# LiveElements

## Goals
The goal of LiveElements is to improve the ergonomics of integrating custom HTML elements with [Phoenix LiveView]( 

## Non-goals
This project assumes
you are using custom elements on a page served by phoenix. If you are building custom elements 
that need to talk to a phoenix app but live on a page not served by phoenix (on a statically generated site for example), you may want to check out [LiveState]( instead.

## Description

We accomplish our goal by creating helper functions to make 
working with custom elements just as easy as any other LiveView functional component.

For example, let's say you have a `<todo-list>` custom element that has an attribute 
that takes a list of todos, and emits an `add_todo` Custom Event. LiveElements will 
generate a helper function (details below) which will wrap the custom element like

<.todo_list todos={@todos}></.todo_list>

Serialization of todos to json happens automatically. In your live view you handle the `add_todo` event just like any other live view event:

  def handle_event("add_todo", %{"todo" => todo}, %{assigns: %{todos: todos}} = socket) do
    {:noreply, socket |> assign(todos: todos ++ [todo])}

## Installation

### Install hex package

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `live_elements` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:live_elements, "~> 0.1.0"}

### Install Custom Events hook

Presuming your custom element emits custom events you want to handle in live view, you'll need to install the `phoenix-custom-event-hook` npm package and add the hook 
to the live socket.

To install (from project dir):

npm install --prefix assets phoenix-custom-event-hook

Then, in `app.js` (or wherever you set up your live socket):

import PhoenixCustomEventHook from 'phoenix-custom-event-hook';

let csrfToken = document.querySelector("meta[name='csrf-token']").getAttribute("content")
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {params: {_csrf_token: csrfToken}, hooks: {PhoenixCustomEventHook}})

# Usage

In the LiveViews where you want to call custom element helper functions do:

use LiveElements.CustomElementsHelpers

You can do this in `core_components.ex` if you want custom element helper functions available in 
all your live view.

## Producing helper functions from a custom elements manifest file

LiveElements can consume a [custom elements manifest file]( to produce helper functions
at compile time. To do so, in your config:

config :live_elements, 
  custom_elements_manifest: Path.expand("../assets/custom-elements.json", __DIR__)

To produce a manifest file automatically from your custom element source code, you might want to check out the [custom element analyzer]( from

## Using the `custom_element` macro

If you are using a library that does not have a manifest, or don't wish to use one, you can 
also use the `custom_element` macro like so:

  custom_element :bx_data_table, events: ["bx-table-header-cell-sort"]

This would then allow you to call `<.bx_data_table>` in your live view and `handle_event("bx-table-header-cell-sort", ...)` to respond to events.

# Example

The [live_elements_testbed]( contains an 
example phoenix liveview app demonstrating all of the features of live_elements, as well as
integration tests for the live_elements project.