defmodule LangChain.ScrapeChain do
@moduledoc """
ScrapeChain is a wrapper around a special type of Chain that requires 'input_schema' and 'input_text' in its
input_variables and combines it with an output_parser.
Once you define that chain, you can have the chain 'scrape' a text and return the
formatted output in virtually any form.
@derive Jason.Encoder
defstruct chain: %LangChain.Chain{},
input_schema: "",
output_parser: &LangChain.ScrapeChain.no_parse/1
@doc """
Creates a new ScrapeChain struct with the given chain, input_schema, and output_parser,
you set up a scrapeChain with an input_schema and an output_parser, then you can ask
it with whatever text you want.
## Example:
# create a chat to extract data:
chat = Chat.add_prompt_templates(%Chat{}, [
role: "user",
prompt: %PromptTemplate{
template: "Schema: \"\"\"
<%= input_schema %>
Text: \"\"\"
<%= input_text %>
Extract the data from Text according to Schema and return it in <%= output_format %> format.
Format any datetime fields using ISO8601 standard.
# create a ChainLink with the chat and parser function
chain_link = %ChainLink{
name: "schema_extractor",
input: chat,
output_parser: &schema_parser/2
chain = %Chain{links: [chain_link]}
input_schema = "{ name: String, age: Number, birthdate: Date }"
schema_chain =, input_schema)
def new(chain, input_schema, output_parser \\ &LangChain.ScrapeChain.no_parse/1) do
chain: chain,
input_schema: input_schema,
output_parser: output_parser
@doc """
Executes the scrapechain and returns the parsed result, can be called against
the schema you defined when you made the chain, or you can override that schema:
result = LangChain.ScrapeChain.scrape(schema_chain, "John Doe is 30 years old")
# result will be %{ name: "John Doe", age: 30, birthdate: "1987-01-01"}
# override the default schema
input_variables = %{
input_text: "John Doe is 30 years old.",
input_schema: "{ firstName: String, lastName: String, age: Number, birthdate: Date }"
alt_result = LangChain.ScrapeChain.scrape(schema_chain, input_variables)
# alt_result will be %{ firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe", age: 30, birthdate: "1987-01-01"}
def scrape(scrape_chain, llm_pid, input_variables) when is_map(input_variables) do
result =, llm_pid, input_variables)
# Parse the result using the output_parser
def scrape(scrape_chain, llm_pid, input_text) when is_binary(input_text) do
# Fill in the input_text and input_schema values and run the Chain
input_variables = %{
input_text: input_text,
input_schema: scrape_chain.input_schema
result =, llm_pid, input_variables)
# Parse the result using the output_parser
@doc """
default passthrough parser. 'result' will be a string so it is
up to you to transform it into a native elixir structure or whatever you want.
def no_parse(result) do