# KoreanDictionary
Docs: [https://hexdocs.pm/korean_dictionary](https://hexdocs.pm/korean_dictionary).
## How to use
Get your key from
https://krdict.korean.go.kr/openApi/openApiInfo (it's free!)
Add the key to config.exs
config :korean_dictionary, key: "YOUR_KEY"
Add to mix.exs
def deps do
{:korean_dictionary, "~> 0.1.4"}
##### For English word definitions
which will return:
translations: [
"A country located in East Asia; it consists of the Korean Peninsula and affiliated islands; divided into South Korea and North Korea since the 1953 ceasefire agreement, it is called either the Republic of Korea or South Korea; the official language is Korean and the capital is Seoul."}
word: "한국"
translations: [
{"Korean; Korean language", "The language used by the Korean people."}
word: "한국말"
translations: [
{"Korean; Korean language", "The language used by the Korean people."}
word: "한국어"
translations: [
{"Korean; Korean people",
"A person who has the nationality of Republic of Korea or a descendent of a Korean lineage and spirit."}
word: "한국인"
translations: [
{"being Korean; Korean style",
"A state of having a unique quality of Korea or being right for Korea. "}
word: "한국적"
translations: [
{"Korean ",
"Having a unique quality of Korea or being congruous to Korea."}
word: "한국적"
translations: [
{"Korean beauty; Korean aesthetics ",
"The beauty of Korea, or Korean aesthetic appeal. "}
word: "한국미"
translations: [{"Korean history", "The history of Korea. "}],
word: "한국사"
translations: [
{"Korean studies",
"A field of study that studies Korean history, geology, culture, politics, economy, etc. "}
word: "한국학"
##### For Korean to Korean (with an 'easy' explanation describing the word)
which will return a list of explanations
"내가 아닌 다른 사람.",
"나와 관계가 없거나 관계가 끊어진 사람.",
"남성으로 태어난 사람.",
"동서남북의 네 방위 중의 하나로 나침반의 에스 극이 가리키는 쪽."
##### For Korean example sentences
which will return a list of example sentences
"건축학을 공부하다.", "게을리 공부하다.",
"경영학을 공부하다.", "경쟁적으로 공부하다.",
"경전을 공부하다.", "고대사를 공부하다.",
"고전 음악을 공부하다.", "고학으로 공부하다.",
"착실히 공부하다.", "장학금으로 공부하다."