
> LiveCharts allows you to render static and dynamic charts in Phoenix LiveView applications.

LiveCharts currently comes with support for [ApexCharts][apexcharts] out of the box, but it
can work with any JS charting library that has a [`LiveCharts.Adapter`][docs-adapter] defined.

To see live demos, visit: [][demos].

## Installation

Add `:live_charts` to your `mix.exs` dependencies:

defp deps do
    {:live_charts, "~> 0.3.0"},

Then include the LiveCharts hooks in your `app.js`:

// Import the JS file
import LiveCharts from "live_charts"

// Include the hooks
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {
  params: {_csrf_token: csrfToken},
  hooks: {
    // your other hooks...
    // e.g. SomeCustomHook,

    // Expand LiveCharts hooks at the end

## Configuration

LiveCharts may optionally be configured to set the default adapter or JSON encoding library.
It currently defaults to the following:

# config/config.exs

config :live_charts,
  adapter: LiveCharts.Adapter.ApexCharts,
  json_library: Jason

## Usage

### Chart data

LiveCharts tracks a chart's data and configuration in a [`%Chart{}`][docs-chart] struct.
Before it can be rendered, you need to build this struct.

my_chart ={
    # (Optional) a unique string id to differentiate the chart from other
    # charts on the same page. If not set, a random id will be assigned
    # to the chart.
    id: "my-custom-chart-id",

    # Set the chart type. Supports `:line`, `:bar`, `:pie`, `:donut`,
    # `:area`, and many more. For a full list of supported types, see the
    # adapter or JS library documentation.
    type: :bar,

    # A list of series data with all the datapoints to chart. Format of
    # this data is determined by the adapter/JS library. This may also
    # be empty, if you plan to push dynamic updates to the chart over
    # the socket later.
    series: [
      %{name: "Sales", data: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]},

    # (Optional) Other library and adapter-specific options.
    options: %{
      xaxis: %{
        categories: [2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025]

    # (Optional) set the adapter to use for the chart. If not set, uses
    # the global adapter configured in `config.exs` (defaults to
    # `LiveCharts.Adapter.ApexCharts`).
    adapter: LiveCharts.Adapter.ApexCharts,

For a full list of options, see the official [ApexCharts docs][apexcharts-docs] and
the [`LiveCharts.Adapter.ApexCharts`][docs-apex] adapter information on HexDocs.
You can also [view live demos][demos] here.

### Render Static Charts

With a `LiveCharts.Chart` struct defined, you can now `assign` it in your liveview:

def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
  socket =
    |> assign(:page_title, "Page with charts!")
    |> assign(:my_chart, my_chart)

  {:ok, socket}

To then render the chart in a heex template, use `LiveCharts.chart/1` component:

<LiveCharts.chart chart={@my_chart} />

This will re-render the chart on the page any time the `chart` assign is changed or updated.

### Push Realtime/Dynamic updates to the Chart

If the chart needs to be updated often, a better strategy is to only push the new data instead
of rebuilding the entire chart and re-rendering it. You can do so by calling:

LiveCharts.push_update(socket,, updated_series)

## Example

Let's say we want to render a line chart that starts out empty, but as we get datapoints from
an external source, we want to push them to the users' browsers.

We'll start by assigning a line chart to the LiveView:

@impl true
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
  # Build an empty chart with custom settings
  chart ={
    type: :line,
    series: [],
    options: %{
      xaxis: %{type: "datetime"},
      yaxis: %{min: 0, max: 100},
      chart: %{
        animations: %{enabled: true, easing: "linear"},
        zoom: %{enabled: false}

  socket =
    |> assign(:chart, chart)
    |> assign(:chart_data, [])

  {:ok, socket}

Then, render the empty chart in your heex template:

<LiveCharts.chart chart={@chart} />

Assuming you already have a mechanism in place to receive new data points in the liveview, you
can then update the chart data and push it over the socket:

@impl true
def handle_info({:chart_datapoint, {x, y}}, socket) do
  %{chart: chart, chart_data: data} = socket.assigns

  data = [%{x: x, y: y} | data]
  series = [%{data: Enum.reverse(data)}]

  socket =
    |> assign(:chart_data, data)
    |> LiveCharts.push_update(chart, series)

  {:noreply, socket}

We have used `handle_info/2` here, but chart updates could just as easily be pushed from other
liveview callbacks. E.g. from `handle_event/3` when the user triggers an event or
`handle_async/3` when an async task is completed.

A live demo is also available on [][demos].

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If you're looking for expertise for your Elixir/Phoenix projects, we can help! Talk to us at

## License

LiveCharts is licensed under the [MIT License][license].

