# Knock
Knock API access for applications written in Elixir.
## Documentation
See the [package documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/knock) as well as [API documentation](https://docs.knock.app) for usage examples.
## Installation
Add the package to your `mix.exs` file as follows:
def deps do
{:knock, "~> 0.4"}
## Configuration
Start by defining an Elixir module for your Knock instance:
defmodule MyApp.Knock do
use Knock, otp_app: :my_app
To use the library you must provide a secret API key, provided in the Knock dashboard.
You can set it as an environment variable:
Or you can specify it manually in your configuration:
config :my_app, MyApp.Knock,
api_key: "sk_12345"
Or you can pass it through when creating a client instance:
knock_client = MyApp.Knock.client(api_key: "sk_12345")
## Usage
### Identifying users
|> Knock.Users.identify("jhammond", %{
"name" => "John Hammond",
"email" => "jhammond@ingen.net",
### Retrieving users
|> Knock.Users.get_user("jhammond")
### Sending notifies
|> Knock.notify("dinosaurs-loose", %{
# user id of who performed the action
"actor" => "dnedry",
# list of user ids for who should receive the notif
"recipients" => ["jhammond", "agrant", "imalcolm", "esattler"],
# an optional cancellation key
"cancellation_key" => alert.id,
# an optional tenant
"tenant" => "jurassic-park",
# data payload to send through
"data" => %{
"type" => "trex",
"priority" => 1,
### User preferences
client = MyApp.Knock.client()
# Set preference set for user
Knock.Users.set_preferences(client, "jhammond", %{channel_types: %{email: true}})
# Set granular channel type preferences
Knock.Users.set_channel_type_preferences(client, "jhammond", :email, true)
# Set granular workflow preferences
Knock.Users.set_workflow_preferences(client, "jhammond", "dinosaurs-loose", %{
channel_types: %{email: true}
# Retrieve preferences
Knock.Users.get_preferences(client, "jhammond")
### Getting and setting channel data
client = MyApp.Knock.client()
# Set channel data for an APNS
Knock.Users.set_channel_data(client, "jhammond", KNOCK_APNS_CHANNEL_ID, %{
tokens: [apns_token],
# Get channel data for the APNS channel
Knock.Users.get_channel_data(client, "jhammond", KNOCK_APNS_CHANNEL_ID)
### Canceling notifies
|> Knock.Workflows.cancel("dinosaurs-loose", alert.id, %{
# optional list of user ids for who should have their notify canceled
"recipients" => ["jhammond", "agrant", "imalcolm", "esattler"],
### Signing JWTs
You can use the excellent `joken` package to [sign JWTs easily](https://hexdocs.pm/joken/assymetric_cryptography_signers.html#using-asymmetric-algorithms).
You will need to generate an environment specific signing key, which you can find in the Knock dashboard.
If you're using a signing token you will need to pass this to your client to perform authentication.
You can read more about [clientside authentication here](https://docs.knock.app/client-integration/authenticating-users).
priv = System.get_env("KNOCK_SIGNING_KEY")
now = DateTime.utc_now()
claims = %{
# The user id to sign this key for
"sub" => user_id,
# When the token was issued
"iat" => DateTime.to_unix(now),
# When the token expires (1 hour)
"exp" => DateTime.add(now, 3600, :second) |> DateTime.to_unix()
signer = Joken.Signer.create("RS256", %{"pem" => priv})
{:ok, token, _} = Joken.generate_and_sign(%{}, claims, signer)