%% <li>`delete_many(PathPattern, Options)'. Calling it is the same as calling
%% `delete(StoreId, PathPattern, Options)' with the default store ID (see
%% {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).</li>
%% </ul>
%% @see delete_many/3.
delete_many(StoreId, PathPattern) when ?IS_STORE_ID(StoreId) ->
delete_many(StoreId, PathPattern, #{});
delete_many(PathPattern, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
delete_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Options).
-spec delete_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() | khepri:tree_options(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:many_results() | khepri_machine:async_ret().
%% @doc Deletes all tree nodes matching the given path pattern.
%% The `PathPattern' can be provided as a native path pattern (a list of tree
%% node names and conditions) or as a string. See {@link
%% khepri_path:from_string/1}.
%% The returned `{ok, NodePropsMap}' tuple contains a map where keys
%% correspond to the path to a deleted tree node. Each key then points to a
%% map containing the properties and payload (if any) of that deleted tree
%% node as they were before the delete.
%% When doing an asynchronous update, the {@link wait_for_async_ret/1}
%% function can be used to receive the message from Ra.
%% Example:
%% ```
%% %% Delete the tree node at `/:foo/:bar'.
%% {ok, #{[foo, bar] := #{data := value,
%% payload_version := 1},
%% [baz, bar] := #{payload_version := 1}}} = khepri_adv:delete_many(
%% StoreId, [foo, bar]).
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the nodes to delete.
%% @param Options command options such as the command type.
%% @returns in the case of a synchronous call, an `{ok, NodePropsMap}' tuple
%% or an `{error, Reason}' tuple; in the case of an asynchronous call, always
%% `ok' (the actual return value may be sent by a message if a correlation ID
%% was specified).
%% @see delete/3.
%% @see khepri:delete/3.
delete_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) ->
khepri_machine:delete(StoreId, PathPattern, Options).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% clear_payload().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec clear_payload(PathPattern) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:single_result().
%% @doc Deletes the payload of the tree node pointed to by the given path
%% pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `clear_payload(StoreId,
%% PathPattern)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see clear_payload/2.
%% @see clear_payload/3.
clear_payload(PathPattern) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
clear_payload(StoreId, PathPattern).
-spec clear_payload(StoreId, PathPattern) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:single_result().
%% @doc Deletes the payload of the tree node pointed to by the given path
%% pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `clear_payload(StoreId,
%% PathPattern, #{})'.
%% @see clear_payload/3.
clear_payload(StoreId, PathPattern) ->
clear_payload(StoreId, PathPattern, #{}).
-spec clear_payload(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() |
khepri:tree_options() |
Ret :: khepri_adv:single_result() | khepri_machine:async_ret().
%% @doc Deletes the payload of the tree node pointed to by the given path
%% pattern.
%% In other words, the payload is set to {@link khepri_payload:no_payload()}.
%% Otherwise, the behavior is that of {@link update/4}.
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree node to modify.
%% @param Extra extra options such as `keep_while' conditions.
%% @param Options command options.
%% @returns in the case of a synchronous call, an `{ok, NodeProps}' tuple or
%% an `{error, Reason}' tuple; in the case of an asynchronous call, always
%% `ok' (the actual return value may be sent by a message if a correlation ID
%% was specified).
%% @see update/4.
%% @see khepri:clear_payload/3.
clear_payload(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) ->
Ret = update(StoreId, PathPattern, khepri_payload:none(), Options),
case Ret of
{error, ?khepri_error(node_not_found, _)} -> {ok, #{}};
_ -> Ret
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% clear_many_payloads().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec clear_many_payloads(PathPattern) -> Ret when
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:many_results().
%% @doc Deletes the payload of all tree nodes matching the given path pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `clear_many_payloads(StoreId,
%% PathPattern)' with the default store ID (see {@link
%% khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
%% @see clear_many_payloads/2.
%% @see clear_many_payloads/3.
clear_many_payloads(PathPattern) ->
StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
clear_many_payloads(StoreId, PathPattern).
-spec clear_many_payloads(StoreId, PathPattern) -> Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Ret :: khepri_adv:many_results().
%% @doc Deletes the payload of all tree nodes matching the given path pattern.
%% Calling this function is the same as calling `clear_many_payloads(StoreId,
%% PathPattern, #{})'.
%% @see clear_many_payloads/3.
clear_many_payloads(StoreId, PathPattern) ->
clear_many_payloads(StoreId, PathPattern, #{}).
-spec clear_many_payloads(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) ->
Ret when
StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
PathPattern :: khepri_path:pattern(),
Options :: khepri:command_options() |
khepri:tree_options() |
Ret :: khepri_adv:many_results() | khepri_machine:async_ret().
%% @doc Deletes the payload of all tree nodes matching the given path pattern.
%% In other words, the payload is set to {@link khepri_payload:no_payload()}.
%% Otherwise, the behavior is that of {@link put/4}.
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
%% @param PathPattern the path (or path pattern) to the tree nodes to modify.
%% @param Extra extra options such as `keep_while' conditions.
%% @param Options command options.
%% @returns in the case of a synchronous call, an `{ok, NodePropsMap}' tuple
%% or an `{error, Reason}' tuple; in the case of an asynchronous call, always
%% `ok' (the actual return value may be sent by a message if a correlation ID
%% was specified).
%% @see delete_many/3.
%% @see put/4.
%% @see khepri:clear_many_payloads/3.
clear_many_payloads(StoreId, PathPattern, Options) ->
PathPattern1 = khepri_path:from_string(PathPattern),
PathPattern2 = khepri_path:combine_with_conditions(
PathPattern1, [#if_node_exists{exists = true}]),
do_put(StoreId, PathPattern2, khepri_payload:none(), Options).