# lab42_simple_state_machine

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# Lab42.StateMachine

## Synopsis

A simple State Machine operating on a list of input values, a map of transition definitions
and an accumulator.

## What is the _Transition Definitions Map_?

It maps each `state` to a list of `transitions`. Each `transition` is of the following format, as
defined by type `transition_t`

{trigger, transformer, updater, new_state}


## State, did you say state?

Yes I did, and what I mean by it is that the State Machine keeps track of its state (very surprising)
and some data, passed into by the user.

## How do these _Transitions_ transform the input?

The State Machine processes its input in a loop in which, depending on the current input element, designated
as `input` and the current state, designated as `current_state` a transition is triggered.

Data is passed in like an accumulator in `Enum.reduce` it is designated as `data`.

The triggered transition will define the `current_state` of the next loop, if any, and perform actions defining what
goes to the output and how `data` changes.

As one might guess these actions are performed by the `transformer` and the `updater` of the triggered transition.

## So what is the contract?

### Starting the whole thing.

Create the _Transition Defintions Map_, knowing that the State Machine will start with `current_state` equal to `:start`,
yes I know, naming is difficult ;).

Then run the whole thing like that:

```elixir, my_data, %{})

The empty map passed in will cause havoc though

      iex(0)> input = ~w(alpha)
      ...(0)> my_data = %{n: 42}
      ...(0)>, my_data, %{})
      {:error, "No transitions found for current state", :start}  

### Specifying Transitions

A minimal example might be a line counter

      iex(1)> input = ~w{alpha beta}
      ...(1)> count = 0
      ...(1)> states = %{
      ...(1)>   start: [ {true, fn {_, line} -> line end, fn count, _ -> count + 1 end, :start} ]
      ...(1)> } 
      ...(1)> run(input, count, states)
      {:start, ~w{alpha beta}, 2}

N.B. That the `true` trigger always matches, other triggers are either regular expressions, which are used
as follows: `Regex.match(trigger, input)`, or functions, which are used as one might easily guess, thusly: `trigger.(input)`

One could argue that a default behavior of copying the current input to the output might be convenient, but that might
lead to difficulties in debugging state machines. (Maybe in later versions with an option for `run`?)

On the same token some StateMachines, like the counter above collect the output without needing it, although we will
learn below how to avoid this, a global option to not collect will make the _Transitions Map_ more concise.

Therefore the following will happen

      iex(2)> input = ~w{alpha beta}
      ...(2)> states = %{
      ...(2)>   start: []
      ...(2)> } 
      ...(2)> run(input, nil, states)
      {:error, "No trigger matched the current input \"alpha\"", :start}

Let us return to the correctly working example, let us simplify that rather expressive transition

      iex(3)> input = ~w{alpha beta}
      ...(3)> states = %{
      ...(3)>   start: [ {true, :id, fn count, _ -> count + 1 end, :start} ]
      ...(3)> }
      ...(3)> run(input, 0, states)
      {:start, ~w(alpha beta), 2}

So we can use a shortcut for copying the input to the output, that is better already, but still, why
create the output that is not needed, let us use the atom form of the transformer function

      iex(4)> input = ~w{alpha beta}
      ...(4)> states = %{
      ...(4)>   start: [ {true, fn _ -> :ignore end, fn count, _ -> count + 1 end, :start} ]
      ...(4)> }
      ...(4)> run(input, 0, states)
      {:start, ~w(), 2}

As there is a shortcut for `:id` so there is one for `:ignore`

      iex(5)> input = ~w{alpha beta}
      ...(5)> states = %{
      ...(5)>   start: [ {true, :ignore, fn count, _ -> count + 1 end, :start} ]
      ...(5)> }
      ...(5)> run(input, 0, states)
      {:start, ~w(), 2}

But what if we want to have `:ignore` in the output? Let us assume that we want to replace all `"alphas"` with
