# lcov_ex

Test coverage module to generate a `` file for an Elixir project.

The docs can be found at [](

## Why

Many test coverage tools use `lcov` files as an input to generate reports.

I use it to see inline coverage progress in vscode with the [Coverage Gutters extension](

## Installation

Add to your dependencies:

def deps do
    {:lcov_ex, "~> 0.1.0"}

Then, select `LcovEx` as your test coverage tool in your project configuration:

def project do
    test_coverage: [tool: LcovEx],

## Usage

Run tests with coverage:

mix test --cover

File should be created at `./cover/` by default.

## TODOs

- Add missing `FN` lines, for the sake of completion.
- Make it work as a `Task` to avoid overwriting the `test_coverage` tool config.