defmodule LangChain.Utils do
@moduledoc """
Collection of helpful utilities mostly for internal use.
@doc """
Only add the key to the map if the value is present. When the value is a list,
the key will not be added when the list is empty.
@spec conditionally_add_to_map(%{atom() => any()}, key :: atom(), value :: nil | list()) :: %{
atom() => any()
def conditionally_add_to_map(map, key, value)
def conditionally_add_to_map(map, _key, []), do: map
def conditionally_add_to_map(map, key, value) when is_list(value) do
Map.put(map, key, value)
@doc """
Translates an error message using gettext.
def translate_error({msg, opts}) do
# When using gettext, we typically pass the strings we want
# to translate as a static argument:
# # Translate the number of files with plural rules
# dngettext("errors", "1 file", "%{count} files", count)
# However the error messages in our forms and APIs are generated
# dynamically, so we need to translate them by calling Gettext
# with our gettext backend as first argument. Translations are
# available in the errors.po file (as we use the "errors" domain).
if count = opts[:count] do
Gettext.dngettext(LangChain.Gettext, "errors", msg, msg, count, opts)
Gettext.dgettext(LangChain.Gettext, "errors", msg, opts)
@doc """
Translates the errors for a field from a keyword list of errors.
def translate_errors(errors, field) when is_list(errors) do
for {^field, {msg, opts}} <- errors, do: translate_error({msg, opts})
@doc """
Return changeset errors as text with comma separated description.
def changeset_error_to_string(%Ecto.Changeset{valid?: true}), do: nil
def changeset_error_to_string(%Ecto.Changeset{valid?: false} = changeset) do
fields = changeset.errors |> Keyword.keys() |> Enum.uniq()
|> Enum.reduce([], fn f, acc ->
field_errors =
|> translate_errors(f)
|> Enum.join(", ")
acc ++ ["#{f}: #{field_errors}"]
|> Enum.join("; ")