# This module is automatically generated by running mix task generate_file
# every change must be done inside the mix task directly
defmodule KlifeProtocol.Messages.DescribeQuorum do
@moduledoc """
Kafka protocol DescribeQuorum message
Request versions summary:
- Version 1 adds additional fields in the response. The request is unchanged (KIP-836).
Response versions summary:
- Version 1 adds LastFetchTimeStamp and LastCaughtUpTimestamp in ReplicaState (KIP-836).
alias KlifeProtocol.Deserializer
alias KlifeProtocol.Serializer
alias KlifeProtocol.Header
@api_key 55
@min_flexible_version_req 0
@min_flexible_version_res 0
@doc """
Receives a map and serialize it to kafka wire format of the given version.
Input content fields:
- topics: ([]TopicData | versions 0+)
- topic_name: The topic name. (string | versions 0+)
- partitions: ([]PartitionData | versions 0+)
- partition_index: The partition index. (int32 | versions 0+)
def serialize_request(%{headers: headers, content: content}, version) do
|> Map.put(:request_api_key, @api_key)
|> Map.put(:request_api_version, version)
|> Header.serialize_request(req_header_version(version))
|> then(&Serializer.execute(content, request_schema(version), &1))
@doc """
Receive a binary in the kafka wire format and deserialize it into a map.
Response content fields:
- error_code: The top level error code. (int16 | versions 0+)
- topics: ([]TopicData | versions 0+)
- topic_name: The topic name. (string | versions 0+)
- partitions: ([]PartitionData | versions 0+)
- partition_index: The partition index. (int32 | versions 0+)
- error_code: (int16 | versions 0+)
- leader_id: The ID of the current leader or -1 if the leader is unknown. (int32 | versions 0+)
- leader_epoch: The latest known leader epoch (int32 | versions 0+)
- high_watermark: (int64 | versions 0+)
- current_voters: ([]ReplicaState | versions 0+)
- replica_id: (int32 | versions 0+)
- log_end_offset: The last known log end offset of the follower or -1 if it is unknown (int64 | versions 0+)
- last_fetch_timestamp: The last known leader wall clock time time when a follower fetched from the leader. This is reported as -1 both for the current leader or if it is unknown for a voter (int64 | versions 1+)
- last_caught_up_timestamp: The leader wall clock append time of the offset for which the follower made the most recent fetch request. This is reported as the current time for the leader and -1 if unknown for a voter (int64 | versions 1+)
- observers: ([]ReplicaState | versions 0+)
- replica_id: (int32 | versions 0+)
- log_end_offset: The last known log end offset of the follower or -1 if it is unknown (int64 | versions 0+)
- last_fetch_timestamp: The last known leader wall clock time time when a follower fetched from the leader. This is reported as -1 both for the current leader or if it is unknown for a voter (int64 | versions 1+)
- last_caught_up_timestamp: The leader wall clock append time of the offset for which the follower made the most recent fetch request. This is reported as the current time for the leader and -1 if unknown for a voter (int64 | versions 1+)
def deserialize_response(data, version, with_header? \\ true)
def deserialize_response(data, version, true) do
{:ok, {headers, rest_data}} = Header.deserialize_response(data, res_header_version(version))
case Deserializer.execute(rest_data, response_schema(version)) do
{:ok, {content, <<>>}} ->
{:ok, %{headers: headers, content: content}}
{:error, _reason} = err ->
def deserialize_response(data, version, false) do
case Deserializer.execute(data, response_schema(version)) do
{:ok, {content, <<>>}} ->
{:ok, %{content: content}}
{:error, _reason} = err ->
@doc """
Returns the message api key number.
def api_key(), do: @api_key
@doc """
Returns the current max supported version of this message.
def max_supported_version(), do: 1
@doc """
Returns the current min supported version of this message.
def min_supported_version(), do: 0
defp req_header_version(msg_version),
do: if(msg_version >= @min_flexible_version_req, do: 2, else: 1)
defp res_header_version(msg_version),
do: if(msg_version >= @min_flexible_version_res, do: 1, else: 0)
defp request_schema(0),
do: [
topic_name: {:compact_string, %{is_nullable?: false}},
[partition_index: {:int32, %{is_nullable?: false}}, tag_buffer: {:tag_buffer, []}]},
%{is_nullable?: false}},
tag_buffer: {:tag_buffer, []}
]}, %{is_nullable?: false}},
tag_buffer: {:tag_buffer, []}
defp request_schema(1),
do: [
topic_name: {:compact_string, %{is_nullable?: false}},
[partition_index: {:int32, %{is_nullable?: false}}, tag_buffer: {:tag_buffer, []}]},
%{is_nullable?: false}},
tag_buffer: {:tag_buffer, []}
]}, %{is_nullable?: false}},
tag_buffer: {:tag_buffer, []}
defp request_schema(unkown_version),
do: raise("Unknown version #{unkown_version} for message DescribeQuorum")
defp response_schema(0),
do: [
error_code: {:int16, %{is_nullable?: false}},
topic_name: {:compact_string, %{is_nullable?: false}},
partition_index: {:int32, %{is_nullable?: false}},
error_code: {:int16, %{is_nullable?: false}},
leader_id: {:int32, %{is_nullable?: false}},
leader_epoch: {:int32, %{is_nullable?: false}},
high_watermark: {:int64, %{is_nullable?: false}},
replica_id: {:int32, %{is_nullable?: false}},
log_end_offset: {:int64, %{is_nullable?: false}},
tag_buffer: {:tag_buffer, %{}}
]}, %{is_nullable?: false}},
replica_id: {:int32, %{is_nullable?: false}},
log_end_offset: {:int64, %{is_nullable?: false}},
tag_buffer: {:tag_buffer, %{}}
]}, %{is_nullable?: false}},
tag_buffer: {:tag_buffer, %{}}
]}, %{is_nullable?: false}},
tag_buffer: {:tag_buffer, %{}}
]}, %{is_nullable?: false}},
tag_buffer: {:tag_buffer, %{}}
defp response_schema(1),
do: [
error_code: {:int16, %{is_nullable?: false}},
topic_name: {:compact_string, %{is_nullable?: false}},
partition_index: {:int32, %{is_nullable?: false}},
error_code: {:int16, %{is_nullable?: false}},
leader_id: {:int32, %{is_nullable?: false}},
leader_epoch: {:int32, %{is_nullable?: false}},
high_watermark: {:int64, %{is_nullable?: false}},
replica_id: {:int32, %{is_nullable?: false}},
log_end_offset: {:int64, %{is_nullable?: false}},
last_fetch_timestamp: {:int64, %{is_nullable?: false}},
last_caught_up_timestamp: {:int64, %{is_nullable?: false}},
tag_buffer: {:tag_buffer, %{}}
]}, %{is_nullable?: false}},
replica_id: {:int32, %{is_nullable?: false}},
log_end_offset: {:int64, %{is_nullable?: false}},
last_fetch_timestamp: {:int64, %{is_nullable?: false}},
last_caught_up_timestamp: {:int64, %{is_nullable?: false}},
tag_buffer: {:tag_buffer, %{}}
]}, %{is_nullable?: false}},
tag_buffer: {:tag_buffer, %{}}
]}, %{is_nullable?: false}},
tag_buffer: {:tag_buffer, %{}}
]}, %{is_nullable?: false}},
tag_buffer: {:tag_buffer, %{}}
defp response_schema(unkown_version),
do: raise("Unknown version #{unkown_version} for message DescribeQuorum")