# LazyContext

This library enables you to implement default functions in Phoenix contexts

See [Usage](#usage) for example usage.

## Documentation

Documentation is available at [](

## Installation

Add `:lazy_context` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:lazy_context, "~> 0.1.4-dev"}

## Configuration

Optionally set the repo for LazyContext config in your `config/config.exs` file:

config :lazy_context,
  repo: YourApplication.Repo

## Usage

defmodule MyApp.Users do
  @moduledoc """
  The Accounts context.

  use LazyContext,
    schema: User,
    suffix: :user,
    # this can be omitted if the repo was set in the context
    repo: MyApp.Repo,
    preloads: [:pets]

  # functions can be overridden
  def list_users() do
    # custom code here


- [x] Tests
- [ ] Improve README
- [x] Generate documentation
- [x] Publish on
- [x] Allow custom pluralized function names
- [ ] Improve error handling if `repo` or other mandatory options not provided
- [ ] Enable `only` and `except` options to specify which functions should be included