# LazyDoc

Lazy Doc is a project for those who are lazy af to document their code.

It is designed to detect undocumented functions, pass the function to an AI
provider which is a tuple of two elements `{GithubAi, :codestral}`.

## Roadmap

- Make AI docs for modules as well, `@module_doc`.
- Inspect the `defimpl` and `defprotocol` nodes.
- Customizable number of retries.
- Custom paramters to pass the model (max_tokens, top_p, temperature).
- Run mix format after writing the files, just in case.
- Make some tests.

## Installation

``` elixir
def deps do
    {:lazy_doc, "~> 0.2.0"}

## Configuration


``` elixir
## alias of GithubAi above
config :lazy_doc, :provider, {GithubAi, :gpt_4o_mini}

config :lazy_doc,
       "You should describe the parameters based on the spec given and give a small description of the following function.\n\nPlease do it in the following format given as an example, important do not return the header of the function, do not return a explanation of the function, your output must be only the docs in the following format.\n\n@doc \"\"\"\n\nParameters\n\ntransaction_id - foreign key of the Transactions table.\nDescription\n Performs a search in the database\n\nReturns\n the Transaction corresponding to transaction_id\n\n\"\"\"\n\nFunction to document:\n"

config :lazy_doc, :path_wildcard, "lib/**/*.ex"


``` elixir
config :lazy_doc, :token, System.get_env("API_TOKEN")


``` bash

## How to run it ?

From the root of the elixir project once installed and configured.

mix lazy_doc
I would recommend to run a `mix format` after just in case.