# Contributing
I value contributions to Enviable--bug reports, discussions, feature requests,
and code contributions. New features should be proposed and discussed in an
Before contributing patches, please read the [Licence](./LICENCE.md).
Enviable is governed under the [Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct][cccoc].
## Code Guidelines
I have several guidelines to contributing code through pull requests:
- All code changes require tests. In most cases, this will be added or updated
unit tests. I use [ExUnit][ExUnit].
- I use code formatters, static analysis tools, and linting to ensure consistent
styles and formatting. There should be no warnings output from compile or test
run processes. I use `mix compile --warnings-as-errors`, [Credo][Credo], and
`mix format` (with [Styler][Styler])
- Proposed changes should be on a thoughtfully-named topic branch and organized
into logical commit chunks as appropriate.
- Use [Conventional Commits][conventional] with our
- Versions must not be updated in pull requests.
- Documentation should be added or updated as appropriate for new or updated
- New dependencies are discouraged and their addition must be discussed,
regardless whether it is a development dependency, optional dependency, or
runtime dependency.
- All GitHub Actions checks marked as required must pass before a pull request
may be accepted and merged.
### Commit Conventions
Enviable has adopted a variation of the Conventional Commits format for commit
messages. The following types are permitted:
| Type | Purpose |
| ------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| `feat` | A new feature |
| `fix` | A bug fix |
| `chore` | A code change that is neither a bug fix nor a feature |
| `docs` | Documentation updates |
| `deps` | Dependency updates, including GitHub Actions. |
I encourage the use of [Tim Pope's][tpope-qcm] or [Chris Beam's][cbeams]
guidelines on the writing of commit messages
I require the use of [git][trailers1] [trailers][trailers2] for specific
additional metadata and strongly encourage it for others. The conditionally
required metadata trailers are:
- `Breaking-Change`: if the change is a breaking change. **Do not** use the
shorthand form (`feat!(scope)`) or `BREAKING CHANGE`.
- `Signed-off-by`: this is required for all developers except me, as outlined in
the [Licence](./LICENCE.md#developer-certificate-of-origin).
- `Fixes` or `Resolves`: If a change fixes one or more open [issues][issues],
that issue must be included in the `Fixes` or `Resolves` trailer. Multiple
issues should be listed comma separated in the same trailer:
`Fixes: #1, #5, #7`, but _may_ appear in separate trailers. While both `Fixes`
and `Resolves` are synonyms, only _one_ should be used in a given commit or
pull request.
- `Related to`: If a change does not fix an issue, those issue references should
be included in this trailer.
## Contributors
Austin Ziegler created Enviable.
[cccoc]: ./CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
[conventional]: https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/
[credo]: https://github.com/rrrene/credo
[styler]: https://github.com/adobe/styler
[exunit]: https://hexdocs.pm/ex_unit/ExUnit.html
[trailers1]: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-interpret-trailers
[trailers2]: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-commit#Documentation/git-commit.txt---trailerlttokengtltvaluegt
[issues]: https://github.com/halostatue/enviable/issues
[tpope-qcm]: http://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html
[cbeams]: https://cbea.ms/git-commit/