# shellac

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`shellac` is a suite of software which aims to provides OS-level 
process control for the Elixir language. The software is composed of two
sub-projects which coordinate to accomplish this goal:

- `lacca`: an Elixir process control library, implemented as
  an OTP application which can be included in a `mix` project.

- `resin`: a Rust binary which acts as a companion to the `lacca`
  OTP application. This binary provides process control and 
  supervision, it also multiplexes the process's open file descriptors
  onto the single BEAM port.

## Prerequisites

You will need a Rust toolchain, which includes the build tool `cargo`, in
order to sucesfully build this package. Please visit the Rust website for
[instructions on how to install][rust-install] these tools. This library
can be built with the "stable channel" of the Rust compiler.


## Getting Started

1. Add `{:lacca, "~> 0.2"}` to your `mix.exs` file's dependencies.
2. Run `mix deps.get` to download the dependency.
3. Run `mix deps.compile` to verify that the package compiles sucessfully.
4. Use the library in your program, for instance ...

{:ok, pid} = Lacca.start "echo", ["hello, world."]
Lacca.read_stdout pid
# {:ok, "hello, world.\n"}
Lacca.stop pid

### Note on Native Code 

This library builds a native executable which is bundled into the `priv/`
directory of this OTP application during the `mix compile` phase. To do
this you must have a working Rust toolchain installed on any machine that
will be compiling a project that depends on `lacca`. You *do not* need the
toolchain installed on deployment targets, however when building a release,
e.g: with the `mix release` command, you will need to ensure that the resulting
binaries can be executed on the target system.

Some common gotchas include:

- Building on Mac OS (mach) & deploying on Linux (ELF), etc.
- Building on an x64 (64-bit) architecture and deploying on i686 (32-bit).
- On Windows: Rust has two toolchains, GNU and MSVC, so care should be taken
  to choose the correct one for your environment.

## Protocol Versioning

Please note that this is alpha-quality software. There are plans to introduce
backwards compatibility to the `resin` daemon at a later date; for example it
would be possible to use a newer `resin` binary w/ an older `lacca` binary.

However this functionality is not implemented in the prototype `v0`. For best
results it is *strongly encouraged* that you use matching versions of `resin`
and `lacca` which were compiled together from the same sources. (This would be
the default behavior if you are using `mix` to fetch your dependencies, as it
will build `resin` from source for the current architecture.)

## Protocol Format

`shellac` v0 packets are sent on the wire as follows:

- (n) 		two bytes identifying packet length
- (data)	packet specific data (n bytes, MsgPack encoded)

### Packet Types

Packet types are as follows:


1. Start Process  :: (exec: string, args: [string]])
2. Kill Process   :: ()
3. DataOut        :: (ty: (Stdout | Stderr), buf: [u8])
4. DataIn         :: (buf: [u8])
5. ExitStatus     :: ( u32? )
6. ErrorReport    :: (string)

### Future Additions

- POSIX signal support?
- Windows support?
- Standard stream redirection?
- Buffered input mode?

## Lacca Design

When the `lacca` application starts it will kick off a supervision
process. To start an OS-level process `lacca` will perform the
following initialization sequence:

- Start a child BEAM process w/ the given command line.

- Open a port to a `resin` daemon in `:binary` mode.

- Handshake w/ the `resin` daemon to verify matching protocol versions.

- Pass the initialization arguments to the `resin` daemon.

- Enter a message loop awaiting messages from the port, as well
  as messages from other peers in the Erlang VM.


- resin: general clean up of error handling
  - what to do with errors if stdout goes away?
  - logging facilities?

- resin: signal handling architecture
  - need more generalized support for sending processes different kinds of
    signals, not just calling `Child::kill()`
  - wtf do we do on Windows land?

- resin: restructure as state machine?
  - there are bits of the server process state which don't exist until the
    inferior process is running. it would be nice if this was encoded in the
    type system as some kind of FSM so I can stop unwrapping Option<..>

- resin: multi proc support
  - Should one daemon be able to handle multiple inferior processes?
    I think this is what `erlexec` does but I'm not sure.

  - Not sure this is actually desirable; reduces fault isolation, removes
    1:1 mapping of erlang process -> os process which makes it harder to
    structure OTP applications. there are arguments to be made about resource
    efficiency though (less vm ports/memory/CPU/file descriptors used, et al.)

- lacca: explore stdout/stderr API design space
  - with streams how do we signal EOF? (separate packet type?)
  - what if user wants to stream by line?
  - should we send messages to interested processes instead of a
    buffer that is read-once? (`flush()` destroys the contents of the

- shellac: lightweight protocol
  - once the protocol is relatively stable I'd like to design a custom
    wire format. we have pretty straightforward types (integer sizes, byte lists)
    and CBOR seems to have a fair bit of overhead since rust enums get encoded
    as dictionaries.

  - this will be a major breaking change so probably do it before 1.0

- shellac: error reporting
  - internally resin has multiple threads coordinating to manage the process.
    this means that currently a request, and errors resulting from that request,
    happen asynchronously.

    - for e.g: resin accepts input, passes input to the child, and then encounters
      an error. The `lacca` process would have already moved on, since it 
      succesfully wrote the data to the port.

  - only way I can see to fix this is to either enforce synchrony, or have the client
    provide a coorleation ID for errors. (basically tag each requests with a unique ID)

  - that raises the question of what do we use for request IDs, how do we serialize it
    on the wire, is it part of packet header or packet itself? etc...

- port driver
  - it may be interesting to use an actual port driver instead of starting a
    background daemon. see:
  - a disadvantage of this is that `resin` becomes less useful from a calling
    context other than erlang.