defmodule Libmention.Supervisor do
@moduledoc """
Responsible for managing send and receive jobs.
Put this in your supervision tree to start the processes of sending and/or receiving webmentions.
opts = [
outgoing: [],
incoming: []
children = [
{Libmention.Supervisor, opts}
## Options
A keyword list of options is accepted for configuring one or both of
* incoming webmentions (See "Incoming Opts" section)
* outgoing webmentions (See "Outgoing Opts" section)
### Incoming opts
### Outgoing opts
If you desire to send webmentions from your site, an `outgoing` key should be configured which
takes it's own keyword list of options.
outgoing: [
user_agent: "",
storage: Libmention.EtsStorage,
proxy: [
port: 8082,
host: "localhost"
Options include:
* user_agent - String - Customize the HTTP User Agent used when fetching the target URL. Defaults to "libmention-Webmention-Discovery"
* storage - Module - The storage behaviour module to use when sending webmentions. Defaults to Libmention.EtsStorage. See `Libmention.StorageApi` for more options.
* proxy - Keyword List - This is useful for local development only. If enabled, it starts a Plug application on the requested port `proxy: [port: 8082]` that all sent webmentions go to and shows a dashboard with their payloads. See `Libmention.Outgoing.Proxy` for a full explanation and other options available.
use Supervisor
def start_link(init_arg) do
Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, init_arg, name: __MODULE__)
@impl true
def init(args) do
outgoing_opts = Keyword.get(args, :outgoing, nil)
children = []
children =
if outgoing_opts do
outgoing_opts = Keyword.put_new(outgoing_opts, :storage, Libmention.EtsStorage)
children ++ [Libmention.OutgoingSupervisor.child_spec(outgoing_opts)]
Supervisor.init(children, strategy: :one_for_one)
@doc """
Starts a process that parses, validates and sends webmentions.
def send(url, html), do: Libmention.Outgoing.WorkerSupervisor.process_content(url, html)