This is a simple/basic [Elixir](http://elixir-lang.org/) in-memory Key/Value Store
using [Shards](https://github.com/cabol/shards) – which is the default adapter.
## Usage
Add `kvx` to your Mix dependencies:
defp deps do
[{:kvx, "~> 0.1.0"}]
In an existing or new module:
defmodule MyTestMod do
use KVX.Bucket
Now let's play with `kvx`:
> MyTestMod.new(:mybucket)
> MyTestMod.set(:mybucket, :k1, 1)
> MyTestMod.mset(:mybucket, k2: 2, k3: "3")
> MyTestMod.get(:mybucket, :k1)
> MyTestMod.mget(:mybucket, [:k2, :k3])
[2, "3"]
> MyTestMod.find_all(:mybucket)
[k3: "3", k2: 2, k1: 1]
> MyTestMod.delete(:mybucket, :k1)
> MyTestMod.get(:mybucket, :k1)
> MyTestMod.flush!(:mybucket)
> MyTestMod.find_all(:mybucket)
## Configuration
Most of the configuration that goes into the `config` is specific to the adapter.
But there are some common/shared options such as: `:adapter` and `:ttl`. E.g.:
config :kvx,
adapter: KVX.Bucket.Shards,
ttl: 1
Now, in case of Shards adapter `KVX.Bucket.Shards`, it has some extra options
like `:shards_mod`. E.g.:
config :kvx,
adapter: KVX.Bucket.Shards,
ttl: 1,
shards_mod: :shards
In case of Shards adapter, run-time options when calling `new/2` function, are
the same as `shards:new/2`. E.g.:
MyModule.new(:mybucket, [n_shards: 4])
> **NOTE:** For more information check [KVX.Bucket.Shards](./lib/kvx/adapters/shards/bucket_shards.ex).