# LazyDoc

Lazy Doc is a project for those who are lazy af to document their code.

It is designed to detect undocumented functions, pass the function to an AI
provider which is a tuple of two elements `{GithubAi, :codestral}`.

## Installation

``` elixir
def deps do
    {:lazy_doc, "~> 0.5.2"}

## Configuration


``` elixir
## alias of GithubAi above
import Config
alias LazyDoc.Providers.GithubAi
## configure formatter.
config :lazy_doc,
  patterns: [
  max_retries: 3,
  receive_timeout: 15_000,
  line_length: 98,
  provider: {GithubAi, :gpt_4o_mini, [max_tokens: 2048, top_p: 1, temperature: 1]},
    ~s(You should describe the parameters based on the spec given and give a small description of the following function.\n\nPlease do it in the following format given as an example, important do not return the header of the function, do not return a explanation of the function, your output must be only the docs in the following format.\n\n@doc """\n\n## Parameters\n\n- transaction_id - foreign key of the Transactions table.\n## Description\n Performs a search in the database\n\n## Returns\n the Transaction corresponding to transaction_id\n\n"""\n\nFunction to document:\n),
    ~s(You should describe what this module does based on the code given.\n\n Please do it in the following format given as an example, important do not return the code of the module, your output must be only the docs in the following format.\n\n@moduledoc """\n\n ## Main functionality\n\n The module GithubAi provides a way of communicating with Github AI API.\n\n ## Description\n\n It implements the behavior Provider a standard way to use a provider in LazyDoc.\n"""\n\nModule to document:\n)



``` elixir
config :lazy_doc, :token, System.get_env("API_TOKEN")


``` bash

## How to run it ?

From the root of the elixir project once installed and configured.

``` bash
mix lazy_doc

I would recommend to run a `mix format` after just in case.

If you want, you can add a simple check to see what needs to be documented in
your project. This is good for CI.

``` bash
mix lazy_doc.check

## Known limitations that wont be fixed.

### Module names in the same file must be different.

If the user creates an inner module with the same name as the parent module
`lazy_doc`, it wont work properly because they have the same `:__aliases__` AST

> Note: this limitation it is only in module names. So if the user have same
> names of functions in different modules or in the same module, it will work.

``` elixir

defmodule Hello do

  defmodule Hello do



produces the following AST

``` elixir
{:defmodule, [line: 1],
## This is why it does not work [:Hello] 
   {:__aliases__, [line: 1], [:Hello]},
     do: {:defmodule, [line: 3],
        {:__aliases__, [line: 3],
## This is why it does not work [:Hello] 
        [do: {:__block__, [], []}]

## Roadmap

- [X] Make AI docs for functions `@doc`.
- [X] Simple check if the response is in `@doc` format.
- [X] Make AI providers more extensible (define a behavior, what an AI provider
  should do ?).
- [X] Custom path wildcard (limits the action of `lazy_doc`)
- [X] Make some unit tests.
- [X] Improve the default prompt to generate markdown syntax.
- [X] Fix inner module detection (creates scopes for inner modules and builds
  the full name of the inner module).
- [X] Make a task or an arg in the current task to check if the functions are
  documented. (allows CI usage)
- [X] File is written to file according to Elixir formatter.
- [X] Make AI docs for modules as well, `@moduledoc`.
- [X] Custom prompts for function and module.
- [ ] Simple check if the response is in `@moduledoc` format.
- [X] Customizable number of retries.
- [X] Custom paramters to pass the provider (max\_tokens, top\_p, temperature).
- [X] Check if custom paramters are valid for that provider.
- [ ] Inspect the `defimpl` and `defprotocol` nodes.
- [ ] Make `@moduledoc` documentation take data from the Modules is related the
  given module.
- [ ] Spec mode: Detect if a function does not have any `@specs` and try to
  generate their specs.
- [X] Make an option `external_docs` to do `@doc!("")`, this will prevent code redability
  issues, it will create a folder where all the docs is generated.
- [X] Make a `mix lazy_doc.clean` task that will allow to clear all the docs for
  updating to new docs.