# LcdDisplay

[![API docs](](

`LcdDisplay` allows you to control a [Liquid-crystal display (LCD)]( like [Hitachi HD44780]( from [Elixir](

## Installation

You can install `LcdDisplay` by adding `lcd_display` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:lcd_display, "0.0.19"}

## Usage

As an example, if you want to control a [Hitachi HD44780]( type display through
the 16-bit I/O expander [PCF8575](,
you can use `LcdDisplay.HD44780.PCF8575` module as a display driver.

### Start an LCD driver and get a PID

driver_module = LcdDisplay.HD44780.PCF8575
driver_config = %{
  display_name: "display 1", # the identifier
  i2c_bus: "i2c-1",          # I2C bus name
  i2c_address: 0x27,         # 7-bit address
  rows: 2,                   # the number of display rows
  cols: 16,                  # the number of display columns
  font_size: "5x8"           # "5x10" or "5x8"
pid = LcdDisplay.start_display(driver_module, driver_config)

### Run commands

Please refer to the `LcdDisplay.Driver` documentation for supported display commands.

LcdDisplay.execute(pid, {:print, "Hello world"})
LcdDisplay.execute(pid, :clear)

### Drivers

- `LcdDisplay.HD44780.GPIO`
- `LcdDisplay.HD44780.PCF8575`
- `LcdDisplay.HD44780.MCP23008`
- `LcdDisplay.HD44780.MCP23017`

## Thanks

- [`ExLCD`]( for inspiration

## Links

- [HD44780 data sheet](
- [PCF8575 data sheet](
- [MCP23008 data sheet](
- [MCP23017 data sheet](