# Lens
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A utility for working with nested data structures.
## Example
Lens allows you to separate which parts of a complex data structure need to be processed from the actual
processing. Take the following:
data = %{
main_widget: %{size: 200.5, subwidgets: [%{size: 120, subwidgets: [%{size: 200, subwidgets: []}]}]},
other_widgets: [
%{size: 16.5, subwidgets: [%{size: 120, subwidgets: []}]},
%{size: 160.5, subwidgets: []},
%{size: 121.9, subwidgets: []},
Let's say we're interested in the sizes of all widgets (be they the main widget or other widgets) that are larger than 100.
We can construct a `Lens` object that describes these locations in the datastructure the following way:
lens = Lens.both(
Lens.seq(Lens.key(:other_widgets), Lens.all)
|> Lens.seq_both(
Lens.recur(Lens.seq(Lens.key(:subwidgets), Lens.all))
|> Lens.seq(Lens.key(:size))
|> Lens.satisfy(&(&1 > 100))
Given that we can:
* Extract all the relevant data
iex> Lens.to_list(lens, data)
[200.5, 160.5, 121.9, 120, 200, 120]
* Update the described locations in the data structure
iex> Lens.map(lens, data, &round/1)
%{main_widget: %{size: 201,
subwidgets: [%{size: 120, subwidgets: [%{size: 200, subwidgets: []}]}]},
other_widgets: [%{size: 16.5, subwidgets: [%{size: 120, subwidgets: []}]},
%{size: 161, subwidgets: []}, %{size: 122, subwidgets: []}]}
* Simultaneously update and return something from every location in the data
iex> Lens.get_and_map(lens, data, fn size -> {size, round(size)} end)
{[200.5, 160.5, 121.9, 120, 200, 120],
%{main_widget: %{size: 201,
subwidgets: [%{size: 120, subwidgets: [%{size: 200, subwidgets: []}]}]},
other_widgets: [%{size: 16.5, subwidgets: [%{size: 120, subwidgets: []}]},
%{size: 161, subwidgets: []}, %{size: 122, subwidgets: []}]}}
Lenses are also compatible with `Access` and associated `Kernel` functions:
iex> get_in([1, 2, 3], [Lens.filter(&Integer.is_odd/1)])
[1, 3]
iex> update_in([1, 2, 3], [Lens.filter(&Integer.is_odd/1)], fn x -> x + 1 end)
[2, 2, 4]
iex> get_and_update_in([1, 2, 3], [Lens.filter(&Integer.is_odd/1)], fn x -> {x - 1, x + 1} end)
{[0, 2], [2, 2, 4]}
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed as:
1. Add lens to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:lens, "~> 0.3.0"}]
2. Ensure lens is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:lens]]