# KoreanSentenceAnalyser
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Docs: [https://hexdocs.pm/korean_sentence_analyser](https://hexdocs.pm/korean_sentence_analyser).
## Analyse Korean Text
An attempt to try to get information about Korean text.
Given a sentence or word, this library will give a fairly accurate list of words and information about the type of words.
A type (noun, verb, adjective etc) is returned, as well as a specific type (K-pop, Wikipedia title etc).
All words are returned in the form they appear in the dictionary: 공부하다, 일하다). Thus this can be useful find a dictionary searchable base of a conjugated word.
All modules are documented and can be used individually, but keep in mind that they are build mainly for the sentence_analyse function. Feel free to open a issue on github if you have any questions.
## How to use
Add to mix.exs
def deps do
{:korean_sentence_analyser, "~> 0.3.1"}
KoreanSentenceAnalyser.analyse_sentence("한국어 배우기가 재미있어용")
Which will return a map, or nil if nothing is found
%{"specific_type" => "Noun", "token" => "한국어", "type" => "Noun"},
%{"specific_type" => "Verb", "token" => "배우다", "type" => "Verb"},
"specific_type" => "Adjective",
"token" => "재미있다",
"type" => "Adjective"
#### Unicode for Korean
More helpful functions are available in https://hexdocs.pm/korean_sentence_analyser/KoreanSentenceAnalyser.html on how to deal with Unicode for Hangul.