
defmodule LastfmArchive.Load do
  @moduledoc """
  This module provides functions for loading Lastfm data into databases and search engines.


  alias LastfmArchive.Utils

  @doc """
  Ping a Solr core/collection endpoint to check if it is running.

  The endpoint can either be a URL string or an atom referring to an endpoint in configuration.
  The library uses `Hui` to interact with Solr, an endpoint can be specified as below:

  ### Example

    LastfmArchive.Load.ping_solr(:lastfm_archive) # check a configured endpoint

  `:lastfm_archive` refers to the following Solr update endpoint in configuration:

    config :hui, :lastfm_archive,
      url: "http://solr_url..",
      handler: "update",
      headers: [{"Content-type", "application/json"}]

  See `Hui.URL` module for more details.
  @spec ping_solr(binary | atom) :: {:ok, map} | {:error, Hui.Error.t()}
  def ping_solr(url) when is_atom(url), do: Application.get_env(:hui, url)[:url] |> ping_solr

  def ping_solr(url) when is_binary(url) do
    response = :httpc.request(:get, {to_charlist(url <> "/admin/ping"), []}, [], [])

    case response do
      {:ok, {{[?H, ?T, ?T, ?P | _], status, _}, _headers, body}} ->
        if status == 200, do: {:ok, body |> Jason.decode!()}, else: {:error, %Hui.Error{reason: :einval}}

      {:error, {:failed_connect, [{:to_address, _}, {:inet, [:inet], reason}]}} ->
        {:error, %Hui.Error{reason: reason}}

  @doc """
  Check a Solr core/collection to ensure it has the required Lastfm data fields.

  The check currently inspects Solr schema for a list of Lastfm fields
  and returns error if one or more of the fields are missing.
  See `LastfmArchive.Transform.transform/3` for the list of fields.

  ### Example

    LastfmArchive.Load.check_solr_schema(:lastfm_archive) # ping a configured endpoint

  See `ping_solr/1` for more details on URL configuration.
  @spec check_solr_schema(binary | atom) :: {:ok, map} | {:error, Hui.Error.t()}
  def check_solr_schema(url) when is_atom(url) and url != nil,
    do: Application.get_env(:hui, url)[:url] |> check_solr_schema

  def check_solr_schema(url) when is_binary(url), do: solr_schema(url) |> check_solr_schema

  def check_solr_schema(nil), do: {:error, %Hui.Error{reason: :ehostunreach}}
  def check_solr_schema({:error, error}), do: {:error, error}

  def check_solr_schema({:ok, schema_data}) do
    schema = schema_data["schema"]
    fields = schema["fields"] |> &1["name"])

    {:ok, fields_s} ="./solr/fields.json")
    expected_fields = fields_s |> Jason.decode!()

    # simple check if field exists, no type checking for the time being
    missing_fields = for {field, _type} <- expected_fields, do: unless(Enum.member?(fields, field), do: field)
    missing_fields = missing_fields |> Enum.uniq() |> List.delete(nil)

    if length(missing_fields) > 0 do
      {:error, %Hui.Error{reason: :einit}}
      {:ok, expected_fields}

  defp solr_schema(url) do
    response = :httpc.request(:get, {to_charlist(url <> "/schema"), []}, [], [])

    case response do
      {:ok, {{[?H, ?T, ?T, ?P | _], status, _}, _headers, body}} ->
        if status == 200, do: {:ok, body |> Jason.decode!()}, else: {:error, %Hui.Error{reason: :ehostunreach}}

      {:error, {:failed_connect, [{:to_address, _}, {:inet, [:inet], reason}]}} ->
        {:error, %Hui.Error{reason: reason}}

  @doc """
  Load a TSV file data from the archive into Solr for a Lastfm user.

  The function reads and converts scrobbles in a TSV file from the file
  archive into a list of maps. The maps are sent to Solr for ingestion.
  Use `t:Hui.URL.t/0` struct to specify the Solr endpoint.

  ### Example

    # define a Solr endpoint with %Hui.URL{} struct
    headers = [{"Content-type", "application/json"}]
    url = %Hui.URL{url: "http://localhost:8983/solr/lastfm_archive", handler: "update", headers: headers}

    # ingest data scrobbled in 2018
    LastfmArchive.Load.load_solr(url, "a_lastfm_user", "tsv/2018.tsv.gz")

  TSV files must be pre-created by transforming raw JSON Lastfm data - see

  @spec load_solr(Hui.URL.t(), binary, binary) :: {:ok, Hui.Http.t()} | {:error, :enoent}
  def load_solr(url, user, filename) do
    case, filename) do
      {:ok, resp} ->
        [header | scrobbles] = resp |> String.split("\n")

        solr_docs =
          for scrobble <- scrobbles, scrobble != "" do
            field_names = header |> String.split("\t")
            scrobble_data = scrobble |> String.split("\t")
            map_fields(field_names, scrobble_data, []) |> Enum.into(%{})

        Hui.update(url, solr_docs)

      error ->

  defp map_fields(_, [], acc), do: acc

  defp map_fields([field_name | field_names], [data | rest_of_data], acc) do
    map_fields(field_names, rest_of_data, acc ++ [{field_name, data}])