# KinoShell

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<img width="1420" alt="kino_shell" src="">

Just a simple smartcell to run a bash script.
You can run it in the background or as an auto restarting daemon.

Why? Well you see, I use [Livebook]( for data analysis for my company.
Yes, eventually I'll have to setup a proper data warehouse and start doing my business intelligence by querying that.
But eventually will come. Today, I just want to rsync my sqlite database from my prod server to backup and do some analysis.
This project makes things like that about 30% nicer. 

You can judge me, or you can be impressed by me.
What you can't do, is deny the usefulness of `kino_shell`.

## Installation

To bring `kino_shell` to Livebook all you need to do is Mix.install/2:

  {:kino_shell, "~> 0.1.1"}