# klä
[![Build Status][travis badge]][travis] [![LFE Versions][lfe badge]][lfe] [![Erlang Versions][erlang badge]][versions] [![Tags][github tags badge]][github tags] [![Downloads][hex downloads]][hex package]
*An LFE Wrapper Library used to Dress Up Erlang Libraries in a Lispy Costume*
##### Contents
* [Introduction](#introduction-)
* [Dependencies](#dependencies-)
* [Installation](#installation-)
* [Usage](#usage-)
## Introduction [↟](#contents)
Add content to me here!
## Dependencies [↟](#contents)
As of version 0.5.0, this project assumes that you have
[rebar3](https://github.com/rebar/rebar3) installed somwhere in your ``$PATH``.
It no longer uses the old version of rebar. If you do not wish to use rebar3,
you may use the most recent rebar2-compatible release of kla: 0.4.2.
## Installation [↟](#contents)
Just add it to your ``rebar.config`` deps:
{deps, [
{kla, ".*",
{git, "git@github.com:lfex/kla.git", {tag, "0.5.0"}}}
And then do the usual:
$ rebar get-deps
$ rebar compile
## Usage [↟](#contents)
Add content to me here!
<!-- Named page links below: /-->
[kla-logo]: priv/images/vikings-small.png
[kla-logo-large]: http://callego.deviantart.com/art/Viking-Clothes-334955145
[github]: https://github.com/lfex/kla
[gitlab]: https://gitlab.com/lfex/kla
[travis]: https://travis-ci.org/lfex/kla
[travis badge]: https://img.shields.io/travis/lfex/kla.svg
[lfe]: https://github.com/rvirding/lfe
[lfe badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/lfe-1.2.0-blue.svg
[erlang badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/erlang-R15%20to%2019.1-blue.svg
[versions]: https://github.com/lfex/kla/blob/master/.travis.yml
[github tags]: https://github.com/lfex/kla/tags
[github tags badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/tag/lfex/kla.svg
[github downloads]: https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/atom/atom/total.svg
[hex badge]: https://img.shields.io/hexpm/v/kla.svg?maxAge=2592000
[hex package]: https://hex.pm/packages/kla
[hex downloads]: https://img.shields.io/hexpm/dt/kla.svg