# ListToCsv

Convert list of nested map to two dimensional list of strings.

## Example

    name: "name1",
    items: [
      %{title: "title1", code: "code1"},
      %{title: "title2", code: "code2"},
      %{title: "title3", code: "code3"}
    name: "name2",
    items: [
      %{title: "title4", code: "code4"},
      %{title: "title5", code: "code5"},
      %{title: "title6", code: "code6"},
      %{title: "title7", code: "code7"},
      %{title: "title8", code: "code8"}
|> ListToCsv.parse(
  headers: [
    "item overflow?"
  keys: [
    [:items, :N, :title],
    [:items, :N, :code],
    [:items, &(length(&1) > 4)]
  length: [items: 4]
=> [
  ["名前", "アイテム1名", "アイテム1コード", "アイテム2名",
   "アイテム2コード", "アイテム3名", "アイテム3コード",
   "アイテム4名", "アイテム4コード", "item overflow?"],
  ["name1", "title1", "code1", "title2", "code2", "title3", "code3", "", "",
  ["name2", "title4", "code4", "title5", "code5", "title6", "code6", "title7",
   "code7", "true"]

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `list_to_csv` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:list_to_csv, "~> 1.0.0"}

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