# Lettuce 🥬

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Lettuce is a generic server process that checks the files within an elixir
project that has lettuce as a dependency and then runs `iex -S mix`. It
initialises the state of the generic server with the `.ex` files inside `lib`
and their last modified time. By default `lib` is used but you may specify which
folders you want to be watched.

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## Configuration example

use Mix.Config

config :lettuce, folders_to_watch: ["apps"]

You can also change the refresh time to control how often the project files
will be checked.

use Mix.Config

config :lettuce, refresh_time: 1500


Even though the `start_link` will throw an error if the `Mix.env` equals to
`:dev` it is recommended to explicitly select the extra applications by
environment in the mix file.

def application do
    extra_applications: extra_applications(Mix.env(), [:logger, ...])

defp extra_applications(:dev, default), do: default ++ [:lettuce]
defp extra_applications(_, default), do: default

### Mix compiler task options

You might send special parameters to the compiler task that lettuce runs. This
is not required. In your project of parameters in config.exs:


config :lettuce,
  folders_to_watch: ["lib"],
  compiler_opts: [

For the available options check the [Mix.Tasks.Compile.Elixir]( docs.

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## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `lettuce` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:lettuce, "~> 0.2.0", only: :dev}

## Inspiration

While giving Node.js lessons as part of a charity called [MigraCode](
in El Borne, Barcelona. We were reviewing some exercises and one of the steps in
the instructions was to npm install nodemon, which reminded me of all the times
I was inside IEx debbuging and I had to call recompile.

## Author

Josep Lluis Giralt D'Lacoste.

## License

Lettuce is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further