# Lamina
Dynamic, runtime configuration for your Elixir app.
Lamina allows you to define a run-time configuration pipeline that can merge
configuration from several sources. This allows the system to be reactive to
changes in its environment.
## Example
The following example defines a configuration for an imaginary HTTP server
application which takes it's configuration from a combination of default values,
the OTP application environment and system environment variables:
defmodule MyHttpServer.Config do
use Lamina
provider(Lamina.Provider.Default, listen_port: 4000, listen_address: "")
provider(Lamina.Provider.ApplicationEnv, otp_app: :my_http_server, key: MyHttpServer.Endpoint)
provider(Lamina.Provider.Env, prefix: "HTTP")
config :listen_port do
port when is_integer(port) and (port in [80, 443] or port >= 1000) -> true
_ -> false
config :listen_address do
address when is_binary(address) ->
|> String.to_charlist()
|> :inet.parse_address()
|> case do
{:ok, _} -> true
_ -> false
_ ->
Provider order is preserved, such that providers added later (via the
`provider/1` or `provider/2` macro) have more priority than their predecessors.
This has the effect that when more than one provider can provide a value for a
given configuration item, the most preferred value will be returned.
Each configuration item is defined using the `config/1` or `config/2` macro. If
the configuration item does not need casting to another type, nor validation
then just defining it with `config/1` is sufficient. In some cases it is
necessary to provide additional casting or validating functions. They can be
provided by passing a block containing the `cast/1` or `validate/1` macros.
Make sure that you add your configuration module to your application's
supervisor tree **before** any processes that rely on it's information. Lamina
will fail to start or shutdown on any errors it encounters.
## Lifetimes
All configuration items in Lamina are explicitly marked with a lifetime, which
must be specified by the configuration provider when returning values. The
semantics are as follows:
- `:volatile` - a configuration that could potentially be different every time
it is read. Volatile configuration items are returned by the `ApplicationEnv`
and `Env` providers.
- `:static` - a configuration value that is not going to change until the
provider changes it. Static configuration items are returned by the `Default`
provider, but could also be used for a configuration provider that notifies
the system of configuration changes in some way.
- `{non_neg_integer(), System.time_unit()}` - a value that has a specific expiry
time. This may be used for a configuration source that has explicit leases on
values (ala [Vault](https://www.vaultproject.io/) or a value for which
querying is expensive, and providing an expiry would effectively cache it.
## Querying
When asked to retrieve a configuration value, Lamina queries it's ETS table
using the following query plan; values for which there is no expiry, or which
have not yet expired, ordered by provider weight, descending. It only ever
returns a single row.
If the returned row is marked as `:volatile` then the configuration provider is
immediately queried for a new value, meaning that these requests will pay the
cost of a `GenServer.call/3` to ensure freshness. If this is an issue then you
should consider changing the provider lifetime to use an expiry. The
`ApplicationEnv` and `Env` providers have a configuration option to do this. If
you are the developer of a volatile provider, it is strongly suggested that you
provide for this use case.
## Server configuration
The following options can be passed to the `use Lamina` macro, although it's
probably advisable to leave them as their defaults.
- `gc_timeout: pos_integer()` - how long the server should be idle before
removing expired configuration from the ETS table in milliseconds. Defaults
to 3000.
- `ttl_refresh_fraction: float` - when presented with a configuration value
which has an expiry, the server queues a refresh at some point prior to the
value expiring, in order to avoid having missing configuration. Setting this
to a value between `0` and `1` specifies the proportion of the expiry time to
wait before attempting to refresh the value. Defaults to `0.95`.
## Configuration subscriptions
Lamina defines a `subscribe/1` and `unsubscribe/1` function on each
configuration module, which uses a `Registry` to handle pub-sub for
configuration changes.
This allows your processes to subscribe to configuration changes and update or
restart any services they provide.
### Example
For example, a simple HTTP server which changes it's listen port in response to
a configuration change:
defmodule MyHttpServer.Cowboy do
use GenServer
alias Plug.Cowboy
alias MyHttpServer.{Config, Plug}
def init(_) do
with {:ok, port} <- Config.listen_port(),
{:ok, srv} <- Cowboy.http(Plug, [], port: port),
:ok <- Config.subscribe(:listen_port) do
{:ok, %{srv: srv, port: port}}
def handle_info({:config_change, Config, :listen_port, _old_port, new_port}, %{
port: current_port
when new_port != current_port do
with :ok <- Cowboy.shutdown(Plug.HTTP),
{:ok, srv} <- Cowboy.http(Plug, [], port: new_port) do
{:noreply, %{port: new_port, srv: srv}}
{:error, reason} -> {:stop, reason, nil}
def handle_info({:config_change, _, _, _}, state), do: {:noreply, state}
## Installation
Lamina is [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/packages/lamina), the package can be installed
by adding `lamina` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:lamina, "~> 0.3.0"}
Documentation for the latest release can be found on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm/lamina) and for the `main` branch [here](https://jimsy.gitlab.io/lamina/api-reference.html).