# Licensir
An Elixir mix task that list the license(s) of all installed packages in your project.
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `:licensir` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:licensir, "~> 0.7", only: :dev, runtime: false}
This mix task in most cases only needs to be run on a development machine and independent from the runtime applications, hence the `only: dev, runtime: false` options.
#### Install locally
If you do not wish to include this tool as part of your dependencies, you may also install it locally by running:
$ mix archive.install hex licensir 0.7.0
Now you can access this tool from any path on your local machine that has access to `mix`.
## Usage
Run `mix licenses` to get the list of packages and their licenses:
$ mix licenses
| Package | Version | License |
| certifi | | BSD |
| earmark | 1.3.2 | Apache 2.0 |
| ex_doc | 0.20.2 | Apache 2.0 |
| excoveralls | | Unsure (found: MIT, Unrecognized license file content) |
| hackney | | Apache 2.0 |
| idna | | Unsure (found: BSD, MIT) |
| jason | | Apache 2.0 |
| makeup | 0.8.0 | Unsure (found: BSD, Unrecognized license file content) |
| makeup_elixir | 0.13.0 | BSD |
| metrics | | BSD |
| mimerl | | MIT |
| nimble_parsec | 0.5.0 | Apache 2.0 |
| ssl_verify_fun | | MIT |
| table_rex | 2.0.0 | MIT |
| unicode_util_compat | | Unsure (found: Apache 2.0, BSD) |
Run `mix licenses --csv` to output in csv format:
earmark,1.3.2,Apache 2.0
ex_doc,0.20.2,Apache 2.0
excoveralls,,"Unsure (found: MIT, Unrecognized license file content)"
hackney,,Apache 2.0
idna,,"Unsure (found: BSD, MIT)"
jason,,Apache 2.0
makeup,0.8.0,"Unsure (found: BSD, Unrecognized license file content)"
nimble_parsec,0.5.0,Apache 2.0
unicode_util_compat,,"Unsure (found: Apache 2.0, BSD)"
### Flags
* `--top-level-only` - Only fetch license information from top level dependencies (e.g. packages that are directly listed in your application's `mix.exs`). Excludes transitive dependencies.
## Usage as a library
You may call the function `Licensir.Scanner.scan()` from your Elixir application to get a list of license data per dependency.
iex> Licensir.Scanner.scan([])
app: :jason,
dep: %Mix.Dep{
app: :jason,
deps: ...
file: "Apache 2",
hex_metadata: ["Apache 2.0"],
license: "Apache 2.0",
mix: nil,
name: "jason",
version: nil
## Copyright and License
Copyright (c) 2017, Unnawut Leepaisalsuwanna.
This library is released under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE.md](./LICENSE.md) file
for further details.
This project contains 3rd party work as follow:
- ASCII table rendering: a [partial copy](https://github.com/unnawut/licensir/tree/master/lib/table_rex) of [djm/table_rex](https://github.com/djm/table_rex).
- CSV rendering: a [partial copy](https://github.com/unnawut/licensir/tree/master/lib/csv) of [beatrichartz/csv](https://github.com/beatrichartz/csv).