<p align="center"><img src="design/logo.png" alt="libelection" height="300px"></p>

# Libelection

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Library to perform leader election in a cluster of containerized Elixir nodes.

## Installation

def deps do
  [{:libelection, "~> 0.3.0"}]

## Usage


if Election.leader? do
  # Code path executed only by the leader node
  # Code path executed by followers

## How it works

Polls the API of the configured container orchestration platform to determine the oldest node of the cluster.

To configure the polling interval use:

config :libelection, :polling_interval, 2_000 # 2 seconds

To configure the function which lists the node of the cluster use:

config :libelection, :list_nodes, {module, function, args}
# it can also be a function reference
config :libelection, :list_nodes, &SomeModule.some_function/1

Configure the logger
config :libelection, :logger, %{level: :debug} # Default

*Note:* The configuration also supports [confex]( style configurations.

## Election Strategies

### Rancher

The [`create_index`]( identifier is used to pick the leader.

config :libelection,
  strategy: Election.Strategy.Rancher,
  rancher_node_basename: "some-app"

### Kubernetes

The [`resourceVersion`]( identifier
is used to pick the leader.

config :libelection,
  strategy: Election.Strategy.Kubernetes,
  kubernetes_selector: "app=some-app",
  kubernetes_node_basename: "some-app"

## Documentation

* [exdoc](
* wiki (coming soon)

## License
