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An Elixir wrapper for the Gitlab API

## Status

 Until further notice the Lab API is unstable and very much subject to change :)

## Installation

Add lab to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:lab, "~> 0.1"}
## Usage

Set your gitlab api endpoint in your mix config :

  config :lab,
    gitlab_api_endpoint: "https://git.lab/api/v4"

Or in your environment:

export GITLAB_API_ENDPOINT=https://git.lab/api/v4

Set your Gitlab API private token in your enviroment:


### Examples

alias Lab.Project

# All projects returned as list of %Lab.Project{}
{:ok, projects } = Lab.all(Project)

# All Gitlab API resource options supported by default
{:ok, projects } = Lab.all(Project, per_page: 5)

# Single Project returned as %Lab.Project{}
{:ok, project } = Lab.get(Project, 1)

# Create a project
{:ok, project } = Lab.create(%Project{name: "my_app"})

# Update a project
{:ok, project } = Lab.update(%Project{name: "better_name"})

# Update a project
Lab.delete(%Project{id: 1})

See the [online documentation]( for further detail.

## Reference

 - [Gitlab API](

## Attributions

  - Powered by [Tesla](
  - Inspirado from [NARKOZ/gitlab](
  - Beaker logo provided by [cliparts](