# `khepri_mnesia_migration`: Mnesia⬌Khepri migration toolkit


`khepri_mnesia_migration` is a library providing helpers to migrate data
between the Mnesia and Khepri databases.

Currently, only the migration from Mnesia to Khepri is supported.

<img align="right" height="150" src="/doc/kmm-logo.svg">

## Project maturity

`khepri_mnesia_migration` is still under active development and should be
considered *Alpha* at this stage.

## Documentation

* A short tutorial in the [Getting started](#getting-started) section below
* [Documentation and API reference](

## Getting started

### Add as a dependency

Add `khepri_mnesia_migration` as a dependency of your project:

Using Rebar:

%% In rebar.config
{deps, [{khepri_mnesia_migration, "0.7.0"}]}.


# In your Makefile
DEPS += khepri_mnesia_migration
dep_khepri_mnesia_migration = hex 0.7.0

Using Mix:

# In mix.exs
defp deps do
    {:khepri_mnesia_migration, "0.7.0"}

### Synchronize cluster members

To ensure a Khepri store has the same members as the Mnesia cluster, use


### Copy Mnesia tables to a Khepri store

You can copy Mnesia tables records to a Khepri store using
`mnesia_to_khepri:copy_tables/{2,3}`. It takes a converter module which takes
care of actually processing each Mnesia records (if needed) and storing them in
the Khepri store. A converter module called
`mnesia_to_khepri_example_converter` is provided for common use cases and as an


## How to build

### Build

rebar3 compile

### Build documentation

rebar3 edoc

### Test

rebar3 xref
rebar3 eunit
rebar3 ct --sname ct
rebar3 as test dialyzer

## Copyright and License

© 2022-2024 Broadcom. All Rights Reserved. The term "Broadcom" refers to
Broadcom Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.

This work is dual-licensed under the Apache License 2.0 and the Mozilla Public
License 2.0. You can choose between one of them if you use this work.

SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MPL-2.0