# Liquex
A [Liquid](https://shopify.github.io/liquid/) template parser for Elixir.
Liquid template renderer for Elixir with a goal of 100% compatibility with the
[Liquid](https://shopify.github.io/liquid/) gem by [Shopify](https://www.shopify.com/).
## Installation
The package is [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/packages/liquex) and can be installed
by adding `liquex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:liquex, "~> 0.5"}
Documentation can be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/liquex](https://hexdocs.pm/liquex).
## Basic Usage
iex> {:ok, template_ast} = Liquex.parse("Hello {{ name }}!")
iex> context = Liquex.Context.new(%{"name" => "World"})
iex> {content, _context} = Liquex.render(template_ast, context)
iex> content |> to_string()
"Hello World!"
## Supported features
Currently, all standard Liquid tags, filters, and types are fully supported. Liquex can
be considered a drop in replacement of the Liquid gem, but in Elixir.
- [x] All standard tags and filters
- [x] Custom tags and filters
- [x] Lazy variable resolvers
- [x] Date processing parity with Ruby
- [x] Access maps with atom or string keys
There is a caveat that must be noted: ***Whitespace control is partially supported.***
[Whitespace control](https://shopify.github.io/liquid/basics/whitespace/) is only partially
supported. Whitespace is successfully removed after `-%}` and `-}}` tags. However, whitespace
isn't removed from the left side yet, before `{%-` and `{{-`. This is because we're using
[NimbleParsec](https://github.com/dashbitco/nimble_parsec) which does not support greedy matches.
Instead, we will need to do post processing to properly remove spaces. As whitespace control is
deemed of low importance for most applications, this has not been prioritized.
## Lazy variables
Liquex allows resolver functions for variables that may require some extra
work to generate. For example, Shopify has variables for things like
available products. Pulling all products every time would be too expensive
to do on every render. Instead, it would be better to lazily pull that
information as needed.
Instead of adding the product list to the context variable map, you can add
a function to the variable map. If a function is accessed in the variable
map, it is executed.
products_resolver = fn _parent -> Product.all() end
with context <- Liquex.Context.new(%{products: products_resolver}),
{:ok, document} <- Liquex.parse("There are {{ products.size }} products"),
{result, _} <- Liquex.render(document, context) do
iex> "There are 5 products"
## Indifferent access
By default, Liquex accesses your maps and structs that may have atom or
string (or other type) keys. Liquex will try a string key first. If that
fails, it will fall back to using an atom keys. This is similar to how
Ruby on Rails handles many of its hashes.
This allows you to pass in your structs without having to replace all your
keys with string keys.
iex> {:ok, template_ast} = Liquex.parse("Hello {{ name }}!")
iex> context = Liquex.Context.new(%{name: "World"})
iex> {content, _context} = Liquex.render(template_ast, context)
iex> content |> to_string()
"Hello World!"
## Custom filters
Liquex contains the full suite of standard Liquid filters, but you may find that there are still
filters that you may want to add.
Liquex supports adding your own custom filters to the render pipeline. When creating the context
for the renderer, set the filter module to your own module.
defmodule CustomFilter do
# Import all the standard liquid filters
use Liquex.Filter
def scream(value, _), do: String.upcase(value) <> "!"
context = Liquex.Context.new(%{}, filter_module: CustomFilter)
{:ok, template_ast} = Liquex.parse("{{'Hello World' | scream}}"
{result, _} = Liquex.render(template_ast, context)
result |> to_string()
## Custom tags
One of the strong points for Liquex is that the tag parser can be extended to support non-standard
tags. For example, Liquid used internally for the Shopify site includes a large range of tags that
are not supported by the base Ruby gem. These tags could also be added to Liquex by extending the
liquid parser.
defmodule CustomTag do
import NimbleParsec
alias Liquex.Parser.Base
# Parse <<Custom Tag>>
def custom_tag(combinator \\\\ empty()) do
text =
|> utf8_char([])
|> times(min: 1)
|> reduce({Kernel, :to_string, []})
|> tag(:text)
|> ignore(string("<<"))
|> optional(text)
|> ignore(string(">>"))
|> tag(:custom_tag)
def element(combinator \\\\ empty()) do
# Add the `custom_tag/1` parsing function to the supported element tag list
|> choice([custom_tag(), Base.base_element()])
defmodule CustomParser do
@moduledoc false
import NimbleParsec
defcombinatorp(:document, repeat(CustomTag.element()))
defparsec(:parse, parsec(:document) |> eos())
iex> Liquex.parse("<<Hello World!>>", CustomParser)
iex> {:ok, [custom_tag: [text: ["Hello World!"]]]}
## Custom renderer
In many cases, if you are building custom tags for your Liquid documents, you probably want to
use a custom renderer. Just like the custom filters, you add your module to the context object.
defmodule CustomTagRender do
def render({:custom_tag, contents}, context) do
{result, context} = Liquex.render(contents, context)
{["Custom Tag: ", result], context}
# Ignore this tag if we don't match
def render(_, _), do: false
context = %Liquex.Context.new(%{}, render_module: CustomTagRender)
{:ok, document} = Liquex.parse("<<Hello World!>>", CustomParser)
{result, _} = Liquex.render(document, context)
result |> to_string()
iex> "Custom Tag: Hello World!"