# KinoK8s
A Livebook Kino for learning to use the k8s Elixir library.
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## Installation
Install the latest 1.x version:
Mix.install([{:kino_k8s, "~> 2.0"}])
To install the latest from `main` branch:
Mix.install([{:kino_k8s, github: "mruoss/kino_k8s"}])
## Smart Cells
`kino_k8s` brings the **Kubernetes Client** Smart Cell to your
[Livebook]( It lets you perform a set of operations on
your Kubernetes cluster and learn how to work with the
[`kubereq`]( library
## Development
### Build and Watch Javascript and CSS
cd assets
npm install
npm run dev
### Install and run livebook
mix escript.install hex livebook
livebook server ./dev.livemd
### Build Assets
cd assets
npm install
npm run build