`:ignore`. We can use the tuple form of the transformer in this case.

This example also demonstrates that we do not need to specify the updater and the new state if these do
not change and that even pushing the input to the output can be omitted, therefore the transitions `{true, :id}` and
`{true}` have the same semantics.

And a third simplifaction is that we can omit to pass nil as data, but note that it will present in the result.

      iex(6)> input = ~w{alpha beta alpha}
      ...(6)> states = %{
      ...(6)>   start: [ 
      ...(6)>     {~r{alpha}, fn _ -> {:push, :ignore} end},
      ...(6)>     {true}] }
      ...(6)> run(input, states)
      {:start, [:ignore, "beta", :ignore], nil}

Now let us look at a complex example, that will use the following features, not yet explored:

- Stopping with the `:halt` atom form of the transformer, by its shortcut
- Stopping with the `{:halt, value}` tuple form of the transformer
- Creating a function to rerun with the same states
- Using constant functions
- Using function triggers

      iex(7)> summer = fn data, {_, input} -> %{data|sum: data.sum + input} end
      ...(7)> states = %{ 
      ...(7)>   start: [
      ...(7)>     {&(&1>8), :halt},
      ...(7)>     {&(&1<1), fn {_, input} -> {:halt, input} end, constant(:negative)},
      ...(7)>     {&(rem(&1,2)==0), push_constant(:even), summer, :even},
      ...(7)>     {true} ],
      ...(7)>   even: [
      ...(7)>     {&(rem(&1,2)==0), :halt, constant(:more_evens)},
      ...(7)>     {true, :id, summer }
      ...(7)>   ] }
      ...(7)> state_machine = make_machine(%{sum: 0}, states)
      ...(7)> [
      ...(7)>    state_machine.(1..10|>Enum.into([])),
      ...(7)>    state_machine.([1, 2, 3]),
      ...(7)>    state_machine.([1, 9]),
      ...(7)>    state_machine.([1, -1]),
      ...(7)>    state_machine.([1, 3, 5]) ]
      [ {:even, [1, :even, 3], :more_evens},
        {:even, [1, :even, 3], %{sum: 5}},
        {:start, [1], %{sum: 0}},
        {:start, [1, -1], :negative},
        {:start, [1, 3, 5], %{sum: 0}} ]

### Summary of Shortcuts and Transformer Semantics

As we have seen in the examples above, the StateMachine is driven by the _Transitions Map_ and the result of the
`transformer` function.

The returned `data` value is influenced by the result of the `updater` function.

In order to write shorter _Transition Maps_ transitions can be shortened and symbolic function names can be used.

Let us see how transitions are _normalized_ by the StateMachine before they are executed.

| Specified                           |        Normalize                                     |  Remarks            |
|`{trigger, function, function, state}` |   same value                                         | already normalized|
|`{trigger, function, function}`     |  `{trigger, function, function, current_state}` | normalization is done during tuntime, thusly `current_state` is known |
|`{trigger, function }`          | `{trigger, function, identity2, current_state}` | given the interface of `updater` `identity2` is defined as `fn d, _ -> d end` |
|`{trigger}` | `{trigger, identity1, identity2, current_state}` | `identity1` is for the `transformer` and thusly `fn {_, v} -> v end`

As can be seen sometimes the defaults, are not available, because we need to provide the `new_state` in the transition.
In that case the following symbols can be used for the `transformer`

|   Symbolic Transformer  |  Expanded to                         |
|      `:id`              | `fn {_, v} -> v end`                 |
|   `:ignore`             | `fn _ -> :ignore end`                |
|   `:halt`               | `fn _ -> :halt end`                  |

For the `updater` there is only `:id` which expands to `fn d, _ -> d end` as mentioned above.

In action that would give

      iex(8)> states = %{
      ...(8)>    start: [{true, :id, :id, :stop}],
      ...(8)>    stop:  [{true, fn _ -> {:halt, "..."} end, :id}]
      ...(8)> }
      ...(8)> run(~w[Headline Rest MoreRest], states)
      {:stop, ~w[Headline ...], nil}

## Author

Copyright © 2019 Robert Dober,

## License

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