# KoreanSentenceAnalyser

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## How to use

Add to mix.exs

def deps do
    {:korean_sentence_analyser, "~> 0.1.1"}

Start elastic search via docker compose

```docker-compose up -d```

You can use the dockerfile and docker compose file in this project, and start it however you like.
Just note that the `version of elasticsearch` has to be `6.1.1`

##### For sentence analysis
KoreanSentenceAnalyser.analyse_sentence("한국어 배우기가 재미있어용")

Which will return a map, or nil if nothing is found
      "tokens" => [
          "end_offset" => 3,
          "position" => 0,
          "start_offset" => 0,
          "token" => "한국어",
          "type" => "Noun"
          "end_offset" => 8,
          "position" => 1,
          "start_offset" => 4,
          "token" => "배우다",
          "type" => "Verb"
          "end_offset" => 14,
          "position" => 2,
          "start_offset" => 9,
          "token" => "재미있다",
          "type" => "Adjective"

##### For a single word analysis

which will return a string, or nil if empty

## Troubleshooting

In case Elasticsearch shuts down because of not enough virtual memory

```sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144```