# Kword

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A library of keyword-list handling functions to complement Keyword

## Use Case

Elixir keyword lists as a common representation of optional arguments to functions feels a bit clunky. You may find yourself writing something like:

  def update_user_details(opts \\ []) do
    opts = Keyword.validate!(opts, [:name, :email, role: :guest, gender: :unspecified])
    name = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :name)
    email = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :email)

The intent of Kword is to enable list matching (there's an order of parameters in the second argument) and to write instead:

  def update_user_details(opts \\ []) do
    [name, email | _rest] = Kword.extract!(opts, [:name, :email, role: :guest, gender: :unspecified])

If you want to ensure required parameters are in fact supplied, use `extract` or `extract!`.

If you don't want to allow parameters that aren't specified, use `extract_exhaustive` or `extract_exhaustive!`.

And if you just want to pluck values out of a keyword list in the order specified, use `extract_permissive` which will default parameters to nil that have no default specified.

## Alpha Code

The API may change slightly, most likely change would be the function names if people come up with better ones. If so the old names will be supported for some time.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `kword` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:kword, "~> 0.1.0"}

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