defmodule LangChain.ChainLink do
@compile {:nowarn_unused_function, [no_parse: 2]}
@moduledoc """
an individual chain_link in a language chain
when called, a chainlink will
1. fill in and submit an input prompt, then
2. add the entire response to the responses list
3. parse the response with the output_parser
4. store any output
# a ChainLink input can be either a string, a prompttemplate or an entire chat chain
@type input :: %LangChain.Chat{} | %LangChain.PromptTemplate{} | String.t()
@derive Jason.Encoder
defstruct name: "Void",
# can be a string, a prompttemplate or an entire chat chain
input: nil,
# takes in the ChainLink and the list of all responses
output_parser: &LangChain.ChainLink.no_parse/2,
# from the model, pass your own output_parser to parse the output of your chat interactions
# the actual response returned by the model
raw_responses: [],
# output should be a map of %{ variable: value } produced by output_parser
output: %{},
# list of errors that occurred during evaluation
errors: [],
# the pid of the LLM genserver that should process this chain
process_with: nil,
# the pid of the llm that processed this chain_link, nil if it has not been processed yet
processed_by: nil
@doc """
calls the chain_link, filling in the input prompt and parsing the output
def call(
%{input: %LangChain.PromptTemplate{} = prompt_template} = chain_link,
) do
{:ok, evaluated_prompt} = LangChain.PromptTemplate.format(prompt_template, previousValues)
case, evaluated_prompt) do
{:ok, response} ->
chain_link.output_parser.(chain_link, response)
{:error, reason} ->
chain_link |> Map.put(:errors, [reason])
# when input is a simple string, note that this won't interpolate any variables
def call(%{input: text_input} = chain_link, llm_pid, _previous_values)
when is_binary(text_input) do
case, text_input) do
{:ok, response} ->
| raw_responses: [response],
output: %{text: response},
processed_by: llm_pid
{:error, reason} ->
chain_link |> Map.put(:errors, [reason])
# you can define your own parser functions, but this is the default
# the output of the ChainLink will be used as variables in the next link
# by default the simple text response goes in the :text key
def no_parse(chain_link, outputs \\ []) do
case outputs do
[] ->
| raw_responses: outputs,
output: %{text: outputs |> List.first() |> Map.get(:text)}
_ ->
| raw_responses: outputs,
output: %{text: outputs}