# Pub

Performs interactions with EventBus

## Initial creation

This library is created with the following command:

mix new --module Pub --sup --app lib_event_bus lib-eventbus

## Installation

Add in your `mix.exs`:

  defp deps do
      # another packages here ...
      {:lib_event_bus, "0.1.0", organization: "rentbrella"}

## Configuration

### Environment variables

This library depends of the following environment variables to work correctly:


### Callback functions

Configure callback functions according bellow:

config :lib_elixir_eventbus,
  callbacks: [
    {"event1",      &MyCoolModule.my_func1/1},
    {"event2",  &MyCoolModule.my_func2/1},
    {"event3", &MyCoolModule.my_func3/1}

These functions will be called whenever a new message is arrived by SQS. The argument of this function will be a struct `%SQSMessage{}` representing the received message.

Note that is possible set up different functions for different events.

## Usage

### Publishing a message

alias Pub
alias Pub.Event

{:ok, event} ="event1", %{"user_id" => 1})


### Receiving a message

alias Pub
