# Lexicon
A lexicon (word list) implemented in Elixir. This project was inspired by the
[Lexicon class](http://stanford.edu/~stepp/cppdoc/Lexicon-class.html) found in
the [Stanford C++ libraries](http://stanford.edu/~stepp/cppdoc/).
## Installation
To use Lexicon in your Mix projects, first add Lexicon as a dependency:
def deps do
[{:lexicon, "~> 0.1.1"}]
After adding Lexicon as a dependency, run `mix deps.get` to install it.
## Usage
lexicon = Lexicon.new(["cat", "dog"])
lexicon = Lexicon.add("elephant")
true == Lexicon.has_word?(lexicon, "cat")
false == Lexicon.has_prefix?(lexicon, "a")