# Kubegen
Generate resource based Kubernetes clients with `Kubegen`.
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## Installation
`kubegen` is a code generator. Add the package as dev dependency. Make sure to
add `kubereq` to your list of dependencies as well:
def deps do
{:kubegen, "~> 0.1.2", only: :dev, runtime: false},
{:kubereq, "~> 0.3.0"}
The docs can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/kubegen>.
## Configuration
Before you can generate clients, you need to create a configuration in your
`config.exs` under `config :kubegen, :default` or `config :kubegen, :mycluster`.
where a custom `:mycluster` identifier is passed as argument
(`mix kubegen -c mycluster`)
- `:module_prefix` - The prefix of the generated modules (e.g. `MyApp.K8sClient`)
- `:kubeconfig_pipeline` - The `Pluggable` pipeline responsible for loading the Kubernetes config. (e.g. `Kubereq.Kubeconfig.Default`)
- `:resources` - List of resources for which clients are generated.
The entries of `:resources` can be in the form of
- Group-Version-Kind in the case of Kubernetes core resources.
- Path to a local CRD YAML (multiple CRDs in one file are supported)
- URL to a public remote CRD Yaml (multiple CRDs in one file are supported)
### Example
config :kubegen, :default,
module_prefix: MyApp.K8sClient,
kubeconfig_pipeline: Kubereq.Kubeconfig.Default,
resources: [
"test/support/foos.example.com.yaml", # local CRD
"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mruoss/kompost/main/priv/manifest/postgresdatabase.crd.yaml" # public remote CRD
### How to find the correct Group-Version-Kind identifier
Use `mix kubegen.search` to search for GVKs (e.g. `mix.kubegen.search Pod`)
### Generate Resource Clients
Now you can (re-)generate clients using `mix kubegen` or `mix kubegen -c mycluster`
## Using the generated Clients
`kubegen` creates a module per resource and subresource. Each resource is
generaated with functions for the operations applicable to that resource. The
generated functions also come with `@doc` documentations.
### ConfigMap Example
You can use `apply/3` or `create/2` to create a new resource:
import YamlElixir.Sigil
alias MyApp.K8sClient.Core.V1.ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
namespace: default
name: my-config
app: my-app
foo: bar
To retrieve a resource, use `get/2`:
ConfigMap.get("default", "my-config")
Use `list/0` or `list/1` to list resources of that kind in all namespaces or
`list/2` to list resources in a specific namespace. Label or field selectors can
be passed as option if needed.
ConfigMap.list("default", label_selectors: [{"app", "my-app"}])
`delete/2` and `delete_all/2` delete a single or multiple resources (whereas the
latter also supports selectors).
ConfigMap.delete("default", "my-config")
ConfigMap.delete_all("default", label_selectors: [{"app", "my-app"}])
There are more functions like `update/1`, `json_path/3`, `merge_patch/3`,
`watch/N`, `watch_single/3` `wait_until/4`. Checkout the generated modules for
their documentation.