# KinoK8s

A Livebook Kino for learning to use the k8s Elixir library.

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## Installation

Mix.install([{:kino_k8s, "~> 1.0"}])

## Smart Cells

`kino_k8s` brings the following Smart Cells to your Livebook:

- **Cluster Connection** - Connect to a Kubernetes Cluster
- **Get / List / Watch Resources**
- **Create / Update / Apply Resource** - Modify resources in your cluster
- **Connect to Pod (Exec/Logs)** - Renders a terminal using xterm.js (Formerly `kino_k8s_term`).

The smart cells require a connection to a Kubernetes Cluster in form of a
`%K8s.Conn{}` object. To add such a connection to your Livebook, you can add
the `Cluster Connection` smart cell before adding any other smart cells.

## Development

### Build and Watch Javascript and CSS

npm start

### Install and run livebook

mix escript.install hex livebook
MIX_ENV=dev livebook server ./dev.livemd

### Build Assets

npm run build