# Limitex
A pure Elixir distributed rate limiter based on the
[Token Bucket](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Token_bucket) algorithm.
## Description
**Limitex** uses sharded ETS tables with write and read concurrency enabled, node
clustering is not handled by this package, something like [libcluster](https://github.com/bitwalker/libcluster) is recomended.
#### Example
=> Limitex.check_rate("", 60_000, 2)
{:ok, 1}
=> Limitex.check_rate("", 60_000, 2)
{:ok, 2}
=> Limitex.check_rate("", 60_000, 2)
{:error, :rate_limited}
## Installation
You can find **Limitex** in [Hex.pm](https://hex.pm/packages/limitex) and you can add it to your project dependencies:
# mix.exs
def deps do
{:limitex, "~> 0.1.1"}
## Configuration
**Limitex** will perform scheduled cleanups to remove expired buckets, to handle
this, we should provide a cleanup interval and an expiry:
# config.exs
config :limitex,
cleanup_interval: 60_000, # 1 minute (defaults to 5 minutes)
expiry: 300_000 # 5 minutes (defaults to 15 minutes)
Table cleanups will be scheduled every minute in this example (defaults to 5
minutes), and will delete buckets where expiry has already passed, it's
important to give a value greater than the biggest bucket we create (the
bucket_time param in `check_rate` function, see below).
So if we're creating a bucket of 1 hour: `Limitex.check_rate("some_id",
3_600_000, 20)` we should give a bigger number in our config to prevent cleanup
to delete buckets which are not yet expired:
# config.exs
config :limitex,
expiry: 3_800_000
`expiry` defaults to 15 minutes.
## Usage
**Limitex** exports a single function: `check_rate/3` and `check_rate/4`.
* `check_rate(id, bucket_time, limit)`
* `check_rate(id, bucket_time, limit, increment)`
which return an `{:ok, count}` or `{:error, :rate_limited}` tuples.
#### Parameters
* `id` is a string to identify who's requesting the action, it can be
composed of a unique part such as an IP address or a user ID, plus some action
identifier (see example below).
* `bucket_time` is the amount of time you want to rate limit the action for the ID, must
be given in milliseconds.
* `limit` is an integer which determines how many times we're allowed to perform
the action in the given time.
* `increment` each time you call the function, the count to reach the limit is
increased by 1 as a default, you can alternatively pass an arbitrary integer
to increase the limit.
## Examples
Inside your app you can call it inside any function:
defmodule MyApp.Upload do
def upload(video_data, user_id) do
case Limitex.check_rate("upload:#{user_id}", 60_000, 5) do
{:ok, _count} ->
# upload the video, somehow
{:error, :rate_limited} ->
# deny the request
So in the above example we'll limit user's uploads to 5 every 60 seconds.
## Benchmarks
Basic benchmarks can be run with `mix bench`.
These benchmarks were run on an iMac 4 GHz Intel Core i7 w/ 32GB RAM.
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
check_rate (100,000) 388.48 K 2.57 μs ±892.63% 1.98 μs 4.98 μs
check_rate (1,000,000) 395.01 K 2.53 μs ±898.74% 2 μs 4 μs