# KoreanSentenceAnalyser
Docs: [https://hexdocs.pm/korean_sentence_analyser](https://hexdocs.pm/korean_sentence_analyser).
## How to use
Add to mix.exs
def deps do
{:korean_sentence_analyser, "~> 0.1.2"}
Start the python flask interface (mini api)
```docker-compose up -d```
##### For sentence analysis
KoreanSentenceAnalyser.analyse_sentence("한국어 배우기가 재미있어용")
Which will return a map, or nil if nothing is found
"tokens" => [
%{"token" => "한국어", "type" => "Noun"},
%{"token" => "배우다", "type" => "Verb"},
%{"token" => "재미있다", "type" => "Adjective"}
##### For a single word analysis
which will return a string, or nil if empty
#### KoNLPy
Docs can be found at http://konlpy.org/en/latest/api
#### Debugging
Turn on debug=True in `app.py`
#### Note: Elasticsearch version
If you want to use the elasticsearch version, use the 1.0.0 tagged release on github, and 0.1.1 on Hex.pm