# libcluster_yasd

YASD Strategy for libcluster

This is the [YASD]( strategy implementation for libcluster to join Erlang nodes.

## Installation

Add `:libcluster_yasd` to you deps:

def deps do
    {:libcluster_yasd, "~> 0.1.0"}

The docs can be found at [](

## Usage

Make sure your application is started with correct node name.
Node name should be in format of `{app_name}@{node_ip}` for example `:"my_app@"`.

To start your app with the correct node name you can use `--name` switch. Example:
elixir --name "my_app@" --cookie "secret_cookie" -S mix run --no-halt

NOTE: **All nodes should have the same cookie in order to connect**

topologies = [
  my_yasd: [
    strategy: ClusterYASD.Strategy,
    config: [
      base_url: "http://yaasd:4001" 
And finally add it to your supervision tree.

{Cluster.Supervisor, [topologies, [name: MyApp.ClusterSupervisor]]}

## What is YASD?

Your can learn more about YASD on its github page [](

## License