# Ktsllex

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Kafka Topic and Schema creator

## Usage

Add `ktsllex` to your `deps` list :
 {:ktsllex, "~> 0.0.2"},

Run `mix do deps.get, deps.compile`

Now you have access to `create_schemas` and `create_topics` mix tasks, eg:

$ mix create_schemas --host=localhost:8081 --schema=schema_name --base=./path/to/schemas/json
$ mix create_topics --host=localhost:3030 --user=admin --password=admin --topic=topic_name

### `--base`

The path to the schema files is passed into `mix create_schemas` via `--base=./path/to/schemas/json`.

It expects to find two files there, one ending `-key.json` and one `-value.json`.

Example: If this command was used:

mix create_schemas --base=./schemas/users

Then there should be two flies in ./schemas:

* `./schemas-key.json`
* `./schemas-value.json`

### `--schema`

The `-key` and `-value` schemas get updated based on the `schema` parameter

Example: Given this `myschema` command :

mix create_schemas --schema=myschema

And if this is the `schemas-key.json` file :

  "type": "record",
  "name": "Key",
  "namespace": "anything",
  "": "anything.Key"

Then it would be updated to

  "type": "record",
  "name": "Key",
  "namespace": "myschema",
  "": "myschema.Key"

## Development

* `mix deps.get`
* `mix test`