
defmodule Kino.JS.Live.Context do
  @moduledoc """
  State available in `Kino.JS.Live` server callbacks.

  ## Properties

    * `:assigns` - custom server state kept across callback calls

    * `:origin` - an opaque identifier of the client that triggered
      the given action. It is set in `c:Kino.JS.Live.handle_connect/1`
      and `c:Kino.JS.Live.handle_event/3`

  defstruct [:assigns, :origin, :__private__]

  @type t :: %__MODULE__{assigns: map(), origin: origin(), __private__: map()}

  @type origin :: nil | term()

  @doc false
  def new() do
    %__MODULE__{assigns: %{}, origin: nil, __private__: %{}}

  @doc """
  Stores key-value pairs in the state.

  ## Examples

      assign(ctx, count: 1, timestamp: DateTime.utc_now())
  @spec assign(t(), Enumerable.t()) :: t()
  def assign(%__MODULE__{} = ctx, assigns) do
    assigns =
      Enum.reduce(assigns, ctx.assigns, fn {key, val}, assigns ->
        Map.put(assigns, key, val)

    %{ctx | assigns: assigns}

  @doc """
  Updates an existing key with the given function in the state.

  ## Examples

      update(ctx, :count, &(&1 + 1))
  @spec update(t(), term(), (term() -> term())) :: t()
  def update(%__MODULE__{} = ctx, key, fun) when is_function(fun, 1) do
    val = Map.fetch!(ctx.assigns, key)
    assign(ctx, [{key, fun.(val)}])

  @doc """
  Sends an event to all clients.

  The event is dispatched to the registered JavaScript callback
  on all connected clients.

  ## Examples

      broadcast_event(ctx, "new_point", %{x: 10, y: 10})
  @spec broadcast_event(t(), String.t(), term()) :: :ok
  def broadcast_event(%__MODULE__{} = ctx, event, payload \\ nil) when is_binary(event) do
    Kino.JS.Live.Server.broadcast_event(ctx, event, payload)

  @doc """
  Sends an event to a specific client.

  The event is dispatched to the registered JavaScript callback
  on the specific connected client.

  ## Examples

      send_event(ctx, origin, "new_point", %{x: 10, y: 10})
  @spec send_event(t(), term(), String.t(), term()) :: :ok
  def send_event(%__MODULE__{} = ctx, client_id, event, payload \\ nil) when is_binary(event) do
    Kino.JS.Live.Server.send_event(ctx, client_id, event, payload)

  @doc """
  Emits an event to processes subscribed to this kino.

  Consumers may subscribe to events emitted by the given instance of
  `Kino.JS.Live` using functions in the `Kino.Control` module, such
  as ``.

  ## Examples

      emit_event(ctx, %{event: :click, counter: 1})

  @spec emit_event(t(), term()) :: :ok
  def emit_event(%__MODULE__{} = ctx, event) do
    Kino.JS.Live.Server.emit_event(ctx, event)