
defmodule LastfmArchive.Behaviour.LastfmClient do
  @moduledoc """
  Behaviour and data struct for retrieving data from Lastfm API.

  alias LastfmArchive.LastfmClient.LastfmApi

  @type lastfm_api :: LastfmApi.t()

  @type user :: binary
  @type page :: integer
  @type limit :: integer
  @type from :: integer
  @type to :: integer

  @type playcount :: integer

  # epoch Unix times
  @type latest_scrobble_time :: integer
  @type registered_time :: integer

  @doc """
  Returns the scrobbles of a user for a given time range.

  See Lastfm API [documentation]( for more details.
  @callback scrobbles(user, {page, limit, from, to}, lastfm_api) :: {:ok, map} | {:error, term()}

  @doc """
  Returns the total playcount, registered, i.e. first scrobble time for a user.
  @callback info(user, lastfm_api) :: {:ok, {playcount, registered_time}} | {:error, term()}

  @doc """
  Returns the playcount and the latest scrobble date of a user for a given time range.
  @callback playcount(user, {from, to}, lastfm_api) :: {:ok, {playcount, latest_scrobble_time}} | {:error, term()}

  @doc false
  def impl, do: Application.get_env(:lastfm_archive, :lastfm_client, LastfmArchive.LastfmClient.Impl)