# Limbo

Experiment in **Test && Commit || Revert**

## Installation

In `mix.ex`  ... add to deps()
  {:limbo, "~> 0.1.5" }
... add to project()
   preferred_cli_env: ["limbo.high": :test, "limbo.low": :test]

then run  
1. `mix deps.get`
1. `mix deps.compile limbo`

### In one terminal window run
`mix limbo.pull_push`
This will push commits to the trunk whenever they are ready

## In another window run the tests
### Basic Usage
` MIX_ENV=test mix limbo.high `
Runs tests. If Tests pass commit to git else NOTHING

### Advanced Usage
` MIX_ENV=test mix limbo.low `
Runs tests. If Tests pass commit to git else REVERT

#### Previous repo

#### References
* [Kent Beck](
* [Kent Beck - TCR Pod Cast](
* [JB Rainsberger](
* [Thomas Deniffel](
* [Pending Flag from Oddmund Strømme](
* [Breaking the Code: Scale Engineering & Software Cultural Shifts with Kent Beck- EP004](!eeb95